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Fort Alamo-San Antonio, TEXAS.

« Une arme est beaucoup plus qu'une arme, c'est un défi au désespoir, un appel au courage, une rupture avec la fatalité. » Dominique Venner
Carnets rebelles – volume I

“A weapon is much more than a weapon, it is a challenge to despair, a call to courage, a break with fate. » Dominique Venner
Rebel Notebooks – Volume I
Few days ago we stopped by @tatmanbillbarrett place in Texas. Thanks to him for his hospitality and his great art. Send him a message if you are interested in something.
And to finish thanks to the beautiful Octobre for the gift.
Au secours !
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Vocals recording for the new « The Pale Riders », day 1.

10 years anniversary merch available now on :
Day 5 and the last with @_hjalti_
All the clean vocals are done.
We’ll finished the Black Metal ones back in France.
“As leaves are born, so do men. The leaves, in turn, it is the wind that spreads them on the ground and the green forest that gives birth to them when the days of spring dawn. So with men: one generation is born the moment another fades away” (Iliad, VI, 146)
2024/09/27 20:21:16
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