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In general, Telegram is as safe or safer than most other chat apps. It could be argued that WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption on all messaging is a better approach, but the company’s ties to Facebook/Meta may turn off privacy advocates. To lock your messages, go to “Settings”, “Privacy and Security” and tap on “Passcode Lock”. You will be asked to set a four-digit passcode and confirm it. Once you do that, you will find additional options to “unlock the app with fingerprint” and “auto-lock” it after a specific duration. New user announcement

Save to Gallery Settings on Android Mute a Telegram chat \Telegram Enable Proxy The platform supports two types of channels: public and private. The former can be found in search, and anyone can join them, whereas the latter can be joined only via invitation links.

Infinite Reactions Customize Telegram App Icon Next up, tap Sound and then choose your custom notification sound located under the Telegram Tones section. Make sure to tap Done at the top right to finish. Interestingly, Telegram names your custom notification sound as Cloud Tone and also allows you to upload any audio as a notification sound for a chat. To use it, go back to Settings > Chat Settings (Android) or Settings > Appearance (iOS). Select Auto-Night Mode to choose how it works.

Banned: How PFI morphed into a stridently militant outfit over 3 decadesPremium Telegram offers a few other handy options in chats. You can delete any message by long-pressing it, then hitting the Trash icon that appears. The app lets you delete messages at any time—even messages that the other person sent in a chat.

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