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The more you love your decisions, the less you need others to love them.
كلما أحببت قراراتك أكثر، كلما قلت حاجتك لأن يحبها الآخرين 💡🖤.
The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow."
"الالم الذي تشعر به اليوم سيكون نقطة قوة تشعر بها غذا".
Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. Small minds will always do that, but great minds will give you a feeling that you can become great too." - Mark Twain.
"ابتعد عن أولائك الذين يحاولون التقليل من طموحك، العقول الصغيرة دائما ما ستقوم بذلك لكن العقول الرائعة ستمنحك شعورا بأنك تستطيع أن تصبح افضل أيضا".
If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough." - Oprah Winfrey
" اذا ركزت ما لديك في الحياة، فانك دائما ما ستحصل على المزيد. اذا كنت تركز على ما لا تملكه في الحياة لن تملك أبدا ما يكفيك"
A happy, calm, and peaceful person will make better decisions. So if you want to operate at peak performance, you have to learn how to tame your mind

الشخص السعيد والهادئ والسلمي سيتخذ قرارات أفضل. لذلك إذا كنت ترغب في العمل بأعلى أداء ، فعليك أن تتعلم كيفية ترويض عقلك
General questions

General questions are a great way to get you started. These are the type of questions that people ask each other when they meet for the first time. If you’ve been learning English for a while then you should find these questions relatively easy but if you’re just getting started then don’t worry.

• What is your name
• Where do you live?
• Where are you from?
• Where were you born?
• What do you do?
• What do you study?
• Describe yourself in three words.
• Tell me about yourself.
• Who is your favourite person in the world and why?
• What do you want to do when you’re older?
• What type of house do you live in?

Family and home
Asking questions about family and home help you to get to know someone better. Even if someone has interests and hobbies, their family and home are the first things that have an influence on someone’s life. When people first start studying English this is one of the first things that they learn to talk about.

• How many people are in your family?
• Do you have any brothers or sisters?
• What does your dad do?
• What does your mum do?
• Describe your brother/sister.
• Are you married?
• Do you have any pets?
• Do you want any pets?
• Do you want any children?
• Do you have any children?
• Describe your house.
• Describe your city or town.

Hobbies and free time
Talking about hobbies and free time helps you to get to know a person. These are the first things that a person chooses to do by themselves. It can tell you a lot about their personality and a lot of people like to talk about the things they enjoy. You might even discover an interesting hobby that you want to try for yourself. Or you might meet someone who has similar hobbies to you that you could be friends with and not just language partners.

• What do you like to do in your free time?
• What sport do you do?
• Do you prefer winter sports or summer sports?
• What if your favourite sport?
• Do you like listening to music?
• Do you like reading books?
• What was the last book you read
• What was the last movie you watched?
• What type of music do you like listening to?
• What type of movies do you like to watch?
• Do you prefer arts or sports?
• Do you like art?
• What do you like to do to relax?
• What do you think of modern art?
• Do you prefer team games or individual games?
Food and drink
Food and drink is not only simple to talk about but it’s becoming more and more popular. As it become easier to cook food from different countries, more people are developing an interest in cooking.

• What is your favourite type of food?
• What is your favourite type of drink?
• Do you like to cook?
• Do you think you’re a good cook?
• what was the last meal you cooked?
• Do you think you’re a healthy person?
• Are you a vegetarian?
• Do you drink alcohol?
• Do you prefer tea or coffee?
• Which country has the best food?
• Do you prefer pasta or rice?
• Do you like spicy food?
• Who cooks in your house?

Everyone likes to talk about their holidays and the type of holiday that a person likes can tell you a lot about them. Use holidays as a way to get to know another person and to see what you have in common.

• Where is the best place you’ve ever been on holiday?
• Where was the last place you went on holiday?
• Do you prefer beaches or mountains?
• Do you like to travel alone or in a group?
• Do you prefer to eat in the hotel or at local restaurants?
• Do you prefer to use the local currency or pay for everything on card?
• Do you prefer to use a map or an app?
• Do you prefer to plan your holiday or leave everything to chance?
• Do you prefer to stay in a hotel or an air bnb?
• Do you like to learn the language of the country you’re in or use English?
هل سبق وحضرت دورات المعلم فور انقلش / يمكنك حضور دروس التقويه والمراجعة المجاني ؟
Anonymous Poll
نعم تم الحضور ( اريد المراجعة والتقوية )
لم يتم الحضور ( ارغب بالالتحاق بالدوره الجديدة )
Almuallim 4 English pinned «هل سبق وحضرت دورات المعلم فور انقلش / يمكنك حضور دروس التقويه والمراجعة المجاني ؟»
Almuallim 4 English pinned «هل سبق وحضرت دورات المعلم فور انقلش / يمكنك حضور دروس التقويه والمراجعة المجاني ؟»
التواصل واتس لحضور الدوره الجديده يوم 14 يناير / 0568619905
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لا تنسونا والمسلمين من الدعاء ف هذه الليالي المباركة ..
كنت أحزن جداً على قرب إنتهاء رمضان
ففوجئت برساله .. أُشعرت فيها بطبطبه رائعة 💔
(لا تحزنوا على وداعه،، بل احمدوا الله أن بلغكم إياه،، وافرحوا وكبروا الله أن هداكم لصيامه وقيامه...)
لا تودعوه ،، بل اصطحبوه إلى باقي عامكم ...
"رمضان" ليس شهراً ، بل أسلوب حياة وبداية التغيير ..
لا تودعوه ،، بل افسحوا له المجال ليحيا معكم وتحيوا به طوال العام ..
الصوم لا يَنتهي ..
القرآن لا يُهجر ..
والمسجد لا يُترك ..
"واعبد ربك حتى يأتيك اليقين"
تقبل الله طاعتكم .. اللهم آمين 🤲
كل عام وأنتم بخير! بمناسبة عيد الفطر المبارك … أتمنى لكم ولأسرتكم الكريمة أيامًا مليئة بالفرح والسعادة والسلام … عيد سعيد وتقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الاعمال …

اللَّهُمَّ أَهِلَّهُ علَيْنَا بِالأَمْنِ والإِيمَانِ، وَالسَّلامَةِ والإِسْلامِ، رَبِّي ورَبُّكَ اللَّه، هِلالُ رُشْدٍ وخَيْرٍ …

محمد المعلم
2024/09/28 10:25:27
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