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Try Secret Telegram Chats Custom Theme Your Telegram 5b The company has redesigned the reaction panel, making it expandable. The app will also show reactions that a user frequently uses at the top. Premium Telegram Premium users can pick reactions from an infinite selection of custom emoji. Users can attach up to 3 reactions per message. These changes to reactions are currently available in groups and 1-on-1 chats. Group admins can control whether custom reactions may be used in their groups.

Telegram gives you an option where you can select who can see your last seen time. To configure this, go to “Settings”, “Privacy and Security” and then tap on “Last Seen & Online”. You can share it with everybody, or people in your contact list, or nobody, or add exceptions like “never share with” XYZ. Now, tap Profile Photo. Now, you have three options: On Android, simply slide out the left menu and choose New Secret Chat to start a new one. On iPhone, open a chat, tap the contact's name at the top, choose More, and then hit Start Secret Chat. Similar options are available for sharing your phone number and profile photo. You can also select who can add a link to your account when forwarding messages, who can call you, and who can add you in groups.

If you're part of many Telegram chats—maybe you joined too many of the best Telegram channels—they can quickly become annoying. When this happens, you can always mute a chat without leaving it. This way, you can check it on your own terms instead of getting a ping for every new message. You’ll have to be especially concerned with privacy to want to do this — it means you’ll never have a chat log — nonetheless, it’s a nice option that Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and WeChat don’t have. Change Phone Numbers Send uncompressed file

They offer a great opportunity to reach people directly, sending notifications to their devices with every post. Users can join and leave channels at any time. And once they join a channel, they can see its entire message history. On Android, tap the three-dot Menu button in the top-right of any Telegram chat and choose Mute notifications. On iOS, tap the contact or group name at the top of the screen and choose Mute. Then you can choose to mute the chat for various periods of time, or forever.

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