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100% of your donations goes to combating chemtrails, and geoengineering.

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Or contact us at:
[email protected]

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The skies will be blue again.

-GFC team
Geoengineering Free Canada is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: The TRUTH about Geoengineering
Time: May 13, 2023 10:00 AM Vancouver

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 968 1577 2772
Passcode: 735038
One tap mobile
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Thank you for the invite
An Event You Don't Want To Miss!
Geoengineering Free Canada will bring the truth about geoengineering to Kelowna BC.

Join us for a day full of information, amazing speakers plus entertainment for the kids.

For information or questions please contact
[email protected]
Geoengineering Free Canada is supporting this event. The Earth is beautiful!
Hey everyone. GFC is excited to announce that we are putting on our biggest event ever, and we are inviting all of you to come join us. Tickets are only 40.00, and you can either pay in advance or at the door.

When paying via etransfer, please make sure you screenshot or print the confirmation that it was deposited into OUR account, and add in the memo/notes/message area, your first and last name, along with the words, "geoengineering event" so we can confirm your entry at the door. All other forms of payment will already have confirmation upon purchase of tickets.

Contact us:
[email protected]

[email protected]

Buy me a coffee:

Event brite:
Hey everyone. GFC is excited to announce that we are putting on our biggest event ever, and we are inviting all of you to come join us. Tickets are only 40.00, and you can either pay in advance or at the door.

When paying via etransfer, please make sure you screenshot or print the confirmation that it was deposited into OUR account, and add in the memo/notes/message area, your first and last name, along with the words, "geoengineering event" so we can confirm your entry at the door. All other forms of payment will already have confirmation upon purchase of tickets.

Contact us:
[email protected]

[email protected]

Buy me a coffee:

Event brite:
Hey everyone. we need your support on Tuesday June 20, 2:00 at Kelowna City Hall, to oppose their Petition to ban our rallies. Send out to your lists and bring your friends!! We need to demand that they abandon their Petition now. This case, if it proceeds, will affect everyone in B.C. and allow all cities to ban rallies where ever they wish. With the Gov't telling the media what to publish, this could effectively shut down all public opposition when new restrictions are imposed, as the Gov't has said they will do. Please take a couple of hours and join us on Tue. June 20. Make signs to bring with you!! We've had nurses, terminated employees, doctors, and many professionals attend these huge rallies. If we weren't having success, the Gov't would not take this action.
2024/09/23 02:21:40
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