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doakan saya dpt jwb exam esok, aamiin
already 23 dec?? time past so fast
tbh i dont even know what am i learning in this year . feel like same thing happen over and over again . when im making a mistake, i blame myself , go searching at pinterest how to improve your self love and then give up at the short time .
feel lazy 24 hours and bruh idk anymore
feels like having a goal is beban
bcs even i have it, i didnt act at all .
nothing is more pathetic than not loving yourself . whats the point of living if youre not even care abt you ?
its been a long time
surprisingly, i feel fine nowadays, and i hope its same as you guys too
just want to say this one thing,
"no matter how life treats you, whether things going bad or not, return to Allah. and i promise you will be just fine after that.

do you know why we are here? why Allah created us? Allah created us so that we worship Him, beribadah, sujud, baca Al-Quran bcs of Him. not only that, Allah created nafs in us, to test our taqwa, whether we choose for our own needs or choose another things that Allah will redha with our action. "
also i am learning to love myself right now. its hard, really. but to catch back those feelings when i truly loved myself like two-three years ago, i rather getting through these.
tbh i tried it since last year since i get sick of hating myself and hit my head many times if i did something embarrassing in school, but it always failed. dyk why?
bcs at that time, i thought loving myself is letting myself do whatever i want, whether is good or BAD for me, just do it, as long i will feel pleasure. and i choose to get far away from Allah, and that was a big mistake for me.
i just feel tak tenang. langsung tak tenang. but aku cuba tenangkan hati aku, kata yg ni jalan betul. this is the way to love myself, so just do it. and i was wrong.
and after almost 7 months struggling to love myself, finally i found a way. the most right way.
return to Allah, seek his forgiveness, start to doing everything because of you and HIM, why do we pray? to worship him, also solat menjauhkan perkara mungkar and keji, thats why we solat. if we solat but still constanly did a sin, thats mean something wrong in our solat
why do we study? because allah loves people who seeking for ilmu. and ilmu is for spread it to other people. why alquran is exist? bcs alquran is kata kata from Allah, diturunkan kepada nabi muhammad dan ada sampai sekarang, panduan hidup utk kita, and segala nasihat, kisah kisah kaum terdahulu, semua diceritakan di situ
sebenarnya islam ni best sangat, serious. islam bukan mengajar kita utk elakkan maksiat je, islam ajar kita utk cintakan diri kita, segala benda yang allah larang, semuanya tak baik utk kita. arak, judi, rokok, zina, mencarut. semuanya ada keburukannya. kalau kita betul betul ikut perintah allah, jauh apa yang dilarang oleh Allah, insyallah, you will feel tenang.
2024/09/26 22:13:33
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