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Two idiomatic expressions that you can use instead of “extremely good”:

دو اصطلاح که به معنای "محشر ، بینظیر ، فوق العاده و..." میتوانید استفاده کنید :

1)Out of this world =extremely good, fantastic, awesome, amazing, wonderful….

محشر بودن ، فوق العاده بودن

I went to a Japanese restaurant the other day, its architectural design was out of this world.

چند روز قبل به یک رستوران ژاپنی رفتم ، طراحی معماریش محشر بود.

2)Off the chain = extremely good, fantastic, awesome, amazing, wonderful….

محشر بودن ، فوق العاده بودن

I drove your brother’s car yesterday, it was off the chain, It was so smooth and enjoyable to drive.

#practical_point #vocabulary #words #practical_sentense #expression
Examining Lionel Messi's past as he faces a final attempt at winning a World Cup

I'm going to tell you the story of one of the best soccer players that has ever lived - the Superman of soccer.


Media is too big
#grammar although | as long as | provided that


Forwarded from M. Diargard

همه را از دم تیغ گذراند : از تن‌هاخ تا رونی و رانگنیک

📌انفجار رونالدو علیه خیانت و تحقیر : خداحافظ یونایتد
کریستیانو رونالدو، ستاره باتجربه پرتغالی، در مصاحبه‌ای جنجالی، باشگاه منچستریونایتد و اریک تن‌هاخ را متهم کرد که به او بی‌احترامی کرده‌اند.
🖐🏻 در این پست تمام لغات مربوط به دست به انگلیسی را با هم یاد می‌گیریم 🫳🏻

🔻Thumb 🟰 انگشت شست
🔻Index Finger 🟰 سبابه (اشاره)
🔻Middle Finger 🟰 انگشت وسط
🔻Ring Finger 🟰 انگشت انگشتری
🔻Little Finger 🟰 انگشت کوچک
🔻Knuckle 🟰 بند انگشت
🔻Back of hand 🟰 پشت دست
🔻Wrist 🟰 مچ دست
🔻Fingernail 🟰 ناخن انگشت

🔶Example / مثال🔶

He put the ring in the Index finger by accident
🔸 او به طور اتفاقی حلقه را در انگشت سبابه انداخت.

🔸His fingernail was black
🔸 ناخن انگشتش سیاه بود.

🔷 Idiom / اصطلاحات 🔷

🔹Under someone's thumb
🔹تحت نفوذ یا فرمان کسی

🔹hang on by (one's) fingernails
🔹 با چنگ و دندان به چیزی چسبیدن

#vocabulary #words #practical_point
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Toxic positivity is toxic optimism.

Especially grief-coaches and Instagram-bloggers, who encourage us to always stay positive and overcome obstacles with a smile on our face, are guilty of it. By the logic of these dickheads, it's as simple as that: even if you're run over by a skating rink, drive and smile like a Madagascar penguin. Typically, these are the same bloggers with all the advice that goes something like: "to stop being broke, you have to get rich."

The danger of toxic positivity is that the constant smile on the Joker's face causes a person to shut out his own emotions and cease to adequately perceive reality. All of this normally leads to losing your marbles, and an imminent visit to the nuthouse.

- Friend, I got scammed by a fucking underage yesterday. And here you are, strangling me with your toxic positivity.

Media is too big
This guy sings various artists from the 80’s……pretty cool 😎


Qatar's World Cup workers
BBC Radio
6 Minute English [17-11-2022]
Qatar's World Cup workers
Hear about the workers who built the World Cup stadiums

#listening #podcasts

Media is too big
World Cup On The World Stage | November 18, 2022

#video #listening #cnn

📌 دو اصطلاح کاربردی که برای بیان مفهوم "در انجام کاری خیلی حرفه ای یا خبره بودن " میتوانید استفاده کنید :

❇️ be a past master at doing something :

♦️در انجام کاری خیلی حرفه ای بودن

📔Trust him , he's a past master at selling and buying cars.
به او اعتماد کن ، در خرید و فروختن ماشین خیلی خبره هست.

❇️ Have something down to a fine art

♦️در انجام کاری خیلی حرفه ای بودن

📔Trust him , he has selling and buying cars down to a fine art.
به او اعتماد کن ، در خرید و فروختن ماشین خیلی خبره هست.

#expression #phrases #idiom #collocation #practical_point
The strikes are likely to have a knock-on effect on the whole economy.
اعتصاب ها احتمالا اثر زنجیره ای بر کل اقتصاد دارند

If one flight is delayed, it can have knock-on effects on the other flights.


The art of conversation
BBC Radio
6 Minute English [24-11-2022]
The art of conversation
We discuss whether the art of conversation is being lost in the era of social media


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Me time – time for yourself beloved.

A scarce resource of the 21st century, where multitasking and productivity are put in the first place, as if a person has at least 48 hours in the day, and all of them are busy.

And in practice, if you manage to carve out an extra minute for personal matters - it's a holiday. Here you can relax your buns, and your hobbies, and watch your favorite TV series until the work is over and the kids are not anxious. Remember that taking care of yourself is the main remedy for burnout, thanks to which your life does not turn into a vicious circle of sleeping, eating, working, and sleeping again.

- I'll go absolutely bonkers if I don't get a little me time this weekend.


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Screw up - mess up badly.

In the worst sense of the word, literally shitting in front of everyone. A common expression found from the wildest suburbs of Harlem to Wall Street offices the size of the same Harlem neighborhood.

You get a slap on the wrist from your mother, you screwed up, the cops catch you speeding, you screw up, you get fired from your job... same thing. The phrase is so ingrained in the English language that it's a little rarer than the well-known FUCK.

- So you spent 30 minutes trying to save the life of a fucking fur har thinking it was a cat? Don't you think you screwed up, man?

#expression #idiom #slang

2024/09/30 17:19:42
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