Media is too big
🎥 Ramiro discusses using NewPipe as an alternative to YouTube on Above Phone! 📲

Watch more of the Mindful Media webinar series free:
🎙 Did you know your phone ‘phones home’ every 5 minutes sending your apps, analytics, and behavior to advertisers?

Catch Ramiro on Steve’s Place Live! Podcast as he explores transforming our mobile ecosystem, how phone tracking works, how surveillance effects you, and how to change your mindset about the future of privacy 🛡

Watch the full interview here:
Media is too big
Unlock the potential of KeePass with our security webinar. Discover how you can securely store more than just passwords.

Watch for free:
I'm thinking through a methodology one could use to rate the "privacy" of mobile apps. What type of events discovered in an app would make an app worse for privacy in your opinion? If you think of anything else - message us at @takebackourtech_chat
Anonymous Poll
Using big tech cloud services
Using cloud services that are not big tech
Using embedded social media tracking
Unexplained or suspicious requests
Large numbers of requests to the app's parent organization
Media is too big
Ramiro discusses managing RSS on Feeder using Above Phone.

From set-up to customization, get the most of your RSS feeds.

Watch the full webinar:
Media is too big
Jack Spirko Survival Podcast: Above Phone Origin Story

On the Jack Spirko Survival Podcast, Ramiro discusses the Above Phone Origin story, the importance of solutions and key takeaways for how data is exploited by malicious actors.

Watch the full interview:

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Media is too big
Data Economy of Telecom

On the Survival Podcast, Jack Spirko and Ramiro get into the data economy of telecom companies who are required by law to work with data collection and the danger of your data being sold to foreign agencies and bad actors without your permission.

Listen to the full interview:

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2023 ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference Aug 9-13

There's a whole world of advanced technologies that are just becoming available to humanity. Antigravity, clean energy, and quantum technology - domains that have often been overlooked or suppressed in the past.

Sounds exciting right? That's why Ramiro will be attending the TeslaTech Conference August 9-13, 2023 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This is an in-person conference over 5 days where the brightest scientists and researchers will be sharing their technical discoveries.

Join Ramiro to explore these groundbreaking topics! Above Phone will be sponsoring the event, and Ramiro will have phones in person. He'll also be interviewing conference speakers for @takebackourtech

It would be an honor to meet you in person and learn together.

Conference handout:

There’s still time to register:

Let them know Above Phone sent you for 30% off the ticket!

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⚡️New Series Being Published Next Week

Hey peeps,

I'm very excited to be releasing Pt 1 of a new series next week, this one diving further into mobile privacy/security - and will focus on phone backdoors, how they work, the relationship with contact tracing, and how they're being used by phone manufacturers themselves!

I would appreciate y'all spreading the word everywhere when we post the series, our community is thankfully on-top of these issues but the majority of people are blissfully unaware - we may have to venture on proprietary social media to spread the word.

You are loved!

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Media is too big
The Survival Podcast w/ Jack Spirko: How Apps Sell Data

Ramiro talks about the hidden trackers and analytics libraries inside an average app on popular app stores. These analytics are aggregated by data brokers and then sold off.

He points to alternative app stores while highlighting the article Phones: Who Can We Call On? on the official TBOT website:

Watch the full interview:

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Media is too big
Telegram Masterclass: Managing Data Storage
Keep your Telegram account running smoothly! 🚀 Regularly clear cache and manage storage use to avoid lag.

Watch more for free:

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⚡️ Exclusive Black Friday Sale Sneak Peek

Around the globe, new bills aim to outlaw encryption, compelling websites and internet services to scan and report user content. They jeopardize the privacy of all internet users.

If passed, these laws will penalize providers like us who prioritize user privacy, potentially leading to fines or imprisonment for protecting our users.

If you aren’t already prepared, there’s no better time to get started. In fact, I recently published ‘5 Ways to Prepare for the Online Privacy Crackdown’ on Unlimited Hangout to offer practical solutions.

For those of you that are ready to take action - we have good news.

We will be announcing a community exclusive Black Friday sale next week, starting November 20th.

We've been working hard on improving our supply and support, and we want more people to take the leap onto friendly technologies this Holiday season.

Make sure you are signed up to our email list, and keep an eye on your inbox next week for our biggest offers yet.

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Above Security Notice

Dear Above Community,

This past Saturday November 18th, 2023 we detected an attack in progress on a few of our servers. Out of an abundance of caution we have taken all of our services offline including our main website, VPNs, email, chat, video conferencing, and search engine. This has been done to protect your data.

We are currently conducting a thorough search and investigation into our infrastructure to assess the scope of the attack. We will be focused on this investigation and implementing security measures.

Our next priority is to restore access to services in a secure manner. As users of our own service we understand how inconvenient this is and we are deeply sorry for the disruption and the impact it has made.

We will do everything in our power to rise Above these issues and grow from the experience. We deeply appreciate your understanding and support during this time.

We will be putting up this announcement on our main website shortly. Customers will receive an email with more information today and we will have a support email available for communication soon.

The Above Team
💻 Next Edition of Above Book

We launched Above Book a few months ago to a select group of customers with the intention of using a highly advanced operating system Arch Linux. We really desired to make Arch accessible to people and made great use of Arch's package helpers like (yay), as well as integrations with GUI based software stores like Discover, and our simplification of maintenance tasks using scripts.

For some people this worked out - but there were also others who struggled to get used to Arch Linux and maintain their system without outside support. Hearing all the response and feedback from real world users has been invaluable and given me reason to pursue a slightly more plug-and-play option.

This new option will be based on Debian and offer close to the same features, look & feel, and curated software. Already working with it I see that there are many things that Arch simply does better thanks to its community based packaging, like the availability and accessibility of different software and being able to install it in a single command.

If I've learned anything from the years of using Linux systems is that there's always fun strengths and weaknesses inherent to every distribution. The important part is giving people the Freedom of Choice so they can pick what fits them.

When this new version is released and Above Book goes back on sale - you will have the option to pick the more advanced OS based on Arch Linux, or the simpler edition based on Debian. Additionally people who were having a difficult time should be able to migrate over to the simpler OS.

One thing is certain, people want to use friendly technology on their computers and we now have the chance to bring it to the masses.

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Above Is Hiring 🎉

As we continue to grow and expand our mission to protect privacy and ensure freedom of communication, we are excited to announce that we're looking to add passionate and dedicated members to our team. At Above Phone, our team is the cornerstone of our success, embodying our commitment to digital privacy and empowering individuals against surveillance and censorship.

We Are Hiring for Two Key Positions:

Sales Engineer: Are you an effective communicator passionate about privacy rights? Help us expand our reach and educate potential customers about the benefits of Above Phone and our other products. If you have a knack for sales and a passion for tech that protects user privacy, we want you on our team!

Support Engineer: Do you excel in problem-solving and enjoy helping others? Our Support team needs people like you who can provide top-notch assistance to our users, helping them navigate their privacy phones and ensuring they make the most out of their digital freedom. If you're patient, empathetic, and committed to promoting digital rights, this role could be your perfect fit.

Why Join Above Phone? At Above Phone, you’ll be part of a dynamic team that values innovation and the impact of secure communication technology. We believe in creating an environment where everyone can contribute to our vision of a more private and secure digital world.

Apply Today: If you're serious about making a difference and have the skills to contribute to our team, we would love to hear from you. If you’re already an Above Phone user and you fit either of these role descriptions, PLEASE reach out!

Visit our careers page to apply:

The deadline to apply is May 3rd.

We believe that with your support and the right team, we can continue to make strides in protecting personal privacy across the globe.

The Above Phone Team

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Above Book Privacy Laptop Launched

The fall of surveillance technology is near. Mass consciousness is now rising Above. Big tech servants are alienating their own customers with anti-features: AI in the taskbar. Advertisements in your search. Surveillance of your activities.

We need computers that serve us, not a faceless big tech company.

Above Book is a passion project we've been working on for 2 years, we wanted to design a cutting-edge Linux experience that was easy to use. Now we're committed to spreading private and free computing to the masses, 99% of whom are still trapped in abusive ecosystems.

The Above Book is one of the best Linux experiences you can have today. Its powered by AboveOS, our custom operating system. AboveOS is based off of Arch Linux which is lightweight, responsive and tremendously powerful. It uses KDE as its desktop environment for a beautiful, and feature-rich experience. We have done everything in our power to make sure you don't have to do any extra work. Its ready to go out of the box.

That means you don't need to touch the terminal. The basic functions such as installing and removing apps and updating the system are done completely through UI.

And it can do more than your normal computer would, because we've integrated an entire ecosystem onto Above Book.

Freedom is reaching mass consciousness, and we have designed our devices to help the masses, not the few. We want to see you change the world with your Above Book.

Above Book, now available for pre-order. Orders begin shipping July 1st.

Order now:
Read the full blog post:

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⚡️Apple & Google WiFi Surveillance Can Track Death & Destruction

Chances are, if you’ve used Google Maps or Apple Maps, you’ve contributed to one of the biggest surveillance databases in the world.

Known for their accuracy, big tech maps can locate your phone within a few meters and even indoors.

No, these big tech maps aren’t using GPS - they’re using WPS or Wi-Fi positioning system.

These WPS systems collect millions of WiFi networks and tag them with locations.

Researchers in Maryland discovered through a flaw in Apple’s WPS that they could gather at least 2B (2 Billion) WiFi location points by requesting WiFi networks at random.

That’s enough points to cover the world’s populated areas, notably China was nearly empty except for a few thousand points. Looks like even the CCP can’t opt out of this surveillance.

We did the work for them.

When you use Google or Apple maps, your phone will send the nearby WiFi networks along with their signal strength to the WPS. The WPS will look up these networks in a database that has hundreds of millions of networks along with their location. The calculation is then performed on the server for Google location’s service, and on the phone for Apple location’s service - which sent a list of 400 additional WiFi points back.

And this is how you get a precise location for your phone. Any new WiFi networks you scanned are potentially added to the WPS databases.

Apple & Google have made their users the instrument of their surveillance.

And the things you can do with this surveillance are harrowing. The researchers were able to see how many WiFi access points went offline in Gaza due to the constant bombardment that caused the deaths of 40,000 civilians.

Similarly the researchers were able to see the damage from the August 2023 Maui fires, and the emigration of people from Ukraine to escape forced conscription.

Apple, Google and any organization they choose to share this WiFi data will have incredible capabilities. Don’t worry though - because these companies care so much about privacy - they give you a way to opt out.


Add _nomap to the end of your WiFi SSID (name), Google and Apple promise not to index Wifi networks ending with those names.

Turn off your WiFi network and use ethernet cable.

Read primary source material here.

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Above Book: Learn about our privacy laptop:

Above Suite: Use our privacy services:

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⚡️ Privacy For Billionaires vs Privacy For You

recently sat down with The Free Thought Project for a stimulating discussion on all the most critical happenings in the world of Big Tech, Surveillance & Privacy.

Here are some highlights:

- Implications of new proposed laws, such as the EARN IT Act and FISA 702 Reauthorization.
- How Google and Apple track the world's WiFi access points
- Spyware like NSO’s Pegasus and the backdoors in our phones, as well as the massive surveillance experiment conducted under the guise of COVID-19 contact tracing
- The truth behind Apple's Face ID technology and the unsettling practices of WiFi-based positioning systems.
- The types of surveillance we have to worry about on Windows and macOS, and explore Microsoft's new invasive Recall feature.

I detail a number of practical solutions for these issues that you can take action on today. It’s a must listen!

This podcast episode is also accompanied by an article published on #TFTP and the #TBOT substack. Follow us on Substack, we're going to be posting weekly content there :)

Read the article.
Read on the #TBOT subtack.

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⚡️Teams of AI Threaten Humanity

AI is rapidly evolving through the use of Multiple-Agent Systems (MAS). The simple explanation for this leap is that MAS are composed of multiple interacting agents, which are entities that can perceive their environment and take actions to achieve specific goals.

MAS can also compete with one another, which generally prepares them for a higher learning rate in comparison to other AI systems. Single agent systems like a software program, perform tasks independently without interaction with other agents.

In the recent NVIDIA GTC keynote conference, NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang proposed a future where socioeconomic outcomes are not driven by humans, but instead are entirely based in advanced, autonomous AI utilizing MAS that can manage a project from start to finish without any human input.

“How do we build software in the future? It is unlikely that you’ll write it from scratch or write a whole bunch of Python code or anything like that…It is very likely that you assemble a team of AIs.” Huang suggested.

Read the full post here.

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Above Book: Learn about our privacy laptop:

Above Suite: Use our privacy services:

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⚡️Hakeem Anwar Joins Fearless Podcast

TBOT’s Hakeem Anwar caught up with the Texas Boys on the Fearless Podcast recently. He got into how your cell phone is the ultimate invasion of your privacy.

Here are some highlights:

· Hakeem first realized the power of bringing people together using technology when he was tasked with building a Twitter clone in the big tech corporate world.

· He explains meeting activists Derick Broze and John Bush in 2019 and beginning to work on security systems for the Freedom Cell networks.

· He discusses tactics that Chinese hackers would use (overactive spam messages) to make sure people were not able to see event details for the Freedom Cell network in Telegram and therefore would not be able to see sign up links to register for the events.

· How you can use an infrared camera to see how an iPhone takes pictures of your face and environment every 5 seconds.

· How Apple leverages Apple Intelligence and ChatGPT on iPhones in order to leverage training data for invasive privacy tactics (like Apple and Microsoft working closely together).

Listen here:

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2024/06/29 12:21:13
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