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Friday's front pages.

Some interesting language here.

a wipeout
(an act of being heavily defeated)
The British conservative party are facing a wipeout in the next general election.

a disgrace
(the loss of other people’s respect and approval because of the bad way somebody has behaved)
Her behaviour has been a disgrace.

to ebb away
(gradually reduce)
Support for her party has ebbed away in recent months.

the bitter end
(If you say that you will continue doing something to the bitter end, especially something difficult or unpleasant, you are emphasising that you will continue doing it until it is completely finished.)
I'll fight to the bitter end.

to rejoice
(feel or show great joy or delight)
Everyone rejoiced at the news of his safe return.

to outlast
(last more time than)
The famous lettuce head outlasted Liz Truss.
#vocabulary #news #words

Showing Direct Contrast

Expressing Conditions: Using Otherwise and Or (Else)

Forwarded from M. Diargard
A poem about learning English.

English, a foreign tongue to me
A new world waiting to be unlocked
With grammar rules that seem so tricky
And vocabulary that can be mocked

I take a deep breath, and I begin
To study and practice every day
I learn the tenses, and how to spin
A sentence in the right way

I listen to the native speakers
And try to mimic what they say
I make mistakes, but I am not a seeker
Of perfection, for that is on the way

I read books and watch movies
And try to understand the plot
I learn new words and new grooves
And find that English is not so hard to got

I am proud of what I've accomplished
A new language under my belt
I can now understand and express it
With confidence, my story I can tell

English, a foreign tongue to me
Is now a language of my own
I'll continue to grow, and you'll see
How far I have come, and how much I have known.

This was written by ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence program. 🫠
Forwarded from M. Diargard
That poem ^
💀 Dangling Modifiers 💀

👨‍🏫 ساختارهایی هستند که در آن‌ها ریداکشن انجام گرفته، ولی بطور غلط؛ یعنی فاعل دو طرف یکسان نیست و به همین دلیل معنی جمله عوض شده و یا حتی کاملاً بی‌معنی می‌شود. این ساختار یکی از رایج‌ترین اشتباهات افرادی است که از ریداکشن استفاده می‌کنند.

1️⃣ برای مثال، جمله‌ی زیر اشتباه است:
Having finished the assignment, the TV was turned on.
🖋 در اینجا the TV فاعل جمله بوده و معنی آن به این صورت است: پس از اینکه تلویزیون تکالیفش را انجام داد، روشن شد!
✳️ در این جمله، فاعل باید یک انسان باشد، نه یک شیء.

🖋 شکل اصلاح‌شده‌ی جمله‌ی بالا 👇
Having finished the assignment, Jill turned on the TV.
پس از اینکه جیل تکالیفش را انجام داد، تلویزیون را روشن کرد.

2️⃣ جمله‌ی غلط:
After reading the original study, the article remains unconvincing.
فاعل the article است. معنی: پس از اینکه مقاله مطالعه‌ی اولیه را خواند (!)....

🖋 جمله‌ی اصلاح‌شده 👇
After reading the original study, I find the article unconvincing.
فاعل جمله‌ی بالا باید یک انسان باشد. معنی: من، پس از اینکه مطالعات اولیه را خواندم، ...

3️⃣ یک مثال اشتباه دیگر:
Having bitten the postman, the farmer decided to shoot the dog.
🖋 در اینجا فاعل the farmer است و نویسنده نوشته: کشاورز که پستچی را گاز گرفته بود، تصمیم گرفت به سگ شلیک کند!
بدلیل ریداکشنِ اشتباه معنی این جمله کاملاً عوض شده است. شکل اصلاح شده‌ی جمله‌ی بالا 👇
The dog having bitten the postman, the farmer decided to shoot it.

4️⃣ آخرین مثال اشتباه:
Looking closely, the errors were obvious.
🖋 فاعل این جمله the errors است و اشتباه بکار رفته. معنی: اشتباهات که با دقت نگاه میکردند (!) ...

🖋 شکل صحیح جمله‌ی گفته‌شده 👇
Looking closely, I thought the errors were obvious.
فاعل این جمله باید انسان باشد. معنی: من که با دقت نگاه میکردم...

✍️ همان‌طور که در مثال‌های بالا مشاهده شد، جملات dangling می‌توانند معنی جمله را کاملاً عوض و یا حتی خنده‌دار کنند.

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The do's and don'ts of being a plus-one

#listening #speakenglish

2024/09/30 01:36:40
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