Telegram Web Link
Bienvenue à Wolfypostaggio (@wolfypostaggio) !
Bienvenue à P(r)ettyposting (@prettyposting) !
Bienvenue à Flowerdump (@bloomingdump) !
We, the admins of @alembic's channels and groups, urge you to help us protest against the implementation of ads in Telegram.
We want to prevent Telegram from becoming polluted with ads that are not respectful of users, and even if efforts on privacy have been made, we have seen ads containing scams and political messages contrary to our values.
We invite you to upvote this comment on the Telegram suggestion website: Simply log in with the number associated with your Telegram account.
Thank you for your help!
R.I.P. @ChaoticEvilMobster, 11/01/2021 - 12/12/2021.
R.I.P. @complaintes, 21/10/2018 - 12/12/2021.
Bienvenue à Shroomdump (@shroomdump) !
R.I.P. @allensgarden, 15/11/2021 - 23/03/2022.
Bienvenue à De Natura - Biological illustrations (@Denaturaillustration) !
Bienvenue à The Cryptids' Library 📚 (@CryptidsLibrary) !
Bienvenue à Chaos Alchemist's Lab (@ChaosAlchemistsLab) !
Bienvenue (bon retour !) à Thoughts of a chaotic evil mobster with adhd (@ChaoticEvilMobster) !
Bienvenue à FUCK LAWNS (@fuckgrass) !
We are changing the way we are handling groups and friends.
The posts won't be deleted as usual, for archive purposes.
Here is the new distribution.
The Alembic Collective ⚗️ (@alembic)
Friends and groups
> With us
➸ Pizza
× (◠‿◠) happy Crejmas and a riotous bussy (Maggie is an admin / 冰淇淋/🥐) (@bonedpizza)
Shitpost and memes (🇬🇧)
➸ King Skeleton
× Channel Zir0 (@dividedbyzir0)
A wholesome and terrifying skeleton channel (🇬🇧)
➸ Smol bean
× Midget memes, broken dreams (@midgetmemes)
Queer-lefty-hippy stuff (🇬🇧)
➸ Bandit
× Eta's stolen memes 'n' queer stuff (personal art not included) (@EtaStolenMemes)
Just stolen memes and more (🇬🇧)
➸ Runescape Player
× Lola's Life Log (@LolasLog)
Unfiltered brain of Lola the Log from Lola's Life Log (🇬🇧)

➸ Groups
× Les Papillons Nocturnes (@Balandras)
Emission de radio, littérature, énigmes (🇫🇷)
× MUSICA (ask to join / sur demande)
Music sharing (🇬🇧/🇫🇷)
× Ptichagarou 🐾 (@ptichagarou)
Groupe pour jouer au jeu des Loups-Garous de Thiercelieux, dans l'ambiance et la bonne humeur ! (🇫🇷)
× Secret TG Overlord Group 🚨 (link)
A group where you can actually speak with Durov.
As a member of Alembic, in this special birthday I wanna thank the special person who made it possible!
Thank you so much, Stache! ❤️❤️❤️
As another member of the Alembic I want to thank everyone involved in the project, in any capacity, your presence is what makes it great ❤️
Shroomdump (@shroomdump) changed to The Shroom Post (@theshroompost)!
Bienvenue à Enby pirate's depressed and horny memes and unrelated mischievous stuff (@enbypirate) !
2024/07/01 00:47:56
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