Telegram also supports hashtags. If you tap a hashtag, you can search across all of your activate chats for it. This makes it easy to find messages in the future or categorize information for yourself. New Username Links Final Thoughts
They offer a great opportunity to reach people directly, sending notifications to their devices with every post. Users can join and leave channels at any time. And once they join a channel, they can see its entire message history. Stories and statuses Then choose Change Number and follow the instructions. This will move all messages, clients, and media to your new mobile number. Plus, Telegram will automatically add your new number in the address books of all your contacts. Chat Folders
If you love Twitter polls, well, now you can get the same feature on Telegram Groups as well. You can create both anonymous and visible polls and also schedule them accordingly. Other than that, there is also a Quiz Mode which allows you to see who voted for what. And the best part is that you can set up quizzes with multiple answers. So, if you run a Telegram group, this is the best way to settle scores with your friends and family. To create polls, simply tap on the “attachment” icon and select the “Polls” menu. And for Quizzes, you can go through Telegram’s guide over here. What do you think about Telegram? How is your experience? Let me know your comments below! Improved Chat Previews on Android Finally, if you don't want to disturb the other person, choose Send without sound to silently deliver the message to the other party without them getting a notification.
5 Cool Telegram Messenger Tricks You Should Know As mentioned above, the use of usernames instead of phone numbers means your account isn’t tied to just one phone. This makes it easier to log in on other devices, allows you to have multiple accounts on the same device, and makes it so you don’t have to share your phone number with someone to add them as a contact in Telegram.
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