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To change the number you use with Telegram, open Settings (which is inside the left menu on Android). On iPhone, in the next menu, tap Edit in the top-right corner. This step isn't necessary on Android. Do you know that Telegram offers a handful of readymade app icons so that you can change the look of the icon depending on your home screen layout? Ever since I stumbled upon this hidden Telegram hack, I have been using it to amp up the home screen customization game. If you are also in the same boat, you would find it pretty cool as well. Who are the social leaders from Maharashtra holding up Mahatma Gandhi’s l...Premium

Keep reading to learn what Telegram does, what its main features are, and why you might consider using it. You can also download the app right away at the link below. According to the official Telegram FAQ section, You can create secret chats that use end-to-end encryption. This means only you and your chat partner can read those messages. Premium Voice-to-Text Faster and Stronger

Telegram allows you to classify all your chats into various folders. This lets you deal with a group of chats at a time and avoid others when they are not important. For instance, you could set a group to include all chats from your work colleagues and another to manage your personal social circle. Manage When Old Sessions are Automatically Terminated Telegram offers two types of APIs for developers. Both are free of charge. Telegram bots are nothing but regular telegram accounts, which can be coded and used to add more features to enhance user experience. You can find these bots from the top search bar on the homepage. For example,

This kind of feature can make conversations more orderly while increasing the value of each individual message. You can enable this option from the “Group Permission” section. Keep it on forever, or toggle as necessary to throttle rush hour traffic. The profile videos of premium users will animate for everyone throughout the app – including in chats and the chat list. Let everyone see your new look, or flex your creativity with a unique looping animation.

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