Polls are a feature of Telegram that work with channels and groups. They are used for a variety of things, from organizing leaderless protests to deciding where to have lunch. Keep reading to learn what Telegram does, what its main features are, and why you might consider using it. You can also download the app right away at the link below. Users on macOS now have a quick way to generate a custom profile picture β choose any sticker or animated emoji as the focus, and add a colorful gradient background. You can set one for your own profile, or as a group or channel photo β making it easy to create a themed icon for chats without searching for stock photos.
There are a lot of cool things you can do with Telegram, and we have included some of the best ones on this list. You can check out the table of contents below to get an overview of the tricks we have mentioned and jump ahead to whichever Telegram messenger trick you want to learn more about. In spite of this whooping figure, Telegram is way behind the worldβs most popular messaging service, Whatsapp. However, it has all the potential to get over a billion active users. Animated Profile Picture Creator on macOS Customize the Look of Telegram
Share Live Location Edit Sent Messages The Telegram icon on an Honor View 20 on a blue background with a cat and a fish. Bots that are integrated into the Attach attachment menu can now also work in groups and channels in addition to one-on-one chats.
Telegram also supports hashtags. If you tap a hashtag, you can search across all of your activate chats for it. This makes it easy to find messages in the future or categorize information for yourself. To use a proxy server in Telegram, open Settings > Data and Storage > Proxy Settings. Enable Use Proxy and you'll need to fill in all the required information to add it. You can find server info for this online if needed.