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Fiona Apple
And I could liken you to a shark
The way you bit off my head
But then again I was waving around a bleeding open wound
Last Words of a Shooting Star
They'll never know how I'd stared at the dark in my room
With no thoughts, like a blood-sniffing shark
If you forget my name
You will go astray
Like a killer whale trapped in a bay
Love opened a mortal wound.
In agony, I worked the blade
to make it deeper. Please,
I begged, let death come quick.

Wild, distracted, sick,
I counted, counted
all the ways love hurt me.
One life, I thought—a thousand deaths.

Blow after blow, my heart
couldn't survive this beating.
Then—how can I explain it?

I came to my senses. I said,
Why do I suffer? What lover
ever had so much pleasure?

—Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, translated by Joan Larkin and Jaime Manrique
Time was passing like a hand waving from a train I wanted to be on. I hope you never have to think about anything as much as I think about you.

— Jonathan Safran Forek, Extremly Loud and Incredibly Close.
F U L L ♪
The beaten dog comes to the doorstep to lay a dead bird, gazing up at his owner and salivating over his love like it's meat. The bird remains untouched, rotting slowly, much like the words I pen about you. A text becomes an empty soliloquy if not offered,…
Moon Song
Phoebe Bridgers
So I will wait for the next time you want me
Like a dog with a bird at your door
When you saw the dead little bird, you started crying
But you know the killer doesn't understand
Saint Bernard
You always said how you loved dogs
I don't know if I count
But I'm trying my best
When I'm howling and barking these songs
The Cat has its Heart on the Outside
Couldn't you just leave?
You had to stand there saying:
I love you, I love you, I love you
we're soul mates, you and I, but that doesn't mean it works
that doesn't mean it works
that means my soul can't bear to be without yours
but that doesn't mean it works.

—Trista Mateer, Honeybee
I thought so many things
& never said a single one aloud.
I choked on such longing
I couldn’t spit out.
Yes, desire is so different
when God bore you hungry.
I could have devoured anything
and still have been starving.

Yves OladeBelovéd
Forwarded from Literature
And if we never light the candle
Or paint that canvas
Are we withholding beauty
Or keeping reverence

And is the art that is never seen better than the art never created
Because it is a simply a choice between
Exclusionary but illustrated
Or Illusionary but excluded.
2024/09/28 00:24:22
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