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Arterial branches which supplythe head
and neck of the femur is/are:
Anonymous Quiz
A) Medial circumflex artery
B) Lateral circumflex Artery
C) Profunda femoral artery
D) All
Anatomy embryology histology videos & books
Arterial branches which supplythe head
and neck of the femur is/are:
Correct Answer - D
A. i.e. Medial circumflex artery; B. i.e. Lateral circumflex artery; C.
i.e. Profunda femoris artery
Proximal femur (head & neck) is supplied by artery of ligamentum
teres (branch of obturator artery), medial (main) & lateral circumflex
femoral artery (both arise from profunda femoris artery, give rise to
ascending cervical (+ metaphyseal) and retinacular (+
epiphyseal:lateral & inferior) arteries and form extracapsular &
intracapsular subsynovial arterial rings
The muscles attached to perineal body are A/E

Anonymous Quiz
C.Superficial transverse perinea
D.Deep transverse perinea
Anatomy embryology histology videos & books
The muscles attached to perineal body are A/E

Correct Answer - A
A. i.e. Ischiocavernosus
Ten muscles of the perineum converge and interlace in the perineal
body -
a) Two unpaired : (i) External anal sphincter, (ii) Fibres of
longitudinal muscle coat of anal canal

B) four paired: (I)Bulbospongiosm (ii) superficial transverse perinea(iii) deep transverse perinea (iv) levator Ani muscle

In female sphincter urethrovaginalis also attached here.
Anatomy embryology histology videos & books
Diaphragm is supplied by ?
Correct Answer - A
Ans. is
i.e.,Phrenic nerve [Ref BDC 6
th/e Vol I p. 192, fig. 12.12]
Nerve supply
Motor :- Phrenic nerve (C3C4C5).
Sensory :- i) centrally by phrenic nerve.
Peripherally by lower 6 intercostal nerves.

Anatomy embryology histology videos & books
Anterior Rectus Sheath just above pubic
symphysis is formed by ?
Correct Answer - B
Ans. is 'B' i.e., Aponeurosis of three muscles including External
Oblique, Internal Oblique, and Transversus Abdominis

The anterior wall just above the symphysis pubis (area below the
arcuate line) → is formed by aponeurosis of all three muscles
(external oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominis).
Three aponeurotic layers forming rectus sheath of both sides
interlace with each other to form a tendinous raphe, Linea alba. It
extends from the xiphoid process to pubic symphysis.
Linea alba is narrow and indistinct below the umbilicus, as two recti
lie in close contact. Linea alba broadens out above the level of the umbilicus.

Where is the highest oxygen
concentration presents in fetal
Anonymous Quiz
D.Right ventricle
Anatomy embryology histology videos & books
Where is the highest oxygen
concentration presents in fetal
Correct Answer - B
Ans: B. IVC
Highly oxygenated blood from the placenta is carried to the
fetus by the umbilical vein, which is shunted to the inferior vena
Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 20th Edition (Page no 2161)

Nucleus fasciculatus is seen in ?

Anonymous Quiz
A.Frontal lobe
C.temporal lobe
Anatomy embryology histology videos & books
Nucleus fasciculatus is seen in ?

Correct Answer - B
Ans. is 'b' i.e., Medulla [Ref Quantitative Human physiology : An introduction p. 327]
It has not been mentioned in any textbook.
But according to the above mentioned reference nucleus
fasciculatus is the other name of nucleus cuneatus.
"The sensory fibers of dorsal column travel in tracts, fasciculus
gracilis and fasciculus Cuneatus in the Cord and these fibers make
synapses with second order neurons in the nucleus gracilis and the nucleus fasciculatus". — Quantitative Human physiology.
Nucleus gracilis and nucleus fasciculus are found in the medulla.

Anatomy embryology histology videos & books
Ovarian artery is a branch of:
Correct Answer - C
The ovarian artery arises from the abdominal part of the aorta at the
level of the first lumbar vertebra. The artery is long and slender and
passes downward and laterally behind the peritoneum. It crosses the external iliac artery at the pelvic inlet and enters the suspensory
ligament of the ovary.
It then passes into the broad ligament and enters the ovary by way of the mesovarium.

Development of labia majora is from - #PYQ#FMGE#NEETPG#INICET
Anonymous Quiz
A.Urogenital sinus
B.Mullerian duct
C.Genital ridge
D.Genital swelling
Anatomy embryology histology videos & books
Development of labia majora is from - #PYQ#FMGE#NEETPG#INICET
Correct Answer - D
Ans. is 'd' i.e., Genital swelling [Ref: Inderbir Singh Human
Embryology Sth/e p. 256]
Fate in
Fate in male
Genital swelling
Labia majora

Genital fold
Labia minora Ventral aspect of
penis, penile

Genital tubercle Clitoris
Glans penis

Anatomy embryology histology videos & books
Fossa ovalis closes because of fusion of
Correct Answer - C
Ans. is 'c' i.e., Septum primum + Septum secundum [Ref
Essentials of human embryology — 213-215]
After birth, the foramen ovale closes by fusion of septum primum with septum secundum.

2024/09/29 01:29:30
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