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महात्मा गांधी द्वारा प्रकाशित प्रमुख पुस्तकों की सूची

1. सत्य के प्रयोग (My Experiments with Truth)
2. हिंद स्वराज (Hind Swaraj)
3. सत्याग्रह इन साउथ अफ्रीका (Satyagraha in South Africa)
4. ग्राम स्वराज्य (Village Swaraj)
5. गीता संदेश (Anasaktiyoga or The Gospel of Selfless Action)
6. स्वराज की ओर (Towards Swaraj)
7. दक्षिण अफ्रीका में सत्याग्रह
8. अहिंसा और सत्याग्रह (Non-Violence and Satyagraha)
9. ईश्वर के साथ मेरे अनुभव (My Experiences with God)
10. हरिजन (Harijan) - लेख और भाषण संग्रह
11. यंग इंडिया (Young India) - लेख और भाषण संग्रह
12. नवजीवन (Navajivan) - लेख और भाषण संग्रह
13. आत्मा शुद्धि (Atma shuddhi)
14. हरिजन सेवक , हरिजन बंधु
15. सॉन्ग फ्रॉम प्रिजन (songs from prison)
16. इंडियन ओपिनियन (Indian Opinion)
17. गोखले माय पॉलिटिकल गुरु (Gokhale My Political Guru)

Important for prelims
eMigrate Portal:

It was launched in 2014 and it has been instrumental in making the emigration process online and transparent for Indian workers heading to countries where emigration checks are required.
The portal connects foreign employers, registered recruiting agents, and insurance companies issuing the Pravasi Bhartiya Bima Yojna, facilitating seamless, safe, and legal migration.
The portal also has a mechanism for voluntary registration of emigrants holding ECNR (Emigration Check Not Required) category passports proceeding for overseas employment.
It is integrated with the external affairs ministry’s Passport Seva Project to validate the passport details of ECR category workers. This integration helps detect fake passport cases and check for data entry errors at the registration stage.
The Overseas Employment (OE) and Protector General of Emigrants (PGE) division of the external affairs ministry is responsible for overseeing the emigration of Indian workers having Emigration Clearance Required (ECR) category passports.
These are semi-skilled and unskilled workers who are considered most vulnerable to exploitation by unscrupulous recruitment agents or foreign employers.
ECR passport holders require Emigration Clearance (EC) when taking up jobs in the 18 designated ECR countries – Afghanistan, Bahrain, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.
Forwarded from UPSC PIB NEWS

Exercise Red Flag is a premier air-to-air combat training exercise that serves as an advanced aerial combat training event for air forces of the United States and its allies.
2024 edition was conducted at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, and Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska.
The 2024 edition of the focused on offering realistic training that replicates the stresses of combat operations, improving the participants’ capabilities to maintain a high level of readiness and survivability, and enhancing interoperability among allied air forces.
Red Flag exercise is known as the most realistic air combat training, where fighter pilots refine skills against numerous targets, authentic threats, and adversary forces.
This was the first time the IAF Rafale aircraft participated in Ex Red Flag.


🔆 Food Processing Industries (FPIs)

The food processing industry is a broad term that encompasses the activities involved in transforming raw agricultural products into food products for human consumption.
These activities include cleaning, sorting, grading, cooking, preserving, packaging, and distributing food products.
FPIs accounts for about 12% of the country's GDP and employs about 40 million people.

Food processing supply chain Categories

The upstream supply chain: This includes the farmers, suppliers, and processors who provide the raw materials for food processing.
The midstream supply chain: This includes the food manufacturers, distributors, and retailers who transform and deliver food products to consumers.
The downstream supply chain: This includes the consumers who purchase and consume food products.

Key elements

Raw materials: The food processing supply chain starts with the production of raw materials, such as fruits, vegetables, meat, and dairy products.
Processing: The raw materials are then processed into food products, such as canned goods, frozen foods, and snacks.
Packaging: The food products are then packaged for transportation and storage.
Distribution: The food products are then distributed to retailers, who sell them to consumers.
Retail: The consumers purchase the food products from retailers and consume them.

Challenges faced by the food processing industry

Inadequate cold chain infrastructure: India has a cold storage capacity of only 37 million tons against an estimated requirement of 70-100 million tons.
lkHigh post-harvest losses: India loses $13.4 billion worth of food grains annually due to inadequate storage and transport facilities.
Fragmented farm produce: India's farm sector is fragmented with a large number of small and marginal farmers. This makes aggregation of farm produce challenging.
Lack of automation: The food supply chain in India lacks adequate automation in sorting, grading and packaging of agricultural produce. This leads to manual handling and quality issues.
Longer supply chains: Indian farmers generally have to sell to wholesalers who supply to processors, thereby leading to longer and inefficient supply chains.

Create more integrated cold chain networks to link farms, processing units andbconsumers.
Promote modern supply chain technologies like RFID, blockchain for traceability and transparency.
Adopt automated grading, sorting and packaging systems to maintain quality and hygiene.
Set up more farm infra like collection centers, primary processing units to aggregata smallholder produce.
Strengthen logistics infrastructure for quick transportation of perishables.
Provide credit, tax incentives and subsidies for producers and processors to invest in supply chain improvement.


नए टेलीकॉम कानून की 8 बड़ी बातें
2024/09/30 16:35:14
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