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1510 #黨鐵 DEF 大堂出閘口 3黃衫
D 出口電梯位3軍裝企
1530 6 軍裝沿啟超道經Apple shop向京華中心行
1748 尚德巴士總站對出 1 EU
1808 五號碼頭1 便衣 6軍裝正在 開cam SS 1名白衣市民
1807 4號碼頭附近3 軍裝SS 1名南亞人士及1白色衫男士
1805 #黨鐵 3 號月台 及大堂E 出口附近分別有軍裝企
1003 東區走廊東行線設快相三腳架
1630 畢打街 1 EU 閃燈
1745 #黨鐵 DEF 大堂出閘口 2黃衫
0948 #黨鐵 A出入口2藍1便衣SS市民
1152 皇后大道中勵精中心外1 EU 有閃燈
1645 2 軍裝 #黨鐵 往柴灣方向列車
EDIT: 2 軍裝 #鰂魚涌 #黨鐵 站落車
#被捕人士 #洗腦教育
‘... Hong Kong prisons held 1,787 PICs between the ages of 18 and 30 ... been subjected to CCP thought work techniques such as these:

... the Correctional Services Department touts special family programs that are aimed to help PICs “form stronger determination to turn over a new leaf... The department provides “Virtual Reality history learning activities”... because a “sense of national identity” helps “build... Information Literacy Group to teach prisoners “to judge the authenticity of online information”; and a Zen Photography Workshop to “help them think over...

Government care follows a PIC out of prison... “Project Landing,” which has a mission to help them “de-radicalise, cultivate multi-perspective thinking, develop empathy skills and rebuild family relationships.” Next comes a police-sponsored “Walk with YOUth Programme” that helps PICs to “re-establish correct values … A psychological service center called “Change Lab” aims to build up “psychological resilience”...’
#被捕人士 #洗腦教育 ‘... Hong Kong prisons held 1,787 PICs between the ages of 18 and 30 ... been subjected to CCP thought work techniques such as these: ... the Correctional Services Department touts special family programs that are aimed to help PICs “form stronger…
#懲教署#在囚人士 提供的多項「去激化」教育項目


1328 堅拿道巴士線近油站1衝停泊
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1432 堅尼地道 Sinopec 油站 1衝鋒車停泊
香港新聞|無綫新聞|24/07/22 要聞|鄧炳強向年輕人說明如何防範外國勢力干預 鼓勵多閱讀學習慎思明辨
香港新聞|無綫新聞|24/07/22 要聞|鄧炳強向年輕人說明如何防範外國勢力干預 鼓勵多閱讀學習慎思明辨

鄧炳強表示,2019年反修例事件令很多年青人受外部勢力煽惑去破壞社會,最後要承擔法律後果。他指,以暴力實現民主,只會令民主「遙不可及」。他強調,中國的民主是人民的民主,其核心就是人民當家作主⋯ (下刪五百字)
2024/09/30 17:18:02
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