RELATED: In some countries, Sponsored Messages are shown in large, public one-to-many channels. These minimalist, privacy-conscious s help support Telegram's operating costs, but will no longer appear for subscribers of Telegram Premium. There are a lot of cool things you can do with Telegram, and we have included some of the best ones on this list. You can check out the table of contents below to get an overview of the tricks we have mentioned and jump ahead to whichever Telegram messenger trick you want to learn more about.
They offer a great opportunity to reach people directly, sending notifications to their devices with every post. Users can join and leave channels at any time. And once they join a channel, they can see its entire message history. Should You Trust Telegram? Animated Emojis Telegram lacks the Stories feature of some competing messaging apps which lets you post images or short videos without messaging a contact directly. Admittedly it isn’t an essential feature for most people.
If you are a group admin on Telegram, Slow Mode is what you need to stop unnecessary spam and make the conversation more orderly. After you turn on the slow mode and choose the time interval, group members will have a restriction to send one message in the defined interval. Say, for instance, if you choose the time interval to be 15 seconds, after sending one message, the group member will have to wait 15 seconds to send another message. It will definitely raise the value of each member and individual messages. You can turn on Slow Mode by tapping on the Group name -> Edit (pen icon) -> Permissions -> Slow Mode. This means you can start typing a message on your mobile and continue on your desktop. The draft will remain in the editing area on all sync devices until it is sent or deleted. To lock your messages, go to “Settings”, “Privacy and Security” and tap on “Passcode Lock”. You will be asked to set a four-digit passcode and confirm it. Once you do that, you will find additional options to “unlock the app with fingerprint” and “auto-lock” it after a specific duration. Telegram supports two layers of secure encryption. Cloud Chats use server-client encryption while Secret Chats use an additional layer of client-client encryption. All content is encrypted in the same way — be it media, text, or files.
The company also makes its API publicly available for free and invites developers to create clients on other platforms. Users can also create custom bots, themes, stickers, and more free of charge. However, Telegram only uses this encryption in calls and in its “secret chats” feature, not in regular chats. Those are only encrypted client to server. Meanwhile, WhatsApp, the supposedly less secure service, has used end-to-end encryption in all messages, calls, and video calls since 2016.
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