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« Bourgeoisie frustrée, prolétaires frustrés, colonisés frustrés, femmes frustrées, pédés frustrés, envahisseurs afro-musulmans choyés mais frustrés quand même, le tout formant un gros paquet de petits consommateurs frustrés. Voilà en gros à quoi se résume la chronologie républicaine qui a transformé des provinces fières et libres, unies autour de Dieu et du Roi, en un résidu hétéroclite de citoyens républicains, agitant leurs névroses et leur inélégance dans des zones industrielles ou sur des doubles voies bordées de panneaux publicitaires qui ne cessent d’empiéter sur la nature. La République transforme continuellement l’or en merde et tout esprit averti constate bien que le temps qui a couru de 1789 à 2022 ne fut qu’une longue maïeutique du caca. »
Jean-Eudes Gannat, « Pourquoi l’Alvarium ? »
Relevant and profound words on a French compatriot, Dominique Venner.
Forwarded from RTACTN
Preview of the layout for the Spring Issue of RTACTN.
In Joan we see the old Celtic imaginations at work, without her knowing it. Paganism supports and surrounds this Christian saint. The Maid honors the saints, but instinctively she prefers those who shelter fairy fountains under their name. The various religious powers scattered in this Meuse valley, Jeanne collects them and grants them, even if she had to die from it by an effect of her natural nobility... Druidical fountains, Latin ruins and old Romanesque churches form a concert. As much as we have a Celtic and Christian heart, we will never stop loving this fairy whom we have made a saint.

Maurice Barres
Available this evening on
Black Metal Tourist

After ten years of existence, the Alpine French , re-issued their five albums under the banner of their own record label “LES SOLDATS DE LA MUSIQUE” with Osmose Productions as exclusive distributor.

From the top of their peaks, they observe the surge of men in the plains.
In these times where the inversion of values and generalized entropy reign, their voices sound the call of the ultimate fight.
Launched into a frantic cavalcade, they reveal their vision of a world ready to implode.
Cry of despair, alarm or revolt; the B.M.H fraternity spits out the purest beauties and the harshest realities.

"To the laughter of ultimate triumph, tried by the enemy's defeat,
We will be the screaming sky and the night running towards a new sun! »
Perfection is impossible to attain, unless, perhaps, one turns their life into a single line of poetry, written with a splash of blood.

I’m still bleeding. Still trying. Still living.

And in the recent months, still realizing that politeness and compassion are always going to be good things, but my weaker self doesn’t need as much compassion from me as I sometimes allow myself to believe.

It needs an Iron Fist.

And when I feel myself tapping on my own shoulder, saying, “come on. This way,” and I ignore it…

I need a hammer to the face.

That’s what Operation Werewolf always was to me, and some people got that and resonated.

It was an exaggerated version of something, a concept deliberately over the top from its inception in that little notebook, terminologies, aesthetic and all, designed to shatter excuses with a sledgehammer and shake things up, to get The Fire burning.

I guess I, for one, still need that.

My higher self is still calling from somewhere in space and time, willing my current self to be like him.

Maybe that’s what enlightenment is, after all:

Listening to some version of yourself that exists somewhere, someplace, that is the best version of you that will ever be, in any reality, and doing everything you can to line up with that in this one we’re living in now.

I’m sitting in a tiny cabin in the woods typing this out to myself.

But I’m typing it to you too.

Whoever you are, reading this.

Maybe you feel like the world is a dark place, and you are alien to it, and uncertain of where to go, or what to do.

I’ve felt like that.

Maybe you feel, as Hemingway said, that this world is a fine place, and worth fighting for.

I feel that, too.

Fuck their world, but let’s not throw the good out with the bad.

We should be neither misfits nor miscreants, outcasts or “outlaws,” save from the world they’ve built without our consent.

Instead, we must, as ever, build our own while braving theirs.

This can be done, and we will see miracles and radical changes in our own lifetimes. I believe this with every ounce of my burning heart.

But in order to do it, we will need three things:

Pure hearts. Strong limbs. Actions matching words.

Welcome back, or, welcome aboard.

Standby for further transmissions.


- Paul Waggener, Summer 2022
Few guys never received their knives due to postal services issues, so we will order a small amount of those again. Who’s interested if we put it in preorder ?
Knives available tonight in preorder until next Monday on :
2024/10/01 12:09:19
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