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Speaking Practice , Lesson by Bob

10 Nice English Phrases People Love To Hear!

Accent: Canadian
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Learn 7 easy English idioms for giving advice

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Speaking Practice , Lesson by Cake English

Difference between Rumor vs Gossip

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The uses of past continuous tense

📌 Take an exam, not give an exam

Don't say: The pupil gave his exam.
Say: The pupil took his exam.

📌 Go for a ride on a bicycle, etc., not go for a walk on a bicycle, etc.

Don't say: We went for a walk on our bicycles.
Say: We went for a ride on our bicycles.

📌 To be busy, not to have work.

Don't say: I have much work this morning.
Say: I'm very busy this morning.

📌 It's cold, etc., not it has cold, etc.

Don't say: It has cold this winter.
Say: It's cold this winter.

📌 Dismount or get off a horse, etc., not come down from a horse, etc.

Don't say: They came down from their horses.
Say: They got off their horses.

📌 Mount or get on a horse, etc. not ride a horse, etc.

Don't say: Peter rode his horse and went home.
Say: Peter got on his horse and rode home.

#Common #Mistake #common_mistakes #grammar #grammar_point
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Assume 🆚️ presume

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Phrasal Verbs and Expressions about FOOD
چند ساختار گرامری برای so و such:

1️⃣ subj + verb + such (a/an) + (adj) noun + that

• It was such a hot day that I had to stay at home.
چنان روز گرمی بود که مجبور شدیم در خانه بمانیم.
• It was such a beautiful meteor storm that we watched it all night.

2️⃣ subj + verb + so + adj/adv + that

• The tea was so hot that we couldn't drink it.
چایی آنقدر داغ بود که نتوانستیم آن را بنوشیم.
• The meteor storm was so beautiful that we watched it all night.

3️⃣ so + adj + a/an + noun = such a/an + adj + noun

• It was so good a game that (= such a good game that) the stadium was jam-packed.
چنان بازی خوبی بود که استادیوم مملو از جمعیت بود.
• I had never before met so gentle a person (= such a gentle person

#practical_point #vocabulary #Grammar #grammar_point
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Speaking Practice , Lesson by Arnel

10 ADVANCED English verbs

Accent: American
#phrasalverb #phrases #expression #practical_point #video @enclass توضیحات تکمیلی در پست زیر👇
to pick up
/pɪk ʌp/
فعل گذرا
[گذشته: picked up]

🌟to pick something/somebody up:to lift something or someone by using your hands
چیزی یا کسی را برداشتن یا بلند کردن

1. I picked up the kids' clothes that were lying on the floor.
1. من لباس‌های بچه‌ها را که روی زمین افتاده بود، برداشتم.
2. If the baby starts to cry, pick her up and rock her.
2. اگر بچه شروع به گریه کرد، بلندش کن و تکانش بده.
3. Pick up the phone
3.گوشی تلفن را بردار

Pick oneself up

When you pick yourself up after you have fallen or been knocked down, you stand up rather slowly.
وقتی کسی به زمین میفته یا در اثر ضربه ای که بهش وارد میشه به زمین میفته بعدش به آهسنگی بلند میشه
Anthony picked himself up and set off along the track. 
آنتونی بلند شد و در امتداد مسیر به راه افتاد.

Pick sb or sth up:to collect someone who is waiting for you, or to collect something that you have left somewhere:
دنبال کسی رفتن ، کسی را از جایی آوردن . چیزی را از مکانی برداشتن یا تحویل گرفتن

Can you pick me up from the airport?
می تونی منو از فرودگاه بیاری؟
I'll pick you up at five.
ساعت پنج میام دنبالت.

I've got to pick up those books I ordered.
باید کتابهایی را که سفارش دادم تحویل بگیرم.
I have to pick the children up from school.
باید بچه‌ها را از مدرسه بیارم


1). Ambivalent (Adjective)
having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.
دودل، مردد ( مثلا چیزی را هم زمان دوست داشتن و نداشتن )/دو وجهی
Synonyms: equivocal, uncertain, unsure, doubtful, indecisive, inconclusive, irresolute
Usage: Some loved her, some hated her, few were ambivalent about her.

2). Forsake (Verb)
abandon or leave.
گذشتن از/ول کردن/ترک کردن، (معشوقه یا زن و بچه و غیره را) گذاشتن و رفتن
Synonyms: abandon, desert, leave, quit, depart from, leave behind
Usage: She forsook her child, giving him up for adoption.

3). Impudent (Adjective)
not showing due respect for another person; impertinent.
گستاخ ، بی ادب ، چشم سفید ، پررو
Synonyms: impertinent, insolent, cheeky, audacious, brazen
Usage: He could have strangled this impudent upstart.

4). Inept (Adjective)
having or showing no skill; clumsy.
فاقد صلاحیت/بی عرضه، به دردنخور
Synonyms: incompetent, unskillful, unskilled, inexpert, amateurish
Usage: My attempts at baking were inept but I fumbled on.

5). Novice (Verb)
a person new to and inexperienced in a job or situation.
بی تجربه، تازه وارد، تازه کار
Synonyms: beginner, learner, inexperienced person

#vocabulary #words #practical_point #practical_sentense
#phrases #expression
Usage: He was a complete novice in foreign affairs.
🔸ways to say that you are the right person for the job
🔹I think I am a good fit for this job
🔹I think I am a good match for this job
🔹this job suits me down to the ground
🔹I think this job ties in with my future plans

To be full of yourself

💫To have a high opinion of yourself – used to show disapproval

You're full of yourself
خیلی از خود راضی یا مغروری
خودت را خیلی تحویل می گیری
از خودت خیلی متشکری


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🎬 #کلیپ اخبار صدای آمریکا با زیرنویس انگلیسی مناسب برای تقویت مهارت شنیداری و تلفظ و آشنایی با کلمات و جملات انگلیسی
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Vocabulary - Beside & Besides
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1st or 2nd Conditional?

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📔be caught off (one's) guard
قافلگیر کردن
catch somebody off guard

/kæʧ ˈsʌmˌbɑdi ɔf gɑrd/

غافلگیر کردن
The sudden snow storm caught us all off guard.
کولاک همه ما را غافلگیر کرد.

To be taken by surprise; to be caught when one is vulnerable, careless, or inattentive.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣We'll wait until he's caught off guard, and then we'll take him and his company for all they're worth!

🗣Don't be caught off your guard. There are a lot of suspicious characters around here.

Business English How to talk about Prices in English
Business English How to talk about Prices in English

@misterpodcast – Business English How to talk about Prices in English
دوستان عزیز یک فایل صوتی خوب آموزشی در مورد کلمات و جملات کاربردی مربوط به قیمت ، پرسیدن قیمت ، گران بودن، عدم توانایی پرداخت ، کم کردن قیمت ، و ..
گوینده بعد از هر جمله مکثی می کنه که شنونده جمله را تکرار کنه که این تکرار تمرین خیلی خوبی است برای یادگیری و بخاطر سپردن اون جمله

شاید در رابطه با کلمات و جملات مربوطه به قیمت قبلا چیزهایی شنیده باشید اما این در این فایل بعضی چیرهایی که میگه برای خیلی از شما می
تونه جدید باشه مثل اصطلاح to be out of sb's price range که وقتی چیزی برای شخصی خیلی گرونه ( too expensive ) و شخص نمی تونه پرداخت کنه میگه . جمله
I'm afraid I can't afford it
را هم گفته

در مورد اینکه از
indirect و politely language
(زبان غیر مستقیم و مودبانه )
برای تقاضای کاهش قیمت استفاده کنیم صحبت کرده یعنی گفته به جای این که بگیم
Lower the price
Would you take a lower price ?
Is there any way we could bring down the price?

اصطلاح informal در باره کم کردن قیمت هم با knock off money a price گفته.

2024/09/30 23:28:45
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