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βœ…Macrophages are a type of white blood cell that plays an important role in the human immune system.
βœ…They carry out various functions, including engulfing and digesting microorganismsclearing out debris and dead cells, and stimulating other cells involved in immune function.
βœ…The term macrophage is formed by the combination of the Greek terms "makro" meaning big, and "phagein" meaning eat.


βœ…Macrophages form from monocyteswhich themselves derive from the bone marrow.
βœ…Monocytes circulate through the blood for one to three days before migrating into tissues, where they become macrophages or dendritic cells(i.e., a type of antigen presenting cell that plays a role in linking the innate and adaptive immunity).
βœ…Macrophages can be found within many organs in the body, including the liver, brain, bones, and lungs, as well as in the blood, particularly at sites of infection.
βœ…They are essential for the maintenance and defence of host tissues, doing so by sensing and engulfing particulate matterand, when necessary, initiating a pro-inflammatory response. 
βœ…They can modify themselves to form different structuresin order to fight various different microbes and invaders.
βœ…In this way, macrophages provide the first line of defense in protecting the host from infection.
βœ…They are also involved in the development of non-specific or innate immunity.
βœ…This type of immunity is a long-term immunity which is acquired when a macrophage ingests a microbe and presents the microbe's antigen on its surface to alert other white blood cells to the presence of the invading particle.
βœ…Other white blood cells then multiply and amount an immune response against the pathogen.
βœ…Macrophages produce a variety of cytokines, which are signaling molecules that communicate with other cells of the immune system.
βœ…Macrophages may have different names according to where they function in the body. 
βœ…For example,  macrophages present in the brain are termed microglia, and in the liver sinusoids, they are called Kupffer cells.


πŸ”†Economic Nationalism :

βœ… The president has called for β€˜economic nationalism’ for India's growth, urging the import of only essential goods to safeguard foreign exchange and jobs. The government champions 'Vocal for Local' as integral to self-reliance, echoing the Swadeshi movement.
Renowned economic thinkers hold diverse views on economic nationalism:
βœ… Adam Smith: Supported free trade and specialization for overall economic welfare.
βœ… Friedrich List: Advocated protective tariffs and government intervention to foster domestic industries and national strength.
βœ… John Maynard Keynes: Favored international cooperation and trade for global economic stability.
βœ… Dadabhai Naoroji: Emphasized self-reliance and economic empowerment for India's development, supporting domestic industries.
βœ… M. Visvesvaraya: Advocated for industrialization and economic self-sufficiency to strengthen India's economy.

Issues with economic nationalism include:

βœ…Trade Barriers: Tariffs and trade barriers can trigger trade wars, reducing global trade and harming businesses.
βœ… Inefficiency: Shielding domestic industries can lead to inefficiencies and lower-quality products.
βœ… Resource Misallocation: Prioritizing domestic industries can lead to misallocation of resources, hindering growth.
βœ… Geopolitical Tensions: Economic nationalism can strain international relations and cooperation.
βœ…Global Economic Instability: Restrictions on trade and investment can disrupt global markets, leading to instability.


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Namewise Result UKPSC PRELIMS
Cabinet approves 12 Industrial nodes/cities under National Industrial Corridor Development Programme (NICDP) with an estimated investment of Rs. 28,602 crore
βœ… Spanning across 10 states and strategically planned along 6 major corridors, these projects represent a significant leap forward in India's quest to enhance its manufacturing capabilities and economic growth
βœ…NICDP is designed to foster a vibrant industrial ecosystem by facilitating investments from both large anchor industries and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
βœ… The new industrial cities will be developed as greenfield smart cities of global standards, built "ahead of demand" on the 'plug-n-play' and 'walk-to-work' concepts
βœ… Aligned with the PM GatiShakti National Master Plan, the projects will feature multi-modal connectivity infrastructure, ensuring seamless movement of people, goods, and services
βœ… NICDP is expected to generate significant employment opportunities, with an estimated 1 million direct jobs and upto 3 million indirect jobs being created through planned industrialization
Aadhar authentication in UPSC

⏳ 22 days for CSM24 [ 20-09-24]
⏳87 days IFoS Mains 2024 ( 24 nov )

⏳269 days left CSP25 [ 25-05-25]
⏳358 days left CSM25 [ 22-08-25]

⏳ 59 days UPPSC prelims 2024 ( 27 Oct )
⏳ 116 days UPPSC RO/ARO prelims ( 22 DEC)


πŸ”†PARIVESH 2.0 Portal:

βœ…PARIVESH 2.0 (Pro-Active and Responsive facilitation by Interactive, Virtuous, and Environmental Single Window Hub) is a web-based workflow application developed by the Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) for the online submission and monitoring of proposals related to environmental, forest, wildlife, and coastal regulation zone clearances.

βœ…Many living specimens of exotic animal species listed in Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 are in possession of various individuals, organizations and zoos.

βœ…These living specimens of exotic animals listed under Schedule IV of the Act are to be reported and registered by the concerned individuals, organizations and zoos.

βœ…The registration of these exotic animal species is to be done in the PARIVESH 2.0 portal.
πŸ”†Reclining Buddha

βœ… A reclining Buddha is an image that represents Buddha lying down and is a major iconographic theme in Buddhist art.
βœ… It represents the historical Buddha during his last illness, about to enter the parinirvana.
βœ… He is lying on his right side, his head resting on a cushion or relying on his right elbow, supporting his head with his hand.

Cave No. 26 of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Ajanta contains a 24-foot-long and nine-foot-tall sculpture of the Reclining Buddha, believed to have been carved in the 5th century AD.


πŸ”†Chemical Weapons Convention

βœ… Founded in 1993
βœ…The Chemical Weapons Convention is officially known as the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction.
βœ…The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is the implementing body.
βœ… The CWC is open to all nations and currently has 193 parties
o Israel has signed but not ratified the agreement.
βœ… Egypt, North Korea and South Sudan have neither signed nor acceded to the treaty.
βœ… The CWC is the world’s first multilateral disarmament agreement to provide for the elimination of an entire
category of weapons of mass destruction within a fixed time frame.

βœ…India and CWC - India signed in 1993 and enacted Chemical Weapons Convention Act in 2000.
βœ…National Authority Chemical Weapons Convention (NACWC) has been established under the Chemical Weapons Convention Act, 2000 for implementing the provisions of the Convention.
New initiatives to support farmers.pdf
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New initiatives to support farmers
Agricultural Infrastructure Fund (AIF) Scheme.pdf
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Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF) Scheme:

βœ…It is a Central Sector Schemewhich was launched in 2020.
βœ…Objective: The scheme shall provide a medium- to long-term debt financing facility for investment in viable projects for post-harvest management infrastructure and community farming assets through interest subvention and financial support.
βœ…The duration of the Scheme shall be from FY2020 to FY2032 (10 years).

Who is eligible?

βœ…Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS)
βœ…Marketing Cooperative Societies
βœ…Farmer Producers Organizations (FPOs)
βœ…Self Help Group (SHG)
βœ…Joint Liability Groups (JLG)
βœ…Multipurpose Cooperative Societies
βœ…Agri-entrepreneurs and Startups
βœ…Central/State agency or Local Body sponsored Public-Private Partnership Projects.

βœ…Exclusions: Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) are not directly eligible under the scheme, but projects sponsored by them under PPP are eligible.
βœ…All scheduled commercial banks, scheduled cooperative banks, Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), Small Finance Banks, Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs), and National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) may participate to provide this financing facility.
βœ…If required, need-based refinance support will be made available by NABARD to all eligible lending entities, including cooperative banks and RRBs, as per its policy.



⏳ 21 days for CSM24 [ 20-09-24]
⏳86 days IFoS Mains 2024 ( 24 nov )

⏳268 days left CSP25 [ 25-05-25]
⏳357 days left CSM25 [ 22-08-25]

⏳ 58 days UPPSC prelims 2024 ( 27 Oct )
⏳ 115 days UPPSC RO/ARO prelims ( 22 DEC)


Cabinet approves rolling out Private FM Radio to 234 uncovered new cities/towns

βœ…Move likely to boost local content in mother tongue and create new employment opportunities

βœ…New areas covered include many Aspirational, LWE affected, and border areas
2024/09/30 15:30:09
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