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1724 1 EU沿著觀塘開源道經傢居站行

『此過程恐迫使中國銀行接受損失,這是他們長久來反對的事。多年來,北京偏好延長問題貸款的期限,此舉被金融界稱為「延長與假裝」(extend and pretend),該策略可能延長債務國的債務困境,而非加以解決。』

In other news... 盧局長日前先至話「#路毁人亡」(係「路」呀❗️)繼貴陽「共赴黃泉」之後,局長再一次開口中!



US Embassy in Moscow:

“U.S. citizens should not travel to Russia and those residing or travelling in Russia should depart Russia immediately while limited commercial travel options remain.”
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1800 軒尼斯道莊士敦道交界油站 1 EU
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1807 1 EU沿著史超域道往柴灣方向行
0848 尚德商場1/F 2穿着戰術背心軍裝行
1408 高士威道皇仁書院外 1衝 1 鐵騎停 1 軍裝落地封鎖兩條西行行車線
1408 1 裝甲車軒尼詩道轉入銅鑼灣道
1542 1 EU 1 格仔車連道往跑馬地馬場方向行
#技術轉移 #收歸国有


“To date, Beijing has offered two routes for foreign Covid-19 vaccine makers to distribute in China, dependent on regulatory approval: carrying out a full technology transfer to a domestic drugmaker or establishing a manufacturing facility in China with a local partner, while keeping control of the underlying technology. Moderna was pressed to take the former option.”


In other news... 印尼成為全球首個緊急批准中国自主研發的mRNA疫苗 —- which 有軍方參與 and which 完全冇公布任何臨床數據。

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較早前 1700 灣仔軒尼斯道天橋1 EU 1 消防車閃燈停泊
0745 大尾篤停車場1鐵馬停 新娘潭近汽水機位置A6格仔停 另BB停車場有A6格仔車
#俄羅斯 #Nuke

“The primary utility, many U.S. officials say, would be as part of a last-ditch effort by Mr. Putin to halt the Ukrainian counteroffensive, by threatening to make parts of Ukraine uninhabitable. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe some of the most sensitive discussions inside the administration.”


中方要求駐港外國使團 交出所有在港物業的平面圖

英國金融時報引述多個消息人士指,中方近月向多個駐港外國使團作出相關要求。有關要求牽涉所有在港物業的平面圖 —— 包括該些駐港使團為員工租住的物業:

“The foreign ministry has asked diplomats for an array of details about the official premises of foreign missions, as well as the homes of staff, in the past few months, according to the people familiar with the matter.”

“Officials want floor plans, details of rental or sale terms, as well as lease or sale agreements. According to the people familiar with the matter, the ministry has asked for new premises to be vetted before staff move into the building.”

“Diplomats said that they were considering how to respond to the requests, and added that handing over floor plans was a particular concern because it exposed their properties to espionage.”

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#伊朗 國安官員遭學生當面羞辱

伊朗教育部昨派 #國安 官員到大中小學「宣講」。如片段所見,在其中一所中學,有關官員在「宣講」期間,在場女學生一起除低頭巾抗議,並齊呼可翻譯為「死撚開」(一般英文翻譯為 “go get loss”) 的口號。

該官員亦只好 shut the fxxk up
1155 德輔道中畢打街交界 1 EU 2 鐵騎停 最少2軍裝1咖啡仔落地檢控違例過馬路
1338 置地門口的士站1 軍裝企
1538 新世界大廈對出2 軍裝處理違例泊車
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1730 高等法院出車位1衝鋒車閃燈停泊
2024/09/30 03:35:41
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