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Conclusion of form4 biology chapter3:

1) Plasma membrane
πŸ“label phospholipid bilayer
πŸ“label cholesterol & function
πŸ“label channel protein & carrier protein
πŸ“Ždefinition of selectively permeable membrane

2) Movement of Substances Across a Plasma Membrane
πŸ“Water must be osmosis
πŸ“ions/glucose/amino acid is facilitated diffusion (do not require energy because it is passive transport)
πŸ“oxygen and carbon dioxide both are simple diffusion
πŸ“lipid/ADEK direct diffuse through the phospholipid bilayer
πŸ“Ž active VS passive transport ⭐⭐⭐
πŸ“explain the sodium-potassium pump
πŸ“how inhabitor affects active transport ⭐⭐⭐

3) hypotonic hypertonic isotonic
πŸ“hypo is water come in because the O mean that H2O diffuse in
πŸ“hyper is water diffuse out
πŸ“iso is no net movement of water across plasma membrane
⭐red blood cell "more water - haemolysis" "less water - crenation"
⭐plant cell "more water - big vacuole" "less water - plasmolysis" "back to the ori state - deplasmolysis"
⭐potato strip "more water - epidermis small, surface become inward" "less water - epidermis big, surface become outward"

4) use the concept
πŸ“isotonic drink: recover electrolytes⭐⭐⭐
πŸ“liposomes: prevent medicine destroyed by gastric juices / to deliver medicine to target cells⭐⭐⭐
πŸ“reverse osmosis: selectively permeable membrane only allow water to pass through and prevent salt from passing through

credit: @spmchemistryA
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Chapter 5 : Metabolism & Enzymes
5.1 ) Metabolism
A. Catabolism
β€”> breaking down complex substance into simpler substance
β€”> releases energy
β€”> eg. breaking down of glucose during cellular respiration to generate energy

2. Anabolism
β€”> synthesising complex molecules from simple molecules.
β€”> uses/ absorbs energy
β€”> eg. formation of glucose during photosynthesis

5.2 ) Enzymes
1. Characteristics
( a ) acts rapidly
( b ) small quantity and reusable
( c ) structure unchanged and undestroyed
( d ) specific
( e ) most reaction catalysts by enzymes are reversible
( f ) need inhibitors ( lead, mercury ) to slow down/ stop the enzyme activity
( e ) need cofactors ( vit. B, mg. ion ) to work effectively

2. Intracellular and Extracellular Enzymes
A. Intracellular Enzymes
- synthesized in a cell for it's own use
- hexokinase enzyme that is used in glycolysis process during cellular respiration

B. Extracellular Enzymes
- secreted outside of the cell
- trypsin enzymes produced from pancreatic cell is secreted into duodenum to break down polypeptides

3. Factors Affecting Mechanism of Enzyme Action
( a ) temperature
( b ) pH value
( c ) substrate
( d ) enzymes

5.3 ) Applications of Enzymes
( a ) digestive enzymes - medical sector
( b ) lactose enzymes - lactase-free milk
( c ) β€’ pectinase - juice
β€’ cellulase production
( d ) protease enzymes - separate skin fish
( e ) β€’ amylase - bio
β€’ lipase detergent
( f ) trypsin - extracts fur, leather products

Enzyme activity can be slowed down or stopped by enzyme inhibitors. Which of the following is an enzyme inhibitor?
Anonymous Poll
ion magnesium
vitamin B
2024/09/28 19:24:47
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