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1. Overcoming Fear
As the saying goes: Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die.

Most people dream of being Rich, but are terrified of losing money.

🀄️ If you're going to GO BROKE, GO BIG!

Remember: Failure inspires WINNERS, Failure defeats LOSERS

Don't BURY your failures

Take your failures and Turn them into RALLYING CRIES!

Because that's the PRIMARY difference between a RICH PERSON and a POOR PERSONHOW THEY MANAGE FEAR


2. Overcoming Cynicism
🀄️ Noise is created inside our heads or come from outside, often from LOVED ONES and FAMILY!

🀄️ Uncheck doubts and fear creates a cynic- CYNIC NEVER WIN

❗️Cynics criticizes, and winners analyze.

🀄️ A savvy investor knows that seemingly worst of times is actually the best of times to make money.

🀄️ When everyone is too afraid to act, they pull the trigger and are rewarded.

🀄️ When you're in doubt and feeling a little afraid, just do what Colonel Sanders did to his chickenHE FRIED IT

3. Overcoming Laziness
🀄️ The words "I can't afford it." shut down your brain, while "How Can I Afford It?" opens up possibilities, excitement, and dreams.

🀄️ So ask, What's in it for me? A LITTLE GREED is a CURE for laziness.

4. Overcoming Bad Habits
🀄️ Paying yourself first, and using others/creditors scream as a motivation to trade, to start companies, to work extra jobs rather than innocently dipping into your savings.

5. Overcoming Arrogance
🀄️ Every time you have been arrogant , you have lost money.

Because when you're arrogant, you truly believe that what you don't know is not important.

30 Motivational Sales Quotes To Inspire Success*

1) “Approach Each Customer With The Idea Of Helping Him Or Her To Solve A Problem Or Achieve A Goal, Not Of Selling A Product Or Service.” – Brian Tracy

2) “If You Are Not Taking Care Of Your Customer, Your Competitor Will.” – Bob Hooey

3) “You Don’t Need A Big Close As Many Sales Reps Believe. You Risk Losing Your Customer When You Save All The Good Stuff For The End. Keep The Customer Actively Involved Throughout Your Presentation, And Watch Your Results Improve.” – Harvey Mackay

4) “Either You Run The Day Or The Day Runs You.” – Jim Rohn

5) “Make A Customer, Not A Sale.” – Katherine Barchetti

6) “Keep Your Sales Pipeline Full By Prospecting Continuously. Always Have More People To See Than You Have Time To See Them.” – Brian Tracy

7) “A Goal Is A Dream With A Deadline.” – Napoleon Hill

8) “Your Attitude Not Your Aptitude Will Determine Your Altitude.” – Zig Ziglar

9) “The Difference Between A Successful Person And Others Is Not A Lack Of Strength, Not A Lack Of Knowledge, But Rather A Lack Of Will.” – Vince Lombardi

10) “Your Life Can Only Get Better When You Do. Do Something Every Day To Improve Your Key Skill Areas.” – Brian Tracy

11) “If You Are Not Moving Closer To What You Want In Sales (Or In Life), You Probably Aren’t Doing Enough Asking.” – Jack Canfield

12) “To Build A Long-Term, Successful Enterprise, When You Don’t Close A Sale, Open A Relationship.” – Patricia Fripp

13) “Motivation Is What Gets You Started. Habit Is What Keeps You Going.” – Jim Rohn

14) “Begin Always Expecting Good Things To Happen.” – Tom Hopkins

15) “Timid Salesmen Have Skinny Kids.” – Zig Ziglar

16) “Dream Big! There Are No Limitations To How Good You Can Become Or How High You Can Rise Except The Limits You Put On Yourself.” – Brian Tracy

17) “Setting Goals Is The First Step In Turning The Invisible Into The Visible.” – Tony Robbins

18) “Sales Success Comes After You Stretch Yourself Past Your Limits On A Daily Basis.” – Omar Periu

19) “Expect The Best, Prepare For The Worst, Capitalize On What Comes.” – Zig Ziglar

20) “Sales Are Contingent Upon The Attitude Of The Salesman – Not The Attitude Of The Prospect.” – W. Clement Stone

21) “Value The Relationship More Than The Quota.” – Jeff Gitomer

22) “Nothing Is Particularly Hard If You Divide It Into Small Jobs.” – Henry Ford

23) Statistics Suggest That When Customers Complain, Business Owners And Managers Ought To Get Excited About It. The Complaining Customer Represents A Huge Opportunity For More Business.” – Zig Ziglar

24) “Our Greatest Weakness Lies In Giving Up. The Most Certain Way To Succeed Is To Try Just One More Time.” – Thomas Edison

25) “Everything You’ve Ever Wanted Is On The Other Side Of Fear.” – George Addair

26) “Don’t Worry About Failures, Worry About The Chances You Miss When You Don’t Even Try.” – Jack Canfield

27) “There’s No Lotion Or Potion That Will Make Sales Faster And Easier For You – Unless Your Potion Is Hard Work.” – Jeffery Gitomer

28) “Always Do Your Best. What You Plant Now, Will Harvest Later.” – Og Mandino

29) “Keep Yourself Positive, Cheerful And Goal-Oriented. Sales Success Is 80% Attitude And Only 20% Aptitude.” – Brian Tracy

30) “Develop And Attitude Of Gratitude. Say ‘Thank You’ To Everyone You Meet For Everything They Do For You.” – Brian Tracy
The 100 Rules of Business
15 lessons from the book
"The 100 Rules of Business" 📚
"The100 Rules of Business" is a book that provides valuable insights and lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs and business professionals.

1. Set clear goals: Define your long-term vision and set specific, achievable goals to guide your business journey.

2. Prioritize customer satisfaction: Focus on understanding and meeting the needs of your customers. Happy customers lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth.

3. Embrace change: Adaptability is crucial in the ever-evolving business landscape. Be open to new ideas, technologies, and market trends.

4. Build a strong team: Surround yourself with talented individuals who share your vision and complement your skills. A cohesive team can achieve great things together.

5. Continuous learning: Stay curious and invest in your personal and professional development. Seek knowledge, attend workshops, and learn from both successes and failures.

6. Take calculated risks: Business growth often requires taking risks. Evaluate the potential rewards and consequences before making decisions, but don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.

7. Foster a positive company culture: Create a supportive and inclusive work environment that values collaboration, innovation, and employee well-being. A strong culture attracts and retains top talent.

8. Build strong relationships: Networking and building relationships with customers, suppliers, and industry peers can open doors to new opportunities and collaborations.

9. Focus on quality: Delivering high-quality products or services is essential for building a reputable brand and gaining customer trust.

10. Stay financially disciplined: Monitor your finances closely, maintain a budget, and make informed financial decisions. Cash flow management is critical for the sustainability of your business.

11. Be adaptable: Be prepared to pivot and adjust your strategies when necessary. The ability to adapt to changing market conditions can help you stay ahead of the competition.

12. Embrace innovation: Encourage creativity and innovation within your organization. Stay updated with emerging technologies and explore ways to leverage them for business growth.

13. Practice effective communication: Develop strong communication skills to convey your ideas, expectations, and feedback clearly. Effective communication fosters collaboration and avoids misunderstandings.

14. Be ethical: Conduct your business with integrity and transparency. Uphold ethical standards in all your interactions, both internally and externally.

15. Never stop improving: Strive for continuous improvement in all aspects of your business. Regularly evaluate your processes, products, and services to identify areas for enhancement.

"The100 Rules of Business" offers a wealth of knowledge and practical advice that can help you navigate the complex world of entrepreneurship and business management.

Thank you for reading 📚 ❤️ 🙏
A list of small niches to consider:

1. Aquaponics - growing fish and plants together in a closed-loop system

2. Specialty teas - unique blends of tea leaves and ingredients

3. Artisanal cheeses -handmade cheeses produced in small batches

4. Kombucha brewing - making fermented tea-based drinks

5. Urban farming - growing crops in small, urban spaces such as rooftop gardens or community gardens

6. Beekeeping - maintaining bee colonies for honey production and pollination services

7. Foraging - harvesting wild, locally-sourced food ingredients

8. Heirloom vegetables-growing and selling rare, non-hybridized vegetables

9. Blacksmithing - creating hand-forged metal products such as tools, jewelry, and kitchenware
10. Soap making - creating handmade soap using natural ingredients.

These niche markets may not have the mass appeal of more mainstream markets, but they offer opportunities for entrepreneurs to tap into passionate, dedicated communities of customers who are interested in unique and high-quality products and services.
1. Find a partner who will invest money.

2. Agree with partners on a percentage of profits.

3. Start with small deals.

4. Find an investor or business angel.

5. In any case, you always pay - with labor, time, intelligence.

6. The best businesses always start without investment.

7. Consult with someone who started from scratch.

8. Many businessmen started a business by borrowing small amounts from relatives.

9. Don't chase big profits right away.

10. Do not register a legal entity ahead of time.

11. Take the goods for sale.

12. Don't even think about taking out a loan.

13. Do not be shy to negotiate with people.

14. A business that starts from scratch grows many times faster.

15. Any business can be started from scratch.
Ten Lessons from the book "THE COMPOUND EFFECT"
1. The little things matter. Small, seemingly insignificant actions can have a big impact over time.

2. Consistency is key. The key to success is to be consistent with your actions, even if they are small.

3. Take action now. Don't wait for the perfect moment to start taking action. Just start today.

4. Track your progress. Tracking your progress will help you stay motivated and on track.

5. Don't give up. The journey to success is not always easy, but it is important to never give up.

6. Be patient. The compound effect takes time to work its magic. Don't expect to see results overnight.

7. Be positive. A positive attitude will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.

8. Surround yourself with positive people. The people you spend time with have a big impact on your success. Surround yourself with positive people who will support you on your journey.

9. Celebrate your wins. When you achieve a goal, take the time to celebrate your success. This will help you stay motivated and keep moving forward.

10. Never stop learning. The world is constantly changing, so it is important to never stop learning. The more you learn, the more successful you will be.

These are just a few of the lessons that can be learned from the book "The Compound Effect." If you are serious about achieving your goals, I highly recommend reading this book.
11 tips to reach your goal.

1️⃣. Think in writing. A goal that is not on paper does not exist.

2️⃣. Set the goal specifically by answering the questions: what, where, when and how?

3️⃣. Limit the goal in time: a goal without time is just a dream.

4️⃣. Think about who other than you will benefit from your goal?

5️⃣. Formulate the goal in an affirmative form in the present tense.

6️⃣. Divide goals into subgoals, prepare a detailed scenario for achieving the goal.

7️⃣. Take responsibility for your actions towards your goal.

8️⃣. Determine the intermediate results of achieving the goal.

9️⃣. Think about the end, not about the means to achieve it. Set your final destination and go.

1️⃣0️⃣. Create an image of the future, where you have achieved the goal, and fix this image.

1️⃣1️⃣. Behave as if you were guaranteed success.
8 Must Read Money Books For Aspiring Millionaires 📚
1️⃣ THE RICHEST MAN IN BABYLON by George S. Clason

2️⃣ RICH DAD POOR DAD by Robert Kiyosaki


4️⃣ THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill

5️⃣ 10X RULE by Grant Cardone


7️⃣ ZERO TO ONE By Peter Theil

8️⃣ THE OBSTACLE IS THE WAY by Ryan Holiday
THINK AND GROW RICH 📚 by Napoleon Hill
Here are 12 key points from the book
1. The Power of Thoughts:
Your thoughts have the ability to shape your reality. Think positively and visualize your goals, as your mind can attract the opportunities and circumstances needed to achieve them.

2. Desire and Persistence: .
A burning desire combined with unwavering persistence is the key to achieving your dreams. Be clear about what you want and keep pushing forward, even when faced with obstacles.

3. Belief in Yourself:
Believe in your abilities and have faith in your potential for success. Confidence in yourself will help you overcome challenges and setbacks.

4. Setting Clear Goals:
Clearly define your goals and create a concrete plan to achieve them. Specific and measurable objectives will help guide your actions effectively.

5. Mastermind Group:
Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your ambitions. A mastermind group can provide support, new perspectives, and valuable insights.

6. Taking Action:
It's not enough to think and dream; you must take consistent and decisive action towards your goals. Inaction leads to stagnation, while action breeds success.

7. Overcoming Fear:
Identify and confront your fears, as they often stand in the way of progress. Overcoming fear is essential for personal growth and achieving success.

8. Learning from Failure:
Treat failure as a stepping stone to success rather than a roadblock. Learn from your mistakes, adjust your approach, and keep moving forward.

9. Imagination and Creativity:
Cultivate your imagination and tap into your creativity to generate innovative ideas and solutions.

10. Persistence and Perseverance:
Success may not come overnight, but with persistent effort and perseverance, you can achieve extraordinary results.

11. The Power of the Subconscious Mind:
Your subconscious mind plays a significant role in shaping your thoughts and actions. Train your mind to focus on positive outcomes.

12. Giving Back:
Achieving wealth and success is not solely about personal gain. Use your success to contribute positively to society and help others along their paths to success.
15 lessons from
1. Money is a tool.
It's not an end in itself.

2. Don't let your emotions control your spending.
Be mindful of the emotions that can drive you to overspend, and learn to control them.

3. Invest for the long term.
The stock market will go up and down in the short term, but over the long term, it goes up.

4. Don't try to time the market.
No one can predict the future, so don't try to guess when to buy and sell stocks.

5. Diversify your investments.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your money across different asset classes to reduce your risk.

6. Don't be afraid to take risks.
But don't be reckless either.

7. Pay yourself first.
Make sure you save money for your future before you spend it on anything else.

8. Live below your means.
The less you spend, the more money you'll have to save and invest.

9. Don't compare yourself to others.
Everyone is on their own journey. Focus on your own financial goals and don't worry about what others have.

10. Be patient.
Building wealth takes time. Don't expect to get rich quick.

11. Be grateful.
Appreciate what you have, both in terms of your financial situation and in your life in general.

12. Help others.
One of the best ways to feel good about your money is to use it to help others.

13. Be kind to yourself.
Everyone makes mistakes. Don't beat yourself up if you make a financial mistake. Just learn from it and move on.

14. Never give up.
The road to financial independence is long and winding, but it's worth it. Keep working hard and never give up on your goals.

15. Money can't buy happiness.
But it can buy peace of mind and security.

The Psychology of Money is a book about the emotional side of money. It's about how our feelings about money can lead us to make bad decisions. It's also about how to overcome these emotional biases and make better financial decisions.

I hope you find these lessons helpful.

Fiverr - Covers many skills, protective payment structure for freelancers.

Moneymake - make money in home.

PeoplePerHour - Uses AI to match projects and freelancers efficiently.

Guru - Emphasizes transparency, trust between clients and freelancers.

Freelancer - Offers worldwide jobs in many languages and skills.

Wellfound - Connects freelancers to exciting startups opportunities.

DesignCrowd - Crowdsourcing design work, competition for projects.

99designs - Service charges intro fee but helps designers find clients.

Working Not Working - Features design talent and reliable job board.

Webflow Experts - For Webflow freelancers, clients are pre-vetted. 

YunoJuno - Based in UK, protects pay via invoice handling system.

Authentic Jobs - Focuses on software, creative, design remote jobs.

TaskRabbit - For local freelance tasks like repairs, help around home.

Flexjobs - Filters for full remote, flexibility in jobs and schedules.

SolidGigs - Handpicks top freelance leads vs browsing listings. - Specifically for Webflow design and dev jobs.

Upwork - One of the largest platforms with many job posts. Has a learning curve.

Designhill - For creative freelancers like designers, connects with employers for contests.

Toptal - Selective platform, only top 3% get in. Chance to work with big names.

LinkedIn - Great for networking and accessing job opportunities. Reliable site.

We Work Remotely - Gets millions of visitors monthly. Variety of jobs.

Behance - For creatives, helps showcase work and connect with clients.

SimplyHired - Easy to use with resume builder. Broad job categories.

Dribbble - Popular with designers, helps market skills and find clients.
"No Limits" 📚
10 lessons from John Maxwell
"No Limits" 📚
1. Mindset Matters:
Developing a growth mindset and believing in your ability to learn and improve is crucial for personal and professional development.

2.Purpose and Passion:
Identifying your purpose and pursuing it with passion can drive you to excel and overcome obstacles.

3. Continuous Learning:
Lifelong learning is essential for staying relevant and adapting to changes in your field.

4. Embrace Failure:
Viewing failure as a stepping stone to success and learning from setbacks can help you grow stronger.

5. Goal Setting:
Setting clear, specific goals and creating a plan to achieve them is a key factor in reaching your potential.

6. Effective Communication:
Developing strong communication skills can enhance your relationships and help you influence others positively.

7. Leadership Skills:
Even if you're not in a formal leadership role, cultivating leadership qualities can help you stand out and contribute more effectively.

8. Relationship Building:
Building and maintaining strong relationships can open doors, create opportunities, and provide valuable support.

9. Time Management:
Prioritizing tasks, managing your time effectively, and focusing on high-impact activities can boost productivity.

10. Resilience and Perseverance:
Overcoming challenges, staying resilient in the face of adversity, and persevering through difficulties are essential for achieving your goals.
Diary of a CEO 📚
10 lessons from the
Diary of a CEO 📚
podcast by Steven Bartlett:

1. Be authentic

Be yourself and don't try to be someone you're not. People can tell when you're being fake, and it will make it difficult to build trust and rapport.

2. Be honest

Honesty is always the best policy, even when it's difficult. If you're honest with people, they will be more likely to trust you and respect you.

3. Be transparent

Be open and transparent with people about your business and your goals. This will help build trust and credibility.

4. Be a good listener

One of the most important skills a CEO can have is the ability to listen well. When you listen to people, you show them that you value their opinions and that you're interested in what they have to say.

5. Be decisive

CEOs need to be able to make decisions quickly and confidently. Don't waffle or procrastinate when making decisions.

6. Be accountable

Own your mistakes and be willing to learn from them. Don't blame others for your mistakes.

7. Be humble

Don't let your ego get in the way of your success. Be willing to learn from others and be open to feedback.

8. Be resilient

There will be setbacks and challenges along the way. Don't give up when things get tough. Be resilient and keep going.

9. Be positive

A positive attitude is contagious. When you're positive, it will motivate and inspire others.

10. Be grateful

Be grateful for the people who have helped you along the way. Show your appreciation for their support.

These are just a few of the many lessons that can be learned from the Diary of a CEO podcast. If you follow these lessons, you will be well on your way to becoming a successful CEO.
2024/06/29 21:41:02
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