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Sometimes by losing a battle
you find a new way to win the war.

- Donald Trump 💪
Everything that has happened recently has shed light onto deeper issues that will continue and we must fight against them especially in our personal lives.. 🔍

Media censorship 🗣️🚫
-The average person can easily get banned on social media for simply saying something they genuinely think or believe in. Grow your followings and messaging groups on safer platforms such as Telegram or something like free speech social network

Fraud 👺
-We can never be naive and think everything is fair as we all know. You'd be surprised how some people try fool you on the daily in small ways. Suspicion and paranoia is healthy to a certain degree. Sometimes we let enemies slip even when we think our methods won't allow it. Double check everything, keep your eyes and minds open, stay smart etc.

Love yourself and spread love to your close ones. It may be another tough year but make sure to grow in some or all of your personal areas.

Diamonds are made under pressure. God Bless. 💎
'Enemy of The People' 👹💉

Many have no problem with censorship as they have never disagreed with the mainstream media which has been programming their minds since youth. They have formed most of their opinions from it. 👾🧠

The infiltration of propaganda into mass media, educational systems and organisations means the enemy's goal is psychological change of national values and individual perception of reality so that the majority of people don't perceive any danger from the system. 📺🗞

Reject what they want you to become, a mindless consumer. Enough of their manipulation. We're strong minded individuals, proud of our own values, beliefs, passions and goals. 🌹💪

"Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves."
Matthew 7:15
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“I will always fight for you. I will be watching. I will be listening."

Fought as much as they could. Thank you for everything. 🌹🇺🇸

It's a pity Trump's Twitter account is suspended right now. He could have made an interesting comment on the GameStop and Melvin Capital situation. 😂

It's just another bit of evidence that a mass amount of users on a social media platform is a power of the people. 💪

If you're not up to date on what's going on this video explains it.. 🤓
Dear Ladies, Happy Women's Day 💐
Happy Easter guys 🐰🥚🧺💝 God bless your homes with happiness
Curious, are you taking the vaccine?
Anonymous Poll
Already got it
Forwarded from Mrs. McLaughlin
Walking past this bench. Someone left the New Testament there with cat food for the stray cats on each side. I like seeing things like this. Makes me think.
Alexander Tytler (Scottsman from the 18th-19th centuries)
is credited with saying the following:

“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

This was said over 200 years ago.

Some actions during the pandemic proved that people are putting up "0" barriers to factors that challenge their freedom and many are more than ready to be told "exactly what to do again".

Sad how usually very little can be done when people are on the way to learning the lesson they deserve.

You can only just delay it, but there is a balance there that will always play itself out.

We are optimists and don't like to think about something like this but sometimes we need to analyze the bigger picture in order to be ready for the future.
Trump on how to handle stress
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NEW - Trump: "They want to take away your freedom."

2024/09/26 04:40:45
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