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All usernames on Telegram have their own links, making it easy to share public profile, group or channel anywhere on the internet. Every username will now have a new unique link format – – for those who want to emphasize their name (or have trouble finding the / key). Customizations Launch the Telegram app on your device and navigate to Settings -> Data and Storage. Telegram is free to use and supported by its founder and CEO Pavel Durov. The company began employing new monetization methods in 2021, including a Telegram Premium subscription service, but the core business of chatting will remain free for everyone.

One of the nagging issues I have with WhatsApp is its extremely limited text editing features. For example, if someone sends a message, you can’t select a part of text from the message. You will have to copy the whole message and then edit it out in the small text field which frankly is very annoying. However, Telegram has brought a great way to select and copy a part of a message. Tap and hold on a message to select it first and then again tap and hold to select your part of the message. That’s ingenious, right? You’ll have to be especially concerned with privacy to want to do this β€” it means you’ll never have a chat log β€” nonetheless, it’s a nice option that Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and WeChat don’t have. Save to Gallery Settings on Android If you love Twitter polls, well, now you can get the same feature on Telegram Groups as well. You can create both anonymous and visible polls and also schedule them accordingly. Other than that, there is also a Quiz Mode which allows you to see who voted for what. And the best part is that you can set up quizzes with multiple answers. So, if you run a Telegram group, this is the best way to settle scores with your friends and family. To create polls, simply tap on the β€œattachment” icon and select the β€œPolls” menu. And for Quizzes, you can go through Telegram’s guide over here.

To enable or disable this service, go to β€œSettings”, β€œNotification and Sounds”, and swipe down to the β€œOther” section. You will also find a β€œRepeat Notifications” option, which you can select as per your convenience. Try Secret Telegram Chats

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