Telegram Link

Telegram CO

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TG COLOMBIA Telegram Group

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You can also write a longer bio and include a link in it. Similarly, Premium allows adding more characters to media captions. Finding the proper way to respond to any message will be easier with up to 400 favorite GIFs. Lastly, Premium users can reserve up to 20 public links, making any group or channel you create stand out with a short and concise link. Digital Stickers allow you to express yourself better and in a more fun way. Since they are bigger, more detailed, and frequency animated, they make up for the expressiveness and gesture that can get lost in text conversations. Because Telegram lets you interact with people even if you aren't in each other's contacts, you may wish to make your account more private. To change privacy options, head to Settings > Privacy and Security. Here, you can change who can see your phone number, active status, and more.

Polls and Quiz Mode To change the number you use with Telegram, open Settings (which is inside the left menu on Android). On iPhone, in the next menu, tap Edit in the top-right corner. This step isn't necessary on Android. You can also able to set your chat to self-destruct in a certain period of time after it has been read or opened. Telegram gives you an option where you can select who can see your last seen time. To configure this, go to “Settings”, “Privacy and Security” and then tap on “Last Seen & Online”. You can share it with everybody, or people in your contact list, or nobody, or add exceptions like “never share with” XYZ.

Migrate Phone Numbers, or Add a Second Number Self-destruct Media in Normal Chats This will allow us to offer all the resource-heavy features users have asked for over the years, while preserving free access to the most powerful messenger on the planet. Add Nearby People and Group

Telegram Proxy Options If you like to customize your favorite chats, there is a good chance that you would appreciate custom sounds. What makes it so handy is the ability to let you set any short audio clip from a chat as a notification sound. It will make it a bit more convenient for you to identify the alerts from a specific Telegram chat. Keep in mind that the audio clip must be less than 5 seconds and up to 300KB in size.

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