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All eyes on 25 may Only 289 days

CSP25 270 days time effect

4 × 270 = 1080 hrs
6 × 270 = 1620 hrs
8 × 270 = 2160 hrs
10 × 270 = 2700 hrs
12 × 270 = 3240 hrs
14 × 270 = 3780 hrs
15 × 270 = 4050 hrs
16 × 270 = 4320hrs

Your target?

Neeraj silver 🥈

42 days for CSM24 [ 20-09-24]
107 days IFoS Mains 2024 ( 24 nov )

289 days left CSP25 [ 25-05-25]
378 days left CSM25 [ 22-08-25]

-53 days for 70th bpsc prelims (30 sept)
79 days UPPSC prelims 2024 ( 27 Oct )
136 days UPPSC RO/ARO prelims ( 22 DEC)


India’s trade with BIMSTEC
India’s total trade with BIMSTEC countries amounted to $44.32 billion in 2023-24.
Thailand was India’s largest trading partner within the bloc, with exports worth $5.04 billion and imports at $9.91 billion, resulting in a trade gap of $4.87 billion.
Bangladesh followed, with exports of $11.06 billion and imports of $1.84 billion, creating a trade balance of $9.22 billion in India’s favor.
CSM 24 Time table
Application Areas Of Supercomputers :
Climate Modelling
Weather Prediction
Aerospace Engineering
Computational Biology
Molecular Dynamics
Atomic Energy Simulations
National Security/ Defence Applications
Seismic Analysis
Disaster Simulations and Management
Computational Chemistry
Computational Material Science and Nanomaterials
Discoveries beyond Earth (Astrophysics)
Large Complex Systems Simulations and Cyber Physical Systems
Big Data Analytics
Information repositories/Government Information Systems
Case Study: Mohalla Clinics

Delhi’s Mohalla Clinics offer free essential health services, serving as a model for other regions.
World Bank Report on Urban Financing India needs $840 billion over 15 years to meet urban infrastructure demands, with 40% of the population expected in cities by 2036. Currently, 75% of funding is government-provided, with only 5% from private sources.
Debt swaps: Debt swaps are financial agreements where a country exchanges its existing debt for new obligations, typically linked to funding specific development projects or goals.

Types of Swaps:

Bilateral Swaps: Involves the writing off of official bilateral debt.
Commercial Debt Swaps: Targets debt held by private creditors
Bronze 🥉 medal

41 days for CSM24 [ 20-09-24]
106 days IFoS Mains 2024 ( 24 nov )

288 days left CSP25 [ 25-05-25]
377 days left CSM25 [ 22-08-25]

-52 days for 70th bpsc prelims (30 sept)
78 days UPPSC prelims 2024 ( 27 Oct )
135 days UPPSC RO/ARO prelims ( 22 DEC)


NB-IoT technology is a low power wide area technology that may be used almost everywhere.
Will allow many devices to connect to IoT, allowing development of new applications.
Designed for applications that send tiny quantities of data across great distances.
Secure and dependable since it runs on licensed spectrum, offering assured service quality.
Integrates into cellular systems ensuring easy deployment. Links devices to existing mobile networks more easily, effectively.
Securely and reliably handles tiny quantities of very occasional two-way communication.
Optimised for low power consumption.
Extended long-range coverage and deep penetration both indoors and underground.


Waves Of Globalization

globalization 1.0

Era: Pre-World War I, marked by significant reductions in trade costs.
Characteristics: Minimal government involvement and lack of global governance.


Era: Post-World War II, characterized by increased goods trade and supportive domestic policies.
Governance: Introduction of rule-based international governance with institutions like the UN, IMF, World Bank, GATT/WTO, and International Labor Organization.
Economic Role: Markets drove efficiency, while governments focused on justice.


Manufacturing: Integration of high-tech and low wages transformed manufacturing.
Supply Chains: Development of global supply chains as factories expanded across borders.


Competition: Intensifies for service-oriented professionals due to deeper market integration.
Technology: AI, IoT, big data, and cyber-physical systems revolutionize the service sector.
Work Dynamics: Remote work, driven by faster data connections, changes migration patterns and work habits.


Water Pollution

As per NITI Aayog, overall, 70 percent of the freshwater sources in the country were found to be contaminated
and India ranks 120 out of 122 countries in terms of water quality.

Causes of Water Pollution :

Water pollutants come from either point sources or dispersed sources. A point source is a pipe or channel, such as those used for discharge from an industrial facility or a city sewerage system.
A dispersed (or nonpoint) source is a very broad unconfined area from which a variety of pollutants enter the water body, such as the runoff from an agricultural area.
🔸 Domestic Sewage
🔸 Solid waste
🔸 Toxic waste

Impacts of Water Pollution: Destruction of biodiversity. Water pollution depletes aquatic ecosystems and triggers unbridled proliferation of phytoplankton in lakes — eutrophication. Contamination of the food chain

Initiatives to Control Water Pollution:

National Measures:
Legal Measures: Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act of 1974 and the Environment (Protection) Act of 1986. Preparation of action plan for sewage management and restoration of water quality in aquatic resources by State Governments
Financial assistance for installation of Common Effluent Treatment Plants for cluster of Small Scale Industrial units
Issuance of directions for implementation of Zero Liquid Discharge
Implementation of National Lake Conservation Plan (NLCP) and National Wetland Conservation Programme (NWCP)for conservation and management of identified lakes and wetlands

International efforts:
The Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) is a unique international legal instrument which aims to ensure the sustainable use of transboundary water resources
The Protocol on Water and Health, jointly serviced by UNECE and WHO-Europe, is a unique legally binding instrument aiming to protect human health by better water management and by reducing water-related diseases.
SDG-6: By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all


The Hon’ble Supreme Court observed in Union of India v/s Association for Democratic Reforms, “One-sided information, disinformation, misinformation and non-information, all equally create an uninformed citizenry which makes democracy a farce.
Green Politics : Green politics are a set of political ideologies and social movements which places a high importance on ecological and environmental goals, and on achieving these goals through broad-based, grassroots, participatory democracy.
🔆Space Technology Applications For Agriculture

Estimation of crop acreage and production Use of seasonal (Kharif, Rabi & Summer) space images for advance information on the crop acreage and production estimation for major crops.
For Agricultural drought assessment and monitoring
For Crop Insurance related assessment and relief
Soil Health Card Applications
Mapping and monitoring of various plantation crops at national level for inventory & management (Tea, Coffee, Spices, Rubber)
Space based inputs for the management of in-season fertiliser demand and potential
Mapping and monitoring of plantation crops (Tea, Coffee, Rubber, Spices etc.)
Mapping & monitoring, optimal produce for inland and aquaculture activities.



40 days for CSM24 [ 20-09-24]
105 days IFoS Mains 2024 ( 24 nov )

287 days left CSP25 [ 25-05-25]
376 days left CSM25 [ 22-08-25]

-51 days for 70th bpsc prelims (30 sept)
77 days UPPSC prelims 2024 ( 27 Oct )
134 days UPPSC RO/ARO prelims ( 22 DEC)


Forwarded from UPSC PIB NEWS
🔆E-Upahaar Portal:

It is an auction portal of the President's Secretariat (office of the President of India), Rashtrapati Bhavan for auctioning of gift items presented to Hon'ble President and former Presidents of India.

The portal was launched by the President of India, on July 25, 2024,

It is conceptualized, designed, developed and hosted by National Informatics Centre (NIC), Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.

The aim of this initiative is not only to increase citizen engagement but also to support noble causes. All proceeds from the auction will be donated to help children in need.


Case Study of Prasanth Bhushan: Issue of not abiding by the procedure in P. Bhushan
Case:- None of these were followed in Prashant Bhushan Case.
First issue petition was put by advocate Mr Maheshwari against Prasant Bhushan asking for exemption from the consent of AG and SC. The learned Judge said it was placed before them on the administrative side and now they are taking suo moto action.
Second Issue:- Rule 10 of the Rules to Regulate Proceedings of Contempt of Supreme court, 1975 expressly provides that the Court may direct the Attorney-General or Solicitor-General to appear and assist the court. However, SC failed to hear from AG and took his assistance throughout the hearing.


2024/10/02 20:32:03
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