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TG COLOMBIA Telegram Group

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In fact, Telegram offers many more features rather than other Messaging apps in the same market. Public groups can now enable join requests – allowing group admins to review new members before approving them to write in the chat. Users who open the group can tap Request to Join, adding their request to a list that only admins can access. In addition to these functions, you can enable in-app browsing that lets you open external links within the app. All these options are available under the “Chat Settings” section.

Send Uncompressed Media without Changing the File Extension Uttarakhand resort murder: Amid questions within, BJP may revamp Dhami go...Premium Unlike mass-market messengers like WhatsApp and Line, Telegram is an open-source app. This means anyone can check the app’s source code, protocol, API, and see how it works and make an informed decision. Hide Your Profile Photo

If you’re in the West and you meet a new contact, the odds are they’ll prefer using WhatsApp to Telegram messenger. Popularity breeds popularity, and trying to dethrone WhatsApp is an uphill battle for Telegram. If you're part of many Telegram chats—maybe you joined too many of the best Telegram channels—they can quickly become annoying. When this happens, you can always mute a chat without leaving it. This way, you can check it on your own terms instead of getting a ping for every new message. Yes, with the recent update, now you can add animated stickers of Telegram on both images and videos. We all love Telegram’s high-quality animated stickers and now you can bring life to still images using these popular animated stickers. However, keep in mind, after adding stickers, images will turn into GIFs and might lose some quality. So to use this feature, just select your image/video and tap on the “brush” icon at the bottom. After that, tap on the sticker icon and add animated stickers to your media. That’s it. Premium users get increased limits for almost everything in the app. With Premium, you can follow up to 1000 channels, create up to 20 chat folders with up to 200 chats each, add a fourth account to any Telegram app, pin 10 chats in the main list and save up to 10 favorite stickers.

Even better, thanks to Cloud Themes, you can share your custom themes (or try themes created by others) using a link. If the owner updates the theme, everyone using it through that link will see the changes. Long-press on a theme and choose Share to make it available to others. Sometimes you don’t want to leave any evidence of what nonsense you are about to say. Instead of deleting chats manually, you can use self destruct messages on secret chats by setting a timer.

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