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Telegram has a cloud service that stores messages, photos, videos, and documents. You can access your data from any of your devices anytime without having to rely on third-party backups. Telegram users can send each other live locations just like WhatsApp. Live locations allow the receiver to track the sender in real-time for a set amount of time when they’re on the move. However, with Telegram, both parties can also set proximity alerts. These are mini-alerts that will ring when another user gets close. You can, for instance, set up a proximity alert for when your friend gets within a 50-meter radius of you at the mall, so you can start looking for them around you. Premium 4 GB Uploads

When multiple users share their live location within a group, they’re displayed on an interactive map. To use this feature, choose “location” from the attachment menu and tap on “Share my location for…” To use live locations and proximity alerts, go to the contact’s chat window and tap on the ‘Attach’ icon shaped like a paperclip. Choose the location button here, and choose ‘Share my Live Location’. You will be able to send live locations for either 15 minutes, 1 hour or 8 hours. As Telegram keeps growing at rocket speed, many users have expressed their will to support our team. Today we're launching Premium Telegram Premium – a subscription that lets you support Telegram's continued development and gives you access to exclusive additional features. Generic Telegram emojis on the Honor View 20 on a table.

Telegram has a personal ‘Saved Messages’ space for each user. This is accessible from the left hamburger menu on the main screen. Users can save important messages here which will be backed up on Telegram’s secure cloud just like your chats. The Saved Messages space can then be accessed across you’re your phone, laptop and any other device where your account is logged in. Custom themes Terminate Active Sessions Create Timestamp for Videos

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