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Phrase of the Day از سری

I Wouldn't Say No

Accent: British
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Phrase of the Day از سری

In the Middle of Nowhere

Accent: British
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Phrase of the Day از سری

What a nightmare

Accent: British
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The outskirts of Golpayegan are full of historic houses. The houses are retreats for those who want to stay away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Not only they attract foreign visitors, but they have also turned into a peaceful retreat for Iranians too. Classic architecture in a traditional atmosphere!
#HistoricHouses #Historicalhouse #Historical

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Speaking Practice , Lesson by Emma

How To Talk About MONEY 💰 English Conversation & Vocabulary

Accent: Australian
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Draft سربازگیری

Morale روحیه /دلگرمی

Sabotage خراب کردن/اسیب زدن


کالوکیشن های رایج لغت «difficulty» به معنی «سختی، دشواری»👇

👉 run into/get into difficulties

✓ به مشکل برخوردن/ به سختی افتادن

She got into difficulties as soon as she moved in a new apartment.
او به محض نقل مکان به یه آپارتمان جدید دچار مشکلاتی شد.

👉 have/encounter difficulties

✓ مشکل داشتن/ با مشکلات مواجه شدن

He has a lot of difficulties at work.
او در محل کارش مشکلات زیادی دارد.

👉 overcome/resolve difficulties

✓ بر مشکلات فائق آمدن/ مشکلات را حل کردن

They are confident that they can overcome these difficulties.
اونا مطمئن هستن که می تونن بر این مشکلات غلبه کنن.
👉 marital difficulties

✓مشکلات زناشویی

You may need help in dealing with your marital difficulties.
ممکنه برای مقابله با مشکلات زناشوییت به کمک نیاز داشته باشی.

👉 breathing difficulties
✓ مشکلات تنفسی

Akbar was taken to hospital because of breathing difficulties.
اکبرآقا بخاطر مشکلات تنفسی به بیمارستان منتقل شد.

#collocation #Collocations
#practical_point #vocabulary #practical_sentense
❇️ Verbs that collocate with law:

The government were sending troops to the south, where they expected fierce fighting. At first there were just minor incidents but soon it developed into all-out war . My grandfather has told me how terrified he was the first time he came within firing range of the enemy.

fierce fighting
(جنگ شدید)

minor incidents
(حوادث جزئی)

all-out war
(جنگ کامل و سراسری)

firing range
(منطقه حمله و شلیک دشمن)

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برای تقویت ریدینگ بهترین کار خواندن متن‌های خوب هست

امروز بخشی از یک مقاله‌ی وبسایت نیویورک‌تایمز را براتون میذارم و اگر دوستانی که تمایل دارند که نکات و ساختارهای این متن را دقیق بررسی کنم براشون به بنده پیام بدن تا خدمتشون بفرستم.
#article #reading
The sun also rises

The many virtues of the yen, the rich world's cheapest currency
The yen is the forgotten currency of the least inflation-prone big economy, Japan. ⁠

It once had a solid reputation as a haven, like the Swiss franc or the American dollar. When trouble struck, you followed the Japanese money. This has not worked so reliably lately. ⁠

Might the yen’s safe-haven status soon be restored? In a world in which inflation is a serious concern, there is a lot to be said for a currency which holds its purchasing power. ⁠

خورشید، همچنین طلوع هم می کند

فواید بسیار ین، ارزان ترین ارز دنیای ثروت (ثروتمندترین و بسیار توسعه یافته ترین کشورهای جهان)

ین واحد پول فراموش شده اقتصاد بزرگ ژاپن است که کمترین تورم را دارد. ‌
زمانی مانند فرانک سوئیس یا دلار آمریکا به عنوان پناهگاه شهرت خوبی داشت. وقتی مشکلی پیش می آمد، شما به دنبال پول ژاپنی می رفتید. اما اخیراً ین چندان قابل اعتماد عمل نکرده است.
ممکن است وضعیت ین به زودی به عنوان پناهگاه بازیابی شود؟
در دنیایی که تورم یک نگرانی جدی است، برای ارزی که قدرت خرید خود را حفظ می کند، حرف های زیادی برای گفتن وجود دارد.

There's no way

'There's' is a contraction of the words 'there is.' By stating 'there's no way' you are relaying a thought of doubt about an event taking place now or in the future.

#practical_point #practical_sentense

, "There's no way you finish on time."
, "There's no way we complete on time."
, "There's no way your mother approves."
, "There's no way no one claims it."
, "There's no way they expect it."
, "There's no way he can fix it."
, "There's no way he can handle the news."
, "There is no way he missed it."

Media is too big

Good to go آماده بودن

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📔money pit
چیز پر هزینه و پر خرج

A business, possession, or other financial commitment that requires or consumes an increasingly large amount of money, especially more than was first anticipated.

🤔For example ⬇️

I bought this restaurant because of its prime downtown location, but with all the repairs and the huge amount of staff needed to run it, it's proven to be quite a money pit.

🗣The problem with buying used cars is that, even if they started off being cheap, they often turn into money pits as they start breaking down.


🎧Why is it so hard to lose my strong accent in English?


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Republicans are going after Democrats for being pro-pedophile? Oh, the hypocrisy!


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Speaking Practice , Lesson by Cake English

Useful Telephone Expressions in English

Accent: American
2024/10/01 07:31:32
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