The cool features of Telegram aren't all so serious, though. Check out how to make your own Telegram stickers if emojis aren't enough. Admins can reach out to users who want to join and have a chat to cover the rules, make sure they're a good fit or even plan a welcome party. When an admin reaches out, Telegram lets the user know they're reaching out as a group admin. Open Telegram app -> Settings -> Privacy and Security.
All usernames on Telegram have their own links, making it easy to share public profile, group or channel anywhere on the internet. Every username will now have a new unique link format – – for those who want to emphasize their name (or have trouble finding the / key). See also: How to delete a Telegram account Turn on Secret Chat Slow Mode
This update includes over 100 fixes and optimizations to the mobile and desktop apps – eliminating bugs, improving speed, and expanding minor features. iOS users with the latest iPhones and iPads get significantly smoother animations (120 FPS) throughout the app. Android users will notice better audio and video quality in voice and video messages, along with options to set alternative app icons, clear all recent stickers at once and translate user bios or chat descriptions. Turn Off Notifications for Individual Contacts 1b Telegram Messenger Tricks According to the official Telegram FAQ section, You can create secret chats that use end-to-end encryption. This means only you and your chat partner can read those messages. Infinite Reactions
Chat folders If your device is stolen or someone took it, and you don’t want him/her to see the messages in your chat window, then you can simply terminate all the active sessions with just one click using your Mac, Desktop, Linux or Web client.
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