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How to improve your American Accent: Understanding Schwa #Accent


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Learn the SCHWA SOUND /ə/ the Most Common Sound in English




”I’m not bothered."

When you say "I'm not bothered," it's like you're saying something doesn't affect you emotionally or you don't mind it happening. It's a chill response to a situation, indicating that you're pretty okay with whatever's going on, or it just doesn't get to you.

😀 I'm not bothered by the rain; I grew up with it after all. 🌧️
😊 A lot of people don’t like my teaching style but I’m not bothered. 📚

"I can't be bothered."

On the flip side, "I can't be bothered" shows a lack of willingness or interest in doing something. It's not about being emotionally affected; it's more about not wanting to put in the effort. This phrase is handy when you're feeling too lazy or just not motivated to engage in a particular activity.

😒 I couldn't be bothered to clean the house last weekend; I just wanted to take it easy. 🏠
😞 I should cook but I really can’t be bothered. 🍳


#quicktip 👨🏻‍🏫

The word BOTHER is used in a few other ways. Here are the most common ones:

1️⃣ “To bother sb” means to cause inconvenience, annoyance, or trouble to someone.
🙄 It bothers me when people talk loudly on the phone.📱
😞 Don’t bother him now; he’s busy with work. 💼
😕 What’s bothering you? Tell me. 🤔

2️⃣ “Don’t bother” is used to advise someone against taking a certain action because it’s not worth the effort.
🚫 Don’t bother asking him, he won’t come. 🤷🏻‍♂️
👎🏻 Don’t bother bringing an umbrella; it hardly ever rains here. ☔️
✋🏻 Don’t bother waiting for me; I’ll catch up with you later. 🏃‍♂️

3️⃣ “No bother” indicates that something is not a problem or inconvenience.
👍🏻 No bother, I can help you with that. 😊
🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 No bother at all, I’ll help you clean up. 🧹
👍🏻 It’s no bother, I enjoy cooking for guests. 🍳

#vocabulary #words #practical_point


1️⃣ CHAT sb UP 🗣
engage someone in conversation, typically in a flirtatious or friendly manner, with the intention of forming a connection or relationship

😘 “She successfully chatted him up at the coffee shop, and they’ve been dating ever since.”
👗”At the party, he tried to chat her up by complimenting her outfit.”

2️⃣ HIT ON sb 😏
flirt with someone or show romantic interest in
them, usually in a direct or assertive manner

🤦🏻‍♀️ “That guy was totally hitting on you. Didn’t you notice?”
😳 “She felt uncomfortable when a stranger started hitting on her at the party.”

3️⃣ HOOK UP (WITH sb)🫦
engage in a casual sexual encounter or relationship with someone, often without commitment

🪝 “They hooked up at the party last night, but it didn’t mean anything serious.”
🛌 “She wasn’t looking for a relationship; she just wanted to hook up.”

#phrases #vocabulary #expression

4️⃣ ASK sb OUT 🎳
invite someone to go on a date or spend time together socially, often with romantic intentions

💌 “He finally asked her out to dinner, hoping she would say yes.”
📅 “She’s hoping he’ll ask her out to the movies this weekend.”

5️⃣ FALL FOR sb 😍
develop romantic feelings for someone; to become emotionally attached or infatuated with them

💖 “She never expected to fall for him, but his kindness won her over.”
🌹 “He fell for her the moment he saw her smile.”

6️⃣ GO OUT (WITH sb) 👩🏽‍❤️‍👨🏻
to be in a romantic relationship or spend time socially with someone, often as a couple

💑 “They’ve been going out for a few months now,
enjoying each other’s company.”
🚗 “Do you want to go out with me this Friday?”

#expression #phrases
7️⃣ GROW APART (FROM sb) 🫱🏼 ……. 🫲🏻
gradually become distant or less close to someone

📉 “They used to be inseparable, but they’ve grown apart over the years.”
🌱 “I can’t help but feel we’re growing apart and it saddens me.”

8️⃣ CHEAT ON sb (WITH sb else) 👿
be unfaithful to one’s romantic partner by engaging in a romantic or sexual relationship with someone else

😡 “He promised never to cheat on her again, but she couldn’t trust him anymore.”
🤬 “Cheating on someone is never okay; it’s a betrayal of trust.”

end a romantic relationship or partnership

💔 “They decided to break up after realizing they wanted different things.”
😢 “Breaking up with him was tough, but she knew it was the right decision.”

🔟 GET BACK WITH sb ❤️‍🩹
reconcile or reunite with someone after a period of separation or breakup, typically in a romantic context

💞 “I “wanna get back with you. Will you take me back?”
🤗 “Getting back with her felt like a second chance at happiness.”

#expression #vocabulary #phrases

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اشتباه رایج

👨‍🏫 در فریزهایی که مرتبط با ایده‌ی پول در زندگی هستند، از کلمه‌ی living استفاده می‌شود، نه life:

• Salaries have not kept up with increases in the cost of living.
حقوق‌ها هم‌اندازه با هزینه‌های زندگی افزایش پیدا نکرده‌اند.

• It's difficult to earn/make a living as an actress.
دشوار است که بعنوان بازیگر [هزینه‌های] زندگی را گذراند.

• Acting is fun, but I wouldn't want to do it for a living.

🖋 با توجه به توضیحات فوق جمله‌ی زیر اشتباه است:
The cost of life is very high in London.
شکل صحیح جمله‌ی گفته‌شده 👇
The cost of living is very high in London.
هزینه‌ی زندگی در لندن بسیار زیاد است.

🖋 جمله‌ی زیر هم اشتباه است:
During a recession, some people find it difficult to make a life.
شکل اصلاح‌شده‌ی جمله‌ی بالا 👇
During a recession, some people find it difficult to make a living.

#common_mistake #grammar #review
🔵Colour and light, part II

🔵واژگانی راجع به رنگ و نور در مفاهیم/ کالوکیشن های استعاری:

📍I'm hoping Hilary can shed/throw some light on what happened at work yesterday.
امیدوارم هیلاری بتواند چیزی را که دیروز در محل کار اتفاق افتاد کمی توضیح دهد.

📍Recent research has shed light on the causes of the disease.
تحقیقات اخیر دلایل این بیماری را روشن کرده است.

📍Investigators hope to shed light on what started the fire.
محققان امیدوارند بتوانند توضیح دهند که چه چیزی باعث آتش سوزی شده است.

📍My sister's illness cast a shadow over our New Year family reunion.
بیماری خواهرم بر دور همی خانوادگی سال نو ما سایه انداخت.(باعث شد نتوانیم مثل همیشه خوشحال باشیم.)

📍The events of September 11th cast a shadow over the celebrations.
وقایع 11 سپتامبر بر این جشن ها سایه افکند. (باعث شد مردم مثل همیشه از جشن ها لذت نبرند.)

📍1-Jim has always been in/under the shadow of his super-intelligent sister.
جیم همیشه زیر سایه ی خواهر فوق العاده باهوشش بوده است. (توانایی و هوش خواهرش باعث شده جیم هیچ وقت مورد توجه قرار نگیرد.)

📍1-Kate grew up in the shadow of her film star brother.
کیت در سایه ی برادرش که ستاره سینما بود بزرگ شد.(موفقیت برادرش باعث شده کیت هیچ وقت مورد توجه قرار نگیرد.)

📍2-We lived for many years under the shadow of a nuclear attack.
ما برای سالیان تحت شرایط نا خوشایند و خطر حمله ی هسته ای زندگی کردیم.

📍2-Residents have had to live under the shadow of the war for nearly a decade now.
اکنون نزدیک به یک دهه است که ساکنان مجبور بوده اند در ترس و خطر جنگ زندگی کنند.

1⃣shed/throw light on
2⃣cast a shadow over

3⃣be in/under the shadow of
4⃣be in/under the shadow of

#writing #practical_point

Forwarded from M. Diargard
Learning a language is:

20% classroom work + 80% independent study

20% learning sth new + 80% revising & trying to use the word/structure yourself

20% motivation + 80% discipline

All of them are EQUALLY important.
Heart and Soul: Not even water?
BBC World Service
Heart and Soul: Not even water?
These are the top questions asked to anyone who is fasting for Ramadan: no food or water? But what is Ramadan? Why Fast?

👩🏻‍⚕️Types of doctors👨🏻‍⚕️

General Practitioner (GP) - Provides primary healthcare services.

Pediatrician - Specializes in the care of children.

Cardiologist - Focuses on heart health and cardiovascular diseases.

Oncologist - Specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

Dermatologist - Treats skin conditions and disorders.

Neurologist - Deals with disorders of the nervous system.

Psychiatrist - Specializes in mental health and psychological disorders.

Gynecologist - Focuses on women's reproductive health.

Orthopedic Surgeon - Specializes in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and disorders.

Ophthalmologist - Deals with eye and vision care.


🔴 Unusual weather in Saudi Arabia/ This footage shows the city of Taif near Mecca and the outskirts of Riyadh.

📝 Vocabularies:

- Weather: آب و هوا
- Unusual: غیرعادی
- Footage: فیلم
- City: شهر
- Near: در مجاورت
- Outskirts: حومه


🔴 The age of diabetes in Iran has reached school-aged children!

🔹The head of the Iranian Diabetes Society says, "Not only are about 30 percent of Iranians affected by one type of diabetes, but the age of onset for this disease in the country has dropped to high school and middle school levels."

📝 Vocabularies:

- Diabetes: دیابت
- School-aged children: بچه مدرسه‌ای‌ها
- Affected: مبتلا
- Onset: شروع بیماری
- High school: دبیرستان
- Middle school: راهنمایی

2024/09/30 21:39:30
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