For times when you may wish to concentrate on your work or just want to keep alerts from certain Telegram chats away to prevent them from becoming distractions, you can choose to mute chats. Yeah, this is exactly what you should use to reign in the annoying chats that keep bombarding you with unnecessary messaging. Depending on your needs, you can choose to mute individual chats for specific time durations like for 1 hour, 8 hours, 1 day, 7 days, or mute until a preferred date and time. According to the official Telegram FAQ section, You can create secret chats that use end-to-end encryption. This means only you and your chat partner can read those messages. See also: How to delete a Telegram account
Send Silent Messages If you want to send big files, Telegram has much of the competition beat with support for up to 2GB files. Meanwhile, WhatsApp’s limit is a measly 100MB, WeChat’s limit is also 100MB, and Skype’s limit is 300MB. Telegram files are also stored in the cloud, so you can access them from other devices. Can Telegram be used on PC? Most people use third-party apps to make sure that no one gets a hand on their private conversations. Telegram, however, has its own lock function to hide privates messages behind a passcode.
\Telegram Enable Proxy Custom Theme Your Telegram 3b The encryption is based on 2048-bit RSA encryption, 256-bit symmetric AES encryption, and Diffie–Hellman secure key exchange. Telegram Mute Option
Enable Auto-Night Mode When multiple users share their live location within a group, they’re displayed on an interactive map. To use this feature, choose “location” from the attachment menu and tap on “Share my location for…”
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