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Why everyone wants a ‘blue tick’ on social medis
BBC World Service

Why everyone wants a ‘blue tick’ on social media
For online influencers getting verification - a blue tick next to their social media account name - is the ultimate

Late nights: Bad for you?
BBC Radio

Late nights: Bad for you?
Do you prefer late nights or early starts? One of those could be bad for your health.

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The true story behind Carl Sagan’s cult classic, Contact | Jill Tarter for Big Think


5 Basic Types of Adverbs

❇️Adverbs of Time
never, lately, just, always, recently, during, yet, soon, sometimes, usually, so far

❇️Adverbs of Place
neatly, slowly, quickly, sadly, calmly, politely, loudly, kindly, lazily

❇️Adverbs of Manner
neatly, slowly, quickly, sadly, calmly, politely, loudly, kindly, lazily

❇️Adverbs of Degree
almost, quite, nearly, too, enough, just, hardly, simply, so

❇️Adverbs of Frequency
never, always, rarely, sometimes, normally, seldom, usually, again

Money in Lebanon
BBC World Service

Money in Lebanon
All banks in Lebanon have been shut indefinitely. They say it is for safety reasons following a string of raids by customers demanding access...

📍I hope I didn't offend him
امیدوارم ناراحتش نکرده باشم

جمله درباره موضوعی واقعی است، تصور و خیال و فرضی در کار نیست، پس از شکل گذشته ساده استفاده میکنیم.

📍I wish I hadn't offended him
کاش ناراحتش نکرده بودم

جمله درباره موضوعی غیرواقعی است، یعنی گوینده تصور میکند که ای کاش این کار رو نکرده بودم. عمل انجام شده، الان گوینده فرض میکند. به همین دلیل، زمان یک پله به عقب میرود -از گذشته ساده به گذشته کامل. هروقت در شرایط غیرواقعی قرار گرفتیم زمان را یک پله به عقب میبریم.

📌 👀دقت کنید که هر دو جمله درباره اتفاقی در گذشته ساده صحبت میکنند، اما یکی واقعی است و یکی فرض و خیال.

didn't offend گذشته ساده
hadn't offended گذشته کامل
#vocabulary #phrases
📍There is nothing I can do for you if your mind has been made up
کاری از دست من بر نمیاد اگه تصمیمت رو گرفته ای.
🔍شرطی نوع اول=امکان واقعی.

🔍make up one's mind
تصمیم گرفتن. خیلی پرکاربرده

🔍your mind has been made up مجهول. اگه تصمیمت گرفته شده

🔍چرا از مجهول استفاده شده؟ چون خواسته تاکید بکنه که خود فرد در تصمیم گیری نقشی نداشته، بلکه براش تصمیم گرفته اند، تو کله اش کردن 😃 یادمون باشه یکی از دلایلی که از مجهول استفاده میکنیم اینه که نقش فاعل رو کمرنگ کنیم و مجهول رو بااهمیت تر نشون بدیم.
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Petextrian is a pedestrian typing while walking, formed from the words "text" and "pedestrian.

He does not pay attention to what is taking place around him, as he is staring at the phone screen.
The only thing is, who is likely to protect him from treacherous poles, cars, and holes in the asphalt? Yeah, that's right, nobody. If he kicks his ass and breaks his legs, it's his own fault.

The main thing is to respond quickly to your mother for feeding the cat, not to obey the safety rules. Come to think of it, in the 21st century natural selection has found new, sophisticated ways to implement it, and "petextrians" risk becoming prime candidates for elimination.

- If you continue to be such a petextrian, you'll find yourself under the wheels of someone's car very soon.

#vocabulary #words
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A zillionaire is a person with untold amounts of money.

In other words, he has so much money, it's hard to count. You can build a multistory building and a life-size airplane from their stacks, and also a pool, which is nice to dive into and rake the waves of green bills with hands.

To cut a long story short, while some people get rich and become the proud owners of round sums in Swiss banks, others can only watch and lust. And what type are you?

- He's such a zillionaire that his money is way easier to count in yachts and private jets than in numbers.

#words #vocabulary
#idiom #slang

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To spill the tea — to gossip, to tell rumors.

The British couldn't even leave their sacred drink alone and gave the word tea another meaning - gossip. So if you happen to be accused of spilt the tea, don't be in a hurry to grab the rag, but rather consider where you said the odd word.

And there are times when a friend may ask you, "What's the tea?" And then you're bound to tell about the hot neighbor with a third size, whom you fooled around with last night, or classmate, recently sent to prison. After all, everyone enjoys gossip, let's face it - without it, life would be so drab.

- This chap has spilled the tea about my tiny dick throughout the office. Now my colleagues call me "teenie-weenie" behind my back.

#expression #idiom #slang

5⃣-more interesting ways to say "l like"

#phrases #vocabulary

~to be  fond of - is to like something for a long time...

🎲I am fond of dogs.

~to be keen on- is to be very interested....

🎲l am quite keen on this idea.

~to have a weakness for-is to like something when you know you shouldn't

🎲I have a weakness for chocolate.

~to have a soft spot for-is to like very much....

🎲 lʼll always have a soft spot in my heart in Paris.

~to take to -is to start to like....

🎲l took to my new boss immediately.
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The Economist
- October 08, 2022
▪️Iran’s repressive regime is being rocked by a song

🎧 “Baraye” lists 28 reasons why clerical rule is uncool
𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫  𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐓𝐒

🎓Functions of Modal Verbs.

🔰Expressing ability
Terry is twenty years old. He can drive a car. ( present )
When he was ten , he could / was able to ride a bicycle. ( past repeated action)
Paula was able to climb to the top of the mountain. ( managed to do ; past single action )

🔰 Expressing lack of ability
Sue can't dance. ( present )
He couldn't / wasn't able to play chess when he was younger . ( past repeated action )
She couldn't / wasn't able to finish the book.( past single action )

🔰Expressing obligation / duty / necessity
You must attend the meeting . ( You are obliged to / You have to / You need to / It is necessary.)
must attend the meeting . ( I have decided.)
I have to attend the meeting . ( Someone else has decided.)
We ought to / should respect the elderly.( less strong than must)
Need I buy her a present ? ( Is it necessary ? )

🔰Expressing absence of necessity
She doesn't need to / doesn't have to / needn't do the shopping. I'll do it later. ( It isn't necessary.)
She didn't need to / didn't have to do the shopping as I had already done it.( It wasn't necessary for her to do it.)
She needn't have done the shopping. ( It wasn't necessary for her to do the shopping , but she did.)

🔰 Expressing prohibition
You mustn't / can't be late for work. ( it's forbidden / you aren't allowed to / it's against the rules / law)

🔰Expressing certainty
He must be at home . ( positive ; I'm sure he is.)
He can't be sleeping . ( negative ; I'm sure he isn't.)

🔰 Expressing probability
He ought to / should be in now.( He is probably in.)

🔰Expressing possibility
It can get very hot in July . (it is theoretically possible )
We could / may / might be a little late. ( it is possible )
He could / might have been injured. ( but he wasn't )
Preposition AT to express time

The preposition at is used in the following descriptions of time:

⭕️With clock times
🔹My last train leaves at 10:30.
🔹We left at midnight.
🔹The meeting starts at two thirty.

⭕️With specific times of day, or mealtimes
🔹He doesn’t like driving at night.
🔹I’ll go shopping at lunchtime.
🔹I like to read the children a story at bedtime.

⭕️In certain fixed expressions which refer to specific points in time
🔹Are you leaving at the weekend?
🔹She’s working at the moment.
🔹He’s unavailable at present.
🔹I finish the course at the end of April.
🔹We arrived at the same time.

Note that in American English, on the weekend is the correct form.

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Media is too big
Damaged goods returned to sender!
مال بد بیخ ریش صاحبش!

به طور كلى از حال ساده براى چيزهايى استفاده ميكنيم كه به صورت مداوم انجام ميدهيم، و همچنين براى حقايق، عادت ها، واقعيات و موقيت هاى دائمى.
همچنين از عبارت هايى مانند every day, once a week, on Fridays با انها استفاده كنيم.

📌I check my email every day.
كار مداوم)

📌Yuki works at the bank.
موقعيت دائم)

✴️زمان آينده:

از حال ساده براى صحبت از زمان بندى هايى كه براى وقايع آينده شده است استفاده ميكنيم:

📌I'd better hurry, my bus leaves in 5 minutes.

📌The exam starts at 9

✴️زمان گذشته:

1️⃣ تعريف كردن داستان

استفاده از زمان حال براى تعريف داستان هاى گذشته باعث ميشود داستان براى شنونده ملموس تر و هيجان انگيزتر بنظر برسد.

Last year I was swimming off the coast in NZ when suddenly I see a shark fin heading towards me…

2️⃣ تيترهاى روزنامه ها

خبرنگاران معمولا در روزنامه ها به جاى استفاده از زمان گذشته از زمان حال استفاده ميكنند تا داستان هاى روزنامه بنظر تازه تر، هيجان انگيزتر و فورى تر بيايند.

📌Man dies in forest fire.

3️⃣ با كلمات hear, tell, gather, say

اين كار باعث ميشود بيشتر از انكه جمله يك واقعيت باشد، روى اينكه يك اطلاعات است تأكيد كند. مثل:

📌I hear you're getting married!

📌She says she didn't like the present!

4️⃣ براى جك گفتن

استفاده از زمان حال در جك ها باعث ميشود جك جالب تر و نمايشى تر بنظر برسد. (حتى اگر خيلى هم خنده دار نباشد!)مثل:

📌A man walks into a bar...
(يه مَردِ ميره تو بار....)

2024/09/30 21:40:08
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