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sekolah tadi sendu gila, semuanya 7 org, dua kuarantin, sorang pergi mana ntah, 4 org ja tinggal. sorang tadi main fon, sorang lagi baca novel cinta, aku dgn sorg kwn aku tadi cm org gila dah sbb bosan sgt 😭 pstu byk cikgu sibuk, pergh bosan dia tahap 😭😭
so you really think of me as a bestfriend , and being with another person , meanwhile here i am , still remember our precious times together .
you remind me of the moon
what am i supposed to do if im so in love with you?
no one has completely and actually felt what anyone else has felt in their life time . often, we say , “ i know how you feel ” but do we, really ?
nak luah , luah kat allah . allah dengar . kau luah kat manusia tak semestinya diorang faham 100% .
jangan lupa, banyakkan zikir, banyakkan buat amalan.
subhanallahi wabihamdihi, lailahailallah, allahu akhbar, alhamdulilah. bila lah agaknya last kita zikir, last kita ingat allah, last kita selawat.
idk, i dont care about anything anymore. what i eat, what i see, what people said bout me. its sad, but at the same time, it nothing. feels numb, paralyzed.
i miss my old me too much. i need her, i want her. she loved herself so much. she knew what things is wrong and what is right. but shes dissapear.
im tired.
if i could, i want myself back when i first created this channel. gosh, how innocent i am at that time.
im sorry if u guys feel annoyed with me. im just tired. probably with everything.
can you save my heavy dirty soul?
dah lama tak buat poll so.... how life treat you nowadays?
Anonymous Poll
not fine
probably this isnt related with this channel but i would like to talk about myself.
umur aku 16 tahun. perempuan. suka lukis, dan benda yang berkaitan dgn psychology, apa-apa jelah, pasal mental illness, personaliti. aku sangat-sangat sensitif, terhadap bunyi yg kuat, cahaya yang kuat. since aku ada social anxiety, setiap kali nak gi sekolah mesti rasa nak muntah sebab nervous sangat nak jumpa org.
2024/09/29 11:23:11
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