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#1 in above question represent azygous venous arch🙈
It is unpaired, peirches diaphragm via aortic opening
A 62-y dx with prostate CA C/o of a right-sided headache over 4 days and displays a drooping right upper eyelid with right 3 nerve palsy. MRI metastasis of prostatic CA in the right side of the midbrain, causing Benedikt’s syndrome. Which sign is seen?
Anonymous Quiz
complete paralysis of facial expression musculature on the left side
deviation of the tongue to the righ
intention tremor in the left upper and lower extremity
ipsilateral hemiplegia
vertical gaze palsy
Explanation (C) Benedikt’s syndrome results from a lesion situated in the tegmentum of the midbrain, at the level of the third cranial nerve (oculomotor) nucleus and its associated tracts, as exemplified by ptosis and third nerve palsy in this patient. The red nucleus is also affected at this level giving rise to motor impairment displayed by the intention tremor. Since the rubrospinal tract crosses at the level of the midbrain to project to the opposite side of the body, the tremor will manifest itself contralateral to the side to the lesion. The seventh cranial nerve (facial) nucleus is located in the pons, and the facial musculature (choice A) in this patient would not be affected. Likewise, the twelfth cranial nerve (hypoglossal) nucleus is located in the medulla, and the innervation of the tongue (choice B) would be spared in this patient. A lesion causing a pure Benedikt’s syndrome would be confined to the midbrain tegmentum and not affect the corticospinal tract. Ipsilateral hemiplegia (choice D) would not be present in this patient. Finally, vertical gaze palsy (choice E) results from a lesion or compression of the midbrain tectum and not of the tegmentum.
Anatomy embryology histology videos & books
In a medial medullary syndrome that involves a left-sided branch of the anterior spinal artery, which of the following deficits is seen?
C) A vascular lesion affecting the left caudal medulla involves the left medial lemniscus, left hypoglossal nerve fibers, and the left medulary
pyramid. Involvement of the left medial lemniscus produces somatosensory deficits involving the right side of the body. Damage to the left hypoglossal nerve would result in deviation of the protruded tongue to the left (and other lower motoneuron signs), and damage to the left pyramid results in right hemiplegia (choices A and B involve incorrect combinations) along with other upper motoneuron signs. Choices D and E are incorrect because they fail to combine involvement of the tongue and contralateral hemiplegia.
Q#6 During development, the notochord grows in a cranial direction until it reaches the prechordal plate. This plate is the primordium of the oropharyngeal (or buccopharyngeal) membrane, which, in the embryo, will separate the stomodeum from the foregut. At 26 days of gestation, the oropharyngeal membrane will break down, allowing communication of the foregut with the oral cavity.

Of the following structures in the adult, which one lies at the same location as the embryonic oropharyngeal membrane?
Anonymous Quiz
superior constrictor
Anatomy embryology histology videos & books
Of the following structures in the adult, which one lies at the same location as the embryonic oropharyngeal membrane?
B) The palatoglossus muscle, which can be observed in the oral cavity to form the palatoglossal arch anterior to the palatine tonsil, lies in the same location as the embryonic oropharyngeal membrane. It lies at the junction line between the stomodeum and the foregut. The buccinator (choice A) is a muscle of the cheek and thus is located in the original stomodeum. The palatopharyngeus (choice C) is located posterior to the palatoglossus and palatine tonsil, forming the palatopharyngeal arch. The palatopharyngeus, stylopharyngeus (choice D), and superior constrictor (choice E) muscles are all pharyngeal muscles and thus are located in the original foregut.
A 14-year-old male who is a gang member has suffered a bullet wound to his left axilla. Examination reveals that he has weak flexion of the elbow and weak supination of the forearm,displays anesthesia of the lateral surface of forearm. Nerve injured?
Anonymous Quiz
Posterior interosseous
Anatomy embryology histology videos & books
A 14-year-old male who is a gang member has suffered a bullet wound to his left axilla. Examination reveals that he has weak flexion of the elbow and weak supination of the forearm,displays anesthesia of the lateral surface of forearm. Nerve injured?
B) The musculocutaneous nerve provides motor innervation for the biceps brachii, coracobrachialis, and brachialis muscle. Its terminal branch is the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm. Lesion of the musculocutaneous nerve results in weak flexion of the elbow since the biceps brachii and the brachialis will be paralyzed and this motion will only be performed by the brachioradialis muscle, which is innervated by the radial nerve. Weak supination is caused by the loss of innervation to the biceps brachii, a strong supinator of the forearm. This movement will now be performed only by the small supinator muscle. Anesthesia of the lateral surface of the forearm is due to loss of the lateral antebrachial cutaneous. Loss of the median nerve (choice A) and ulnar nerve (choice E) will result in loss of motor innervation to the flexors of the wrist and fingers. Lesion of the posterior interosseous nerve (choice C) will paralyze extensors of the wrist and fingers, whereas lesion of the radial nerve (choice D) will paralyze the extensor of the elbow as well as those of the wrist and fingers.
Q1) A 50-year-old female has undergone mastectomy for Ca Breast. After mastectomy, patient is not able to extend, adduct and internally rotate the arm. Nerve supply to which of the following muscles is damaged?
Q2) A 32-year-old mother complains of serious pain
in the coccygeal area some days after giving birth. To
determine whether the coccyx is involved, a local
anesthetic is fi rst injected in the region of the coccyx
and then dynamic MRI studies are performed. The
MRI reveals coccydynia, which confi rms that her
coccyx dislocates upon sitting. The local anesthetic
is used to interrupt which of the following nerve
Q3. A patient presented with acute abdominal pain on clinical suspicion patient underwent cholecystectomy. On histopathological examination the finding is normal. The gallbladder epithelium will be:
2024/10/02 06:31:06
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