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I'm unpredictable,
i can be the sweetest girl in the world,
or the scariest person you've ever met .

Don't predict my character,
cause the flames in me can become some dust that fluttering around you,
but it can be on fire in a twinkling time .

And the waves in me, can be the most quiet waves that bring you into calmness,
but it can turn into a tsunami that swallows you to the deepest side of the sea .

You set me .

Cattleya’s Diary 🌸 pinned «her mind tells her to ignore every simple thing around her, so she won’t get hurt recently, so she will love herself more than ever . how sweet her mind is 🌸 —thlvndr🎈»
Through my hard times,
I learnt to love myself better .

You know what ?

When you are in struggle,
No one will stand for you except yourselves .

So please,
Don’t love others more than you love yourselves .

Your love is yours,
Your love is too precious,
Don’t let others steal it . ✋🏻

Ada phrases ni kan,, Catt in love sangat since dulu lagi .

When she is a daughter, she opens the door of Jannah for her father .

When she is a wife, she completes half of the deen of her husband .

When she is a mother, Jannah lies under her feet .

You’re too precious .

When things are hard,
the only thing she can do,
is crying .

Cry, and keep crying .
at least,
it makes her feel at ease .

it’s okay,
you’re just being a normal human .

Everythings gonna be fine

I flew high with my own wings, in the end I chose to land and let my wings go .

So I won’t ever meet a guy that might fly with me, cause’ I only need a guy who’s rather to let his wings go and walk around the world with me .

untuk yang pernah hadir dan hilang tanpa berita,
untuk yang pernah singgah dan tinggalkan pedih di jiwa,
untuk yang pernah jenguk dan hadiahkan sedikit bahagia,

terima kasih .
Kalian mengajar aku erti dunia ✋🏻

“The hardest goodbye is when I have to say it to you” 🌙

swallow the truth and let the lies begin its moves is better .

cause’ she knew what will happen when she tries to stand the truth .

hey, assalamualaikum .

so my friend asked me what she should do when she feels insecure and level confidence dia drop bila tgok kawan2 dia yg tak jaga aurat . Pakai baju ketat and so on, nmpak cntik so she wants to feel cntik jugak so here’s my advices to those yg rasa mcm nii 🌸
I know insecurities and low confidence level is hurt but you know what, time will heal . so be patient and have faith 🌸 yg pnting apa yg you buat, Allah suka, then everythings gonna be fine❤️

When you’re sad,
When you’re tired,
When you wanna cry,

just express it .
it’s okay to feel that way,
it’s okay to do that .

even superheroes feel that way,
and you’re just a normal human being,

it’s not a sin to express them 🌷

cause’ keeping all only to yourselves is actually not helping,

if it’s hard,
just say it’s hard .

you’re sad,
you’re tired,
you want to cry,
it’s okay to let people know that .

dont’t be cruel to yourselves,
you deserve some attentions

kena selalu ingat yang diri kita, hati kita, Allah jaga, Allah pegang .

macam mana nak dapat life yg happy, yg tak serabut dgan msalah semua kalau diri sendiri lupa Allah ?

Nak hidup tenang, kena ingat siapa yang bagi hidup nii pada kita . buat baik pada yg bagi hidup ni dekat kita .

Kenapa lupa Allah sedangkan hidup kita ni bergantung pada Dia ?

Jangan sampai kau regret one day nanti dgan apa yang kau buat skrg .

kisah hidup manusia ni umpama buku cerita,

one title,
different chapters .

ada buku yang kau baca berkali kali pun,
kau tak akan faham,
hanya penulis buku tu sahaja yang betul betul faham,
macam itulah kita,

ada kisah manusia kt luar sana,
kau selami lah macam mana pun,
hanya Pencipta kisah dia sahaja yang mengerti .

Jangan terlalu sangat cari manusia,
sebab yang mengerti keseluruhan kisah hidup kamu,
hanyalah Dia .

Dia tahu segalanya,
🌷🌷🌷 .

2024/06/29 23:04:14
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