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let alone / much less / never mind

These are used to express that something is even more unlikely or impossible when compared to something else. They are often used to emphasize the improbability of a situation. Let’s make that crystal clear with some examples.

🤔 I don't know that word in Italian,🇮🇹 let alone English.🫖
🤔 I don't know that word in Italian,🇮🇹 much less English.🫖
🤔 I don't know that word in Italian,🇮🇹 never mind English.🫖

🥚 I can't boil an egg 🍳, let alone make an elaborate omelette! 🍳🥪
🥚 I can't boil an egg 🍳, much less make an elaborate omelette! 🍳🥪
🥚 I can't boil an egg 🍳, never mind make an elaborate omelette! 🍳🥪

🏡 He would never leave his hometown, 🌍 let alone travel the world. ✈️🌎
🏡 He would never leave his hometown, 🌍 much less travel the world. ✈️🌎
🏡 He would never leave his hometown, 🌍 never mind travel the world. ✈️🌎

Got it?

This is used to introduce additional information or examples, often to emphasize something already mentioned or to highlight something that should not be forgotten. It's a way of saying "in addition to" or "as well as" and is typically used to provide further details or examples that support or strengthen a point. Note that we add this to the end of sentences, and we do not tend to begin a new sentence with it. OK? That’s very important to remember.

🏖️ I love going to the beach 🏝️ for the sun and sand, not to mention the refreshing sea breeze! 🌊

🎵 She has an incredible singing voice 🎤, not to mention her amazing guitar skills! 🎸

📚 The library is a quiet place to study 📖, not to mention it's filled with a vast range of books! 🤓

Not to mention” is often confused with “let alone”. Here are the differences:

Not to mention” adds to a topic by introducing relevant information while “let alone” compares two ideas to emphasize the difficulty or unlikely event of the second one. Consider the following:

🕴🏻”He’s a great actor, not to mention his good looks.” 💁🏼‍♂️
🚴🏻 “He can't even ride a bicycle, let alone drive a car." 🚗

That might be confusing for you. Do you have any questions?
📚 I can't even say "hello" in German, let alone hold a conversation! 🇩🇪🙅‍♂️
🗣 He struggles with basic grammar in French, let alone mastering the nuances of the language! 🇫🇷😬
🎤 I can't even introduce myself in Japanese, let alone give a presentation! 🇯🇵👋
📝 She can't write a simple sentence in Italian, let alone compose a full essay! 🇮🇹📄

ناگفته نماند که/ چه برسه . . .گذشته از این که/صرفنظر از این که
🗣 Pronunciation practice is crucial, not to mention exposure to native speakers! 🗣👂🌍
📝 Grammar is essential, not to mention writing practice and sentence structure! 📄📖🖋
🇫🇷 Learning French includes listening skills, not to mention understanding different accents! 🇫🇷👂🌏
📖 Reading is beneficial for language learning, not to mention cultural understanding! 📚🌎🤝


When someone or something is trustworthy it implies they are honest and dependable. It involves qualities like integrity and transparency.

💼 Jane's a trustworthy colleague; she keeps secrets safe.
🤝 Tom's honesty makes him trustworthy with personal matters.
👩‍👦 A trustworthy babysitter is essential for parents.
📰 Trustworthy news sources are crucial in today's world.
👎🏻 Tom turned out to be untrustworthy; he broke his promise.

When someone/something is reliable it emphasises dependability, consistency and predictability. It has to do with the ability to deliver or perform as expected.

📦 The courier service is reliable; it delivers on time.
🚗 This car is very reliable; it never breaks down.
🛞 John is a reliable driver; he's never had an accident.
🫂 Emily is a reliable friend who is there when you need her.
Sarah can be quite unreliable; she often arrives late for meetings.
Lay it on thick
BBC Radio


Lay it on thick
An expression about exaggerating or praising someone too much.(Image: Getty)TRANSCRIPTFind a full transcript for this episode and more programm
🔴 Iran is the only country where Thursday is a holiday or half-holiday!

Currently, Iran's private sector's economic relations with foreign countries practically amount to 4 days, considering that Thursday is almost a half-holiday. If Thursdays are officially and legally declared holidays as well, the number of common working days with foreign countries outside Iran would decrease to 3 days! 🌍📅

✍🏻 ایران تنها کشوری است که پنجشنبه در آن تعطیل یا نیمه تعطیل است!

در حال حاضر مناسبات اقتصادی بخش خصوصی ایران با خارج، با احتساب پنجشنبه که تقریبا نیمه تعطیل است عملا ۴ روز است، و در صورتیکه بطور رسمی و قانونی پنجشنبه‌ها نیز تعطیل شود، تعداد روزهای کاری مشترک با خارج از ایران به ۳ روز کاهش می‌یابد!

📝 Vocabulary List:

- Holiday: [تعطیلی]
- Half-holiday: [نیمه تعطیل]
- Facilitate: [تسهیل کردن]
- Economic communication: [ارتباط اقتصادی]
- Practically: [عملیاً]
- Declared: [اعلام شده]

🔹Veer onto/off/from-to: to change direction

🔹Despair: feeling of hopelessness
Red hot anger: extreme anger

🔹Demonize: make someone seem evil - damage someone's reputation - besmirch someone's reputation

🔹Address: give attention to an issue

🔹Underpin: give strength/support to sth


The English We Speak: Have your cake and eat it
BBC World Service
The English We Speak: Have your cake and eat it
In this series you can learn authentic English words and phrases.


TEWS: Wake up and smell the coffee! 05 Mar 12
BBC World Service
Wake up and smell the coffee!
In this series you can learn authentic English words and phrases.


🔴 Which countries have the highest percentage of bald men?

🔹What is the percentage of bald men in different countries?

✍🏻 مردان کدام کشورها کچل ترند؟

🔹درصد مردان کچل در کشورهای مختلف چگونه است؟


📝 Vocabulary List:

- Percentage: درصد
- Bald: کچل
- Countries: کشورها
- Highest: بالاترین


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🔴 🌍👩 A foreign female tourist visiting Iran has created beautiful views with her extraordinary artistic skills by traveling to historical sites.

✍🏻 یک بانوی گردشگر خارجی با سفر به ایران و مکان‌های تاریخی ویوهای زیبایی را با هنرنمایی فوق العاده‌ ی خود خلق کرده..

📝 Vocabulary List:

- Foreign: [خارجی]
- Tourist: [گردشگر]
- Extraordinary: [بی‌نظیر]
- Artistic: [هنری]
- Historical: [تاریخی]


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🔴 A tragic accident occurred during a car race in Sri Lanka.

🔹 Seven people lost their lives and twenty others were injured when a car collided with spectators during a car race in the city of "Diyatalawa" in Sri Lanka.

✍🏻 🔴تصادف مرگبار در مسابقه اتومبیل‌رانی سریلانکا

🔹بر اثر برخورد اتومبیل با تماشاگران در حین مسابقه اتومبیل‌رانی در شهر «دیاتالاوا»، در سریلانکا، 7 نفر جان باختند و 20 نفر مجروح شدند.

📝 Vocabulary List:

- Tragic: [تراژیک] - واقعه‌ای ناراحت‌کننده یا ناروا
- Accident: [تصادف] - واقعه‌ای ناخواسته و ناگهانی که ممکن است آسیب یا ضرری به انسان یا مالکیت وارد کند
- Collided: [تصادف کردن] - برخورد کردن یا تصادف کردن
- Spectators: [تماشاگران] - افرادی که یک رویداد یا نمایش را تماشا می‌کنند
- City: [شهر] - ناحیه‌ای که تعداد زیادی از انسان‌ها در آن زندگی می‌کنند


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🔴 📅 In 1994, it was truly a remarkable year in cinema. Every movie that was watched deserved to be awarded an Oscar. 🎥


✍🏻 سال ۱۹۹۴ واقعا سال عجیبی توی سینما بود
به تک تک فیلمایی که اسمشون خونده شد. باید بهشون اسکار داده میشد.


📝 Vocabulary List:

- Remarkable: بی‌نظیر
- Deserved: شایسته
- Awarded: اهدا شده
- Cinema: سینما
- Oscar: جایزه اسکار


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2024/09/30 21:29:21
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