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Since non-secret chats and files are stored in the cloud, you can access them from any device by logging into your account. You will never have to worry about on-device storage or losing important files, but the trade-off is that you lose a bit of privacy and security. You can use this to, for example, keep your personal and professional lives separate on Telegram without having to use another messenger app. Lock Your Chats 1b

Plus, if youโ€™re using the โ€œsecret chatsโ€ feature, youโ€™re getting the same level of end-to-end encryption. On top of this, users canโ€™t forward or screenshot messages in secret chats, and messages can be programmed to self-destruct. Deleting a message also deletes it for everyone on the service, and users have the option to delete not just their own messages, but other usersโ€™ messages, too. Itโ€™s also worth mentioning that all chats are encrypted, even if not end-to-end encrypted. Turn Off Notifications for Individual Contacts 2b Telegram Messenger Tricks To use a proxy server in Telegram, open Settings > Data and Storage > Proxy Settings. Enable Use Proxy and you'll need to fill in all the required information to add it. You can find server info for this online if needed. Set Reminders

To find more themes, Android users can try the Themes for Telegram app. If you use an iPhone, have a look at the Telegram Themes subreddit. If you're part of many Telegram chatsโ€”maybe you joined too many of the best Telegram channelsโ€”they can quickly become annoying. When this happens, you can always mute a chat without leaving it. This way, you can check it on your own terms instead of getting a ping for every new message. Infinite Reactions Karma Dost: App for improving medication adherence

Finally, Telegram has brought a list view for search results in chronological order. Earlier, finding something by incessantly tapping on โ€œnextโ€ was a tiring exercise. Now, you can just search for the term and tap on the โ€œsearch barโ€ at the bottom to find all the search results in the list view. Turn off/on the auto-night mode

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