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Vocals recording for the new « The Pale Riders », day 1.

10 years anniversary merch available now on :
Day 5 and the last with @_hjalti_
All the clean vocals are done.
We’ll finished the Black Metal ones back in France.
“As leaves are born, so do men. The leaves, in turn, it is the wind that spreads them on the ground and the green forest that gives birth to them when the days of spring dawn. So with men: one generation is born the moment another fades away” (Iliad, VI, 146)
“Let the inhumanly sublime songs rise within us. They will help us in the fog of our times. For horrible centuries are advancing. (…) Homer, old companion of today, can drive away this post-humanist nightmare. He offers us a ride: that of a man deployed in a shimmering world and not augmented on a shrunken planet. »

✍️ Sylvain Tesson
A summer with Homer, Editions des Equateurs, 2018
« Laissons monter en nous les chants inhumainement sublimes. Ils nous aideront dans le brouillard de notre temps. Car d’horribles siècles s’avancent. (…) Homère, vieux compagnon d’aujourd’hui, peut chasser ce cauchemar post-humaniste. Il nous offre une conduite : celle d’un homme déployé dans un monde chatoyant et non pas augmenté sur une planète rétrécie. »

✍️ Sylvain Tesson
Un été avec Homère, Éditions des Équateurs, 2018


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Flags for BMH 10 years anniversary, available on our website Sunday evening. Along with leftover patches,longsleeves shirts,cds.
2024/10/02 14:18:01
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