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“The only quality that mattered to Earl was loyalty. It weighed more than a thousand other little flaws. « Animal Factory » - Edward Bunker
Very good novel from a former Aryan Brotherhood member that was in jail in the 60s. The guy had also a small role in the movie « Reservoir Dogs. »
Life is just a play:
What matters is not that it lasts long, but that it is played well.
The place where you stop. No matter.
Stop where you want as long as you have a good outing.

Senechus, letter to Lucilius. LXXVII.
« No matter how I struggle and strive
I'll never get out of this world alive »
3 years today
We are the man of a people, of a soil, of a past.
We may not know it. We can try to forget it.
But events quickly take charge of bringing us back to the sources of life.
Leon Degrelle
"The only ones that interest me are the furious madmen, the madmen of life, the madmen of the verb, who want everything at the same time, those who never yawn, who are unable to say banalities, but who blaze, who blaze , which blaze, marking out the night like church candles. "
Jack Kerouac.
When we repeat the scandalous cry "Viva la muerte", it is our own death that we think of.

Dominique Venner, Carnets rebelles volume 1, La Nouvelle Librairie, 2021.
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Abandonnés de Dieu, en qui pourtant beaucoup d’entre nous croyaient, nous demeurions prostrés dans notre demi-tombe, l’esprit égaré. Seul, de temps à autre, l’un de nous braquait son regard fiévreux par-dessus le parapet et scrutait la plaine poussiéreuse à l’est, d’où pouvait surgir la mort. Il n’y avait plus dans ce trou à l’est de Bielgorod que des êtres éperdus qui avaient oublié que les hommes sont faits pour autre chose, qu’il existe une notion du temps, de l’espoir, et des sentiments autres que l’angoisse. Que l’amitié peut n’être pas qu’éphémère, que l’amour peut parfois exister, et que la terre peut être fertile et ne pas servir uniquement à recouvrir les morts des champs de bataille.

Guy Sajer, Le soldat oublié.
« Abandoned by God, in whom many of us believed, we remained prostrate in our half-grave, our minds lost. Alone, every now and then, one of us would direct his feverish gaze over the parapet and scan the dusty plain to the east, where death might arise. There were in this hole east of Bielgorod only distraught beings who had forgotten that men are made for something else, that there is a notion of time, of hope, and of feelings other than anguish. That friendship may not be fleeting, that love can sometimes exist, and that the land can be fertile and not be used only to cover the dead on the battlefield.

Guy Sajer, The Forgotten Soldier. »
Forwarded from Zentropa
“Contrary to materialism, tradition does not explain the higher through the lower, ethics through heredity, politics through interests, love through sexuality. However, heredity has its part in ethics and culture, interest has its part in politics, and sexuality has its part in love. However, tradition orders them in a hierarchy. It constructs personal and collective existence from above to below.”

Dominique Venner
2024/09/22 21:30:42
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