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1157 皇后大道中1軍裝趕違例泊車
#国安 #教育 #蘇共 #港共

特區政府將在2022/2丿丨023學年開始在全港中小學推行国家安全教育。根據政府文件,国安教育須涵蓋至少包括15個學習領域/科目:「中文、中史、歷史、地理、生活與社會、科學、科技、常識、音樂、德育、公民及國民教育、通識教育、經濟、企業、會計與財務概論」—— 意味著国家安全教育將會全面滲透大部分學科。


“Soviet schools taught what may be described as the ‘patriotism of everything,’ ” explained sociologist Anna Sanina in Patriotic Education Contemporary Russia.

“Geography (地理科) lessons highlighted the battles that took place in different Soviet territories during the Great Patriotic War.”

“Math (數學科) classes provided a variety of examples of applied problems related to the ‘extensive building of communist society.’”

“Music (音樂課) lessons were based on classic Soviet compositions, mostly on military themes.”


蘇共部份取自 “Dancing on Bones: History and Power in China, Russia and North Korea” by Katie Stallard
1041 #黨鐵 BC大堂出入口閘機位3 Mionions
1607 #黨鐵 列車往柴灣方向 2軍裝
1633 #黨鐵 大堂近A出口3 軍裝
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英女皇逝世悼念 獅子山 QE II RIP / UK♡HK / God save the Queen 20220909

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片段由網友提供 攝於黃昏後三十分鐘內
Posted by 爆炸頭 @BoomHead @BoomHeadHK

#獅子山 #RIP #事頭婆 #QueenElizabethII #LondonBridgeIsDown #英女皇 #ElizabethII #伊利沙伯二世 #RestInPeace #video
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1939 1 衝沿春園街向北行
0958 #黨鐵 大堂3藍衫企暗角位向一名乘客截停搜查
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1542 1 衝鋒車沿着大坑道上黃泥涌峽道 有閃有响
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1928 胡忠大廈/合和中心對出3藍衫戒備
1045 #黨鐵 大堂近A出口 1 黑衫便衣在截停一名市民入閘 2軍裝check身份證
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1307 #黨鐵 A3出口外2名藍衫戒備
1846 皇后像廣場至大會堂 隧道內 2藍衫1便衣人士正在收回封鎖帶
1715 #黨鐵 4軍裝登上康城方向列車
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2041 莊士敦道軒尼詩道交界油站對面2藍衫炒牌
0758 時代廣場向希慎方向 2藍衫正在對市民作截停搜查
1520 利園山道珍煮丹對出1軍裝正在搜一名駕駛七人車司機

“We highly value the balanced position of our Chinese friends when it comes to the Ukraine crisis," Putin told Xi at their first meeting since the war began.
"We understand your questions and concern about this. During today's meeting, we will of course explain our position."
Xi did not mention Ukraine in his public remarks, nor was it mentioned in a Chinese readout of their meeting, which took place in Uzbekistan on the sidelines of a regional summit.

點會有 “concern” 點會有保留㗎‼️
唔好縮呀 x帝出征啦快D❗️
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1133 金鐘道中銀大廈外1 EU停
1710 3軍裝上 #黨鐵 往康城方向列車
2024/09/30 03:23:55
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