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Let’s check out what are the main Telegram features that you should be used to simplify the way you’re messaging in 2021. When multiple users share their live location within a group, they’re displayed on an interactive map. To use this feature, choose “location” from the attachment menu and tap on “Share my location for…” Reminder on messaging apps has been one of the most sought-after features and finally, you can use it on Telegram. Recently, WhatsApp partnered with to bring Reminders, however, Telegram has implemented this feature natively. Though there is one lingering issue. You can only set reminders in the “Saved Messages” section. Type out the task and tap and hold the “send” button. Here, choose “set a reminder” and pick your date and time. Telegram will send a reminder notification just like Google Calendar or other task management apps. While the feature is good, we would have loved it more had it been available for user chats too.

The fact that Telegram allows users to create and install their custom theme makes using the service a joy. This is one of my favorite Telegram Messenger tricks. Basically, you can customize your Telegram app to look however you want it to. To create your own theme go to Settings->Chat Settings ->Theme and tap on “Create New Theme”. Here, first add a custom Name of your Theme and then tap OK. Furthermore, you can view how much Mobile or WiFi data you have consumed so far. Just tapping on “Data Usage”, and it will show you “Bytes sent” and “Bytes received” of individual file types. Sent a picture without adding your usual filter or marking the text you wanted to highlight? Sent the wrong picture altogether? Telegram can help you out. The app allows users to edit photos and even replace them after you have sent it. The aforementioned secret chats are where you can take part in end-to-end encrypted messaging with a contact. But that’s not its only benefit: Secret chats also don’t allow a person forward messages from there or take screenshots. Of course, someone could take a picture of the screen with another device, but it’s still discouraged, and it’s bolstered by another feature: self-destruct timers.

Hopefully, I have listed enough Telegram features to help you understand why the Telegram app is so popular and secure. Custom Theme Your Telegram 5b Additionally, subscribers can enable a setting in Privacy and Security to automatically archive and mute new chats, helping organize even the busiest chat lists. To start a Secret Chat, you can either tap on the option in the hamburger menu and select a contact to start the chat. Alternatively, you can go to an existing chat, tap on the top bar for the user’s information and scroll down to find the “Start Secret Chat” option at the very bottom of the page. Once you tap on the option, the other person will have to accept your invitation to initiate the Secret Chat.

Private Chats in Telegram Settings Disabled: Turn off automatic night mode and always use the chosen theme.

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