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Albukhaiti: Intl Crisis Group’s report on Houthi Terror Designation is shockingly unprofessional

Republican Yemen

Yemeni politician and writer Ali Albukhaiti has slammed the International Crisis Group for its report that calls on U.S. elect President Joe Biden to reverse the designation of Houthis as a terrorist origination.

Below is the thread posted on Albukhaiti’s Twitter account:
“The @CrisisGroup’s report that calls on @JoeBiden to reverse Houthi terror designation is so shockingly unprofessional that I thought it was a statement released by #Houthis. This shows how CSOs and research centers are shamefully biased. the Group failed to prove that #Houthi 1.”

“militia is not a terrorist organization. It focuses its claim on consequences civilians will face & at the same time says the U.S. administration can take mitigating steps to avoid the suffering of civilians, which means the designation can remain effective, given the fact that 2.”

#Houthis do commit terrorist acts, such as blowing up homes. However, the @CrisisGroup’s main focus is on reversing the designation of Houthis as a terrorist group, not on how to avoid the suffering of people. The report has exposed the effect of friendships that Houthis have 3.”

“with members of the Int’l Crisis Group. They shouldn’t have called on @JoeBiden to reverse #Houthi terror designation. They should’ve only called for steps to avoid the consequences of the designation, which #Houthis deserve for being the reason for the suffering of Yemenis 4.”

“This is a blatant, rude intervention in political matters as they could not deny the Houthis are terrorists. It seems the @CrisisGroup sees Yemenis as if they were a group of animals that deserve to be ruled by an ignorant, reactionary group, like the #Houthis. 5.”

“Had members of the Int’l Crisis Group lived in #Yemen or their homes had been blown up by the #Houthi group, they would call Houthis terrorist group a thousand times. But sadly the victims are just Yemenis and this is not a problem for the @CrisisGroup 6.”

“The @CrisisGroup’s report is a major stigma and scandal for the group and its researchers. Their calls for reversing the designation of Houthis as a terrorist group is like calling for dropping charges against a killer so that he won’t kill more. What a shame! 7.”
Media is too big
أين ذهبت الوديعة السعودية 🇸🇦 | علي البخيتي في مداخلة على قناة الحرة الأمريكية
للرجال وبصراحة: هل أنت مع المساواة التامة بين الإناث والذكور؟
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نقاش على #كلوب_هاوس اليوم الثامنة مساءًا بتوقيت صنعاء، 5 GMT، الخامسة مساءًا بتوقيت جرينتش.
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2024/09/30 15:25:25
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