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Bis zu Noahs Flut war unsere Erde buchstäblich von Riesen bevölkert. Danach gab es immer noch Millionen in unserer Welt und selbst heute hält man noch welche vor uns versteckt.
Dementsprechend werden auch immer wieder Skelette von Riesen gefunden.

Das Smithsonian Institut, eine bedeutende US-amerikanische Bildungs- und Forschungseinrichtung, mit Sitz in Washington, musste vor dem Obersten Gerichtshof der USA zugeben, dass es auf Anweisung hochrangiger Beamter im letzten Jahrhundert Tausende von riesigen menschlichen Skeletten zerstörte, um die damals vorherrschende Chronologie der menschlichen Evolution zu schützen.

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Until Noah's flood, our earth was literally populated by giants. After that there were still millions in our world and even today some are still hidden from us.
Accordingly, skeletons of giants are often found.

Smithsonian Institute to protect human evolution.
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The Old World is in The Catacombs?

Today, we go underground and find a massive clue to where the previous civilization may have gone. We find that there are thousands of miles of catacombs present, all over the world. All because the cemeteries were over crowded? there a much darker secret to these tunnel systems that hold bones of the past, that are placed into geometric patterns. Are you ready to take this research to another level? Are you ready to go into the Catacombs? Here we go...

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The more I go down the peanut rabbit hole: the more it begins to make sense.

Peanuts counter colon, breast, and prostate cancers. No wonder they moved everyone to sweet almonds and place peanut oil in the vaxx to get people allergic.
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Understanding the power of words....

They were designed to enslave us ....
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So the owner of Kansas City chiefs football team/ and his family own an underground city?

Called subtropolis?

In Kansas City....

Which houses 6 million square foot of building space

Holds storage for the national archives
Office for the EPA...

It's deep into this family.

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This is the drink that will take your sugar out of your veins.🌿
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The poisonous Amanita muscaria mushrooms are the red and white presents / gifts / rewards found underneath the bows of the pine tree that the Christian holiday of Christ-mas has borrowed from ancient pagan ceremonies.

Many people claim health benefits and/or insights from micro-dosing minuscule amounts of Amanita muscaria. Presentation by Eric Dubay.
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#tartaria This is a great video with a great theory on how it’s all connected. The aether above is key to understanding a lot of this.
Once a wise man was asked to explain the difference between religion and spirituality.

His response was profound:

Religion is not just one, there are many.

Spirituality is one.

Religion is for those who sleep.

Spirituality is for those who are awake.

Religion is for those who need someone to tell them what to do and who want guidance.

Spirituality is for those who pay attention to their inner voice.

Religion has dogmatic rules.

Spirituality calls us to discuss everything, question everything.

Religion threatens and scares.

Spirituality gives inner peace.

Religion talks about sin and guilt.

Spirituality says "learn from your mistake".

Religion suppresses everything that is wrong.

Spirituality overcomes everything, it brings you closer to the truth!

Religion is about God; It is not God.

Spirituality is everything and therefore it is in God.

Religion is inventing.

Spirituality is finding.

Religion doesn't tolerate any questions.

Spirituality will question everything.

Religion is humanity.

This is an organization whose rules are made by men.

Spirituality is divine, without human rules.

Religion is the cause of division.

Spirituality unites.

Religion seeks you to believe.

The spirituality you have to seek it to believe.

Religion follows the concepts of the holy book.

Spirituality looks for a holiday in all books.

Religion feeds fear.

Spirituality feeds trust and faith.

Religion lives in thoughts.

Spirituality lives in inner consciousness.

Religion is dealing with the performance of rituals.

Spirituality is related to the inner self.

Religion feeds the ego.

Spirituality forces you to go beyond.

Religion makes us disconnect from the world to follow God.

Spirituality makes us live in God, without giving up our existing life.

Religion is a cult.

Spirituality is an inner meditation.

Religion fills us with dreams of glory in paradise.

Spirituality makes us live in earthly glory and paradise.

Religion lives in the past and in the future.

Spirituality is living in the present.

Religion creates monasteries in our memory.

Spirituality frees our consciousness.

Religion makes us believe in eternal life.

Spirituality makes us aware of eternal life.

Religion promises life after death.

Spirituality means finding God inside us in our present life before we die

- We are not human beings who are going through a mental experience.

-We are spiritual beings going through the human experience.
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What's hidden beyond the Walls of? Maybe we can see a glimpse of it reflected on the Moon.
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This is a very powerful 20 minute uk audio interview I watched years ago by Dr Robert Hanson.

Why we should avoid leds and fluorescents. Resulting in damaging the eyes/cataracts/ and altering our health due to the wave lengths.

Always opt for incandescents, halogens, and candelight. He also debunks the led red light "tricks of the marketing"
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Want to reduce your risk of getting sick?🤧

These immunity bombs are perfect for preventing illness or helping when you get under the weather!

Ingredients used:
Fresh ginger (no need to peel!)
Fresh turmeric (no need to peel!)
Lemon (no need to peel, but can get chunky, so may consider cutting some of the skin off!)
Pinch black pepper
Filtered water

Blend everything together and freeze in molds!

*optional: you could strain everything, but I don’t love an extra step
2024/09/28 22:04:59
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