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Which of the following structure
develops from dorsal mesentery?
Anonymous Quiz
A) greater omentum
B) lesser omentum
C) liver
D) diaphragm
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Which of the following structure
develops from dorsal mesentery?
Correct Answer - A

Ans. A. Greater omentum
The portion of the dorsal mesentery that attaches to the greater curvature of the stomach, is known as the dorsal mesogastrium. The
part of the dorsal mesentery that suspends the colon is termed the
mesocolon. The dorsal mesogastrium develops into the greater omentum.
Which muscle is paralyzed if there is
hyperextension of metacarpophalangeal
joint and flexion of the interphalangeal joint? #PYQ#NEETPG#FMGE#INICET
Anonymous Quiz
A) extensor digitorium
B) interossei and lumbricals
C) adductor pollicis
D) pronator quadratus muscle
Anatomy embryology histology videos & books
Which muscle is paralyzed if there is
hyperextension of metacarpophalangeal
joint and flexion of the interphalangeal joint? #PYQ#NEETPG#FMGE#INICET
Correct Answer - B
Ans: B. Interossei and lumbricals
Hyperextension of metacarpophalangeal joint and flexion of the
interphalangeal joint is due to palsy of lumbricals and interossei
The action of Lumbricals: Flexion of MCP, Extension of IP joint
The action of Palmar interossei: Adduction of fingers
The action of Dorsal interossei: Abduction of fingers
Ureteric bud develops from:
Anonymous Quiz
C) Pronephros
D) genital sinus
Anatomy embryology histology videos & books
Ureteric bud develops from:
Correct Answer - A
Answer- A. Mesonephros
The ureteric bud, also known as the metanephrogenic
diverticulum, is a protrusion from the mesonephric duct during the
development of the urinary and reproductive organs.
It later develops into a conduit (channel) for urine drainage from the
kidneys, which, in contrast, originate from the metanephric
The metanephrogenic blastema or metanephric blastema (or
metanephric mesenchyme, or metanephric mesoderm) is one of the
two embryological structures that give rise to the kidney, the other
being the ureteric bud.
Lateral boundary of cubital fossa is formed by:
Anonymous Quiz
A) Brachioradialis
B) pronator teres
C) brachialis
D) Biceps
Anatomy embryology histology videos & books
Lateral boundary of cubital fossa is formed by:
Correct Answer - A
Boundaries of cubital fossa-
Laterally - Medial border of brachioradialis.
Medially - Lateral border of pronator teres.
Base - It is directed upwards, and is represented by an imaginary
line joining the front of two epicondyles of the humerus.
Apex - It is directed downwards, and is formed by the area where
brachioradialis crosses the pronator teres muscle.
Most common diaphragmatic hernia is:
Anonymous Quiz
A)Bochdalek hernia
B)Morgagni hernia
C)Paraesophageal hernia
D)None of the above
Anatomy embryology histology videos & books
Most common diaphragmatic hernia is:
Correct Answer - A
Diaphragmatic hernias are of various types. The most common is a posterolateral
(Bochdalek) hernia, which occurs as a result of a defect in the posterior diaphragm in the
region of the tenth or eleventh ribs.
The boundaries of the interconnection between greater sac and lesser sac of
peritoneum known as 'Foramen of Winslow' are all, EXCEPT:
Anonymous Quiz
A) Caudate lobe of liver
B) Inferior vena cava
C) Free border of lesseromentum
D) 4th part of duodenum
Anatomy embryology histology videos & books
The boundaries of the interconnection between greater sac and lesser sac of
peritoneum known as 'Foramen of Winslow' are all, EXCEPT:
Correct Answer - D
Interconnection between greater sac and lesser sac of peritoneum is known as Foramen of
Winslow. It has the following boundaries:
Superior boundary: Caudate lobe of liver

Anterior boundary: free edge of lesseromentum containing bile duct,hepatic artery,portal vein(DAV structure)

Inferior boundary: 1st part of duodenum

Posterior boundary: inferior venacava , abdominal aorta

Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery is a branch of which of the following
Anonymous Quiz
A)Splenic artery
B)Gastrodudenal artery
C)Left gastric artery
D)Superior mesenteric artery
Anatomy embryology histology videos & books
Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery is a branch of which of the following
Correct Answer - D
Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery is a branch of superior mesenteric artery. It supplies the
pancreas and adjoining part of the duodenum. Its anterior and posterior branches
anastomose with the branches of superior pancreaticoduodenal artery. This anastomosis is
the only communication between the arteries of foregut and midgut.
Branches of superior mesenteric artery are:
Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
Jejunal and ileal branches
Ileocolic artery
Right colic artery
Middle colic artery
Arterial branches which supplythe head
and neck of the femur is/are:
Anonymous Quiz
A) Medial circumflex artery
B) Lateral circumflex Artery
C) Profunda femoral artery
D) All
Anatomy embryology histology videos & books
Arterial branches which supplythe head
and neck of the femur is/are:
Correct Answer - D
A. i.e. Medial circumflex artery; B. i.e. Lateral circumflex artery; C.
i.e. Profunda femoris artery
Proximal femur (head & neck) is supplied by artery of ligamentum
teres (branch of obturator artery), medial (main) & lateral circumflex
femoral artery (both arise from profunda femoris artery, give rise to
ascending cervical (+ metaphyseal) and retinacular (+
epiphyseal:lateral & inferior) arteries and form extracapsular &
intracapsular subsynovial arterial rings
The muscles attached to perineal body are A/E

Anonymous Quiz
C.Superficial transverse perinea
D.Deep transverse perinea
Anatomy embryology histology videos & books
The muscles attached to perineal body are A/E

Correct Answer - A
A. i.e. Ischiocavernosus
Ten muscles of the perineum converge and interlace in the perineal
body -
a) Two unpaired : (i) External anal sphincter, (ii) Fibres of
longitudinal muscle coat of anal canal

B) four paired: (I)Bulbospongiosm (ii) superficial transverse perinea(iii) deep transverse perinea (iv) levator Ani muscle

In female sphincter urethrovaginalis also attached here.
Anatomy embryology histology videos & books
Diaphragm is supplied by ?
Correct Answer - A
Ans. is
i.e.,Phrenic nerve [Ref BDC 6
th/e Vol I p. 192, fig. 12.12]
Nerve supply
Motor :- Phrenic nerve (C3C4C5).
Sensory :- i) centrally by phrenic nerve.
Peripherally by lower 6 intercostal nerves.

2024/09/30 21:30:27
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