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Data Science Projects

Collection of data science projects in Python

Creator: Vaibhav Singh
Stars ⭐️: 1.5k
Forked By: 406


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*This channel belongs to @bigdataspecialist group
Become a Citizen Data Scientist with HyperSense-AI Studio

Use R Programming for Scientific Research

Rating ⭐️: 4.6 out 5
Students 👨‍🎓 : 3139
Duration : 1.5 hours on-demand video
Created by 👨‍🏫: Learning Hypersense



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Data Science BootCamp - From Analysing Data To Creating ML Models

This free Data Science Bootcamp will help you get started on the roadmap towards a career as top Data Scientist. Master the basics of Python, Tableau, ML, AI and more.

Free Online Course
🏃‍♂️ Self paced
Duration : 6 weeks long
Source: geeksforgeeks



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by S A N J I V R A N J A N D A S

📄 462 pages

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Data Science Full Course 2024 | Data Science Course For Beginners | Learn Data Science |

This Data Science Course 2024 covers all the important skill sets required to get you a job as a Data Scientist!

This particular Data Science Course For Beginners has been taught by our top industry experts associated with companies like Google, Meta, and Microsoft. So, stay until the end of this video, you will understand Data Science from Fundamentals To Solving Basic Data Science Problems Using Machine Learning Algorithms.

With this Data Science Course 2024, we will give you the Fundamental idea of what is data science, What Datasets are all about, Basic Machine Learning Algorithms, and how you can solve real-world problems like heart disease detection using Data science.

We will also help you with the trending project idea which is creating a Chatbot of your own like ChatGPT using data science. We will also highlight some of the important data science interview questions.

Free Online Course
🏃‍♂️ Self paced
Duration : 11-12 hours long
Source: Intellipaat



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Data Science Platform Market Size
Learning Data Science: Understanding the Basics

Many of the people who work on data science teams won't be data scientists. They'll be the managers and associates who want to gain real business value from your organization's data. These team members need to understand the language of data science so they can ask better questions, understand processes, and help effectively lead their teams and organizations to making better data-driven decisions. This course is an introduction to data science for people who aren't planning on being full-time data scientists. It introduces big data concepts, tools, and techniques, including gathering and sorting data, working with databases, understanding structured and unstructured data types, and applying statistical analysis. Business coach and author Doug Rose helps you speak the language of data science so that you can guide your organization through the opportunities and limitations in this dramatically growing field.

Free Online Course
🏃‍♂️ Self paced
Duration : 1-2 hours long
4 quizzes
Source: linkedin learning



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8 Great Data Science Books For Beginners

In the past few years public interest in data science has surged. What had been a fairly esoteric field is now a common topic in the news, in politics and international law, and in our social media feeds. Data literacy is becoming a highly desired skill in every industry, and consumers enter data points into massive business intelligence systems every day. Whether you just want to stay informed in the data craze or you’re looking to kickstart your data science or data literacy journey, this article features a list of books that can help newcomers navigate the world of data science.

1. “The Data Science Handbook
2. “Doing Data Science: Straight Talk from the Frontline” by Cathy O'Neil and Rachel Schutt
3. “Numsense! Data Science for the Layman: No Math Added” by Annalyn Ng and Kenneth Soo
4. “The Art of Data Science” by Roger D. Peng and Elizabeth Matsui
5. “Data Science For Dummies” by Lillian Pierson
6. “Big Data For Dummies” by Judith Hurwitz, Alan Nugent, Fern Halper, and Marcia Kaufman
7. “Data Jujitsu: The Art of Turning Data into Product” by DJ Patil
8. “Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think” by Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier

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Data Science Advanced Analytics Interview Prep. Kit - 182+

A walkthrough from the essentials of 182+ data science interview questions from linear regression to advance analytics

Rating ⭐️: 4.6 out 5
Students 👨‍🎓 : 2676
Duration : 1hr 2min of on-demand video
Created by 👨‍🏫: Rupak Bob Roy

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#datascience #dataanalytics #programming

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Virgilio Data Science

This repository contains articles, GitHub repos and Kaggle kernels which provides data science and machine learning projects with code.

Creator: virgili0
Stars ⭐️: 13.9k
Forked By: 2.5k


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*This channel belongs to @bigdataspecialist group
Data Science Full Course - 12 Hours | Data Science For Beginners | Data Science Tutorial | Edureka

This Edureka Data Science Full Course video will help you understand and learn Data Science Algorithms in detail. This Data Science Tutorial is ideal for both beginners as well as professionals who want to master Data Science Algorithms.

Free Online Course
🏃‍♂️ Self paced
Duration : 11-12 hours long
Source: Edureka



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Modern Data Scientist

What the industry needs?

Rating ⭐️: 4.5 out 5
Students 👨‍🎓 : 3158
Duration : 1hr 40 min of on-demand video
Created by 👨‍🏫: Prof Poornachandra Sarang, Ph.D.

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#datascience #programming

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Data Pipeline Overview
The four V's of big data
Probability for Data Science

Covers the probability concepts essential for data science

Rating ⭐️: 4.7 out 5
Students 👨‍🎓 : 2917
Duration : 1hr 56min of on-demand video
Created by 👨‍🏫: Anand Seetharam

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#datascience #probability

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storytelling with data

by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic

📄 284 pages

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#datascience #datavisualization

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Forwarded from AI Revolution
Leap Learning

LEAP by Thoughtjumper is an intelligent learning tool designed to enhance the learning experience. It aims to guide individuals in effective learning across various domains such as business, data science, technology, design, and more.

The tool offers learning quests in a wide range of subjects, allowing users to select their desired topics such as web development, digital marketing, data science, finance, and more.LEAP is focused on helping users learn faster and better.

It provides an intelligent guidance system that adapts to individual learning preferences. By decluttering distractions, LEAP allows users to solely focus on their learning, leading to a more immersive experience.

💰Price: Free

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9 types of data visualization

In this article, I will guide you through the wonderful world of data visualization and expand your knowledge about the way you can display your data and how to tell your data story to your specific audience.

Let’s start with data visualization in its most basic form; the (static) chart. Charts are used to display large amounts of data in a condensed and easy-to-understand manner. They are graphical representations of data which makes it easy and fast to digest by the brain. Moreover, charts make it apparent to find hidden information and insights that are otherwise hard to find from a table with data.

There are a lot of types of charts, each with its own function. The most commonly known charts are the bar chart, the line chart, and the pie chart. Charts form the basis for all types of data visualizations I will discuss in this blog.

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Ocean Data in Canada

Learn what ocean data are, how they're being used, and the ways in which you can access open ocean data.

Rating ⭐️: 4.7 out 5
Students 👨‍🎓 : 1368
Duration : 49min of on-demand video
Created by 👨‍🏫: Katherine Luber, Jacob Thompson, Shayla Fitzsimmons

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Latex Cheat Sheet of data science
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