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What are Higher Order Functions in JavaScript? Explained With Examples

#js #javascript

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react-native-vision-camera - a powerful, high-performance React Native Camera library

#reactnative #library #package

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How does useOptimistic() work internally in React?


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🌟Dedicated servers for sale at favorable prices!🌟

Wide selection of dedicated servers: We offer dedicated servers from leading providers such as AWS, Azure, Atlantic, Alibaba and others. We have servers for every task and requirement.

Reliability and performance: All our servers provide high performance and stable operation, which allows you to realize any projects without delays and problems.

Flexible pricing policy: We offer competitive prices starting from 7💲per account. In addition, there is a special 5% discount for large volume purchases.

Do not miss the opportunity to buy a dedicated server at a favorable price right now! Contact me @Ded1k1 for more information and consultation.
Getting the Current URL in Next.js Server Components


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Zustand vs useState – How to Manage State in React Apps

#react #zustand

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Lazy loading services in Angular. What?! Yes, we can.


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Frontend Masters: Solid Principles in React / React Native

#react #reactnative #solid

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TON is Hosting Three-Day Offline Marathons for Developers in 13 Cities Worldwide

TON (The Open Network), a blockchain integrated into Telegram, is currently holding the largest hackathon in its history, “The Open League Hackathon,” with a prize pool of $2,000,000!

To support the hackathon, TON Society is organizing offline events around the world, giving Web3 enthusiasts the opportunity to spend three days immersed in development and networking.

📍 The marathons will take place in Prague, Berlin, Kyiv, Warsaw, Tbilisi, Belgrade, Seoul, Taipei (Taiwan), Gurugram (India), Hong Kong, Minsk, Moscow, and Saint Petersburg. The first events start on May 24th, so hurry up and register!

🔥 Why you should participate:

— 3 days of networking, lectures, competitions, and working on your own projects with continuous support from TON Foundation representatives and teams from the TON ecosystem. You can also join online.

— $5,000 prize for the top three projects at each offline event + plenty of merchandise and other bonuses.

Don’t miss the chance to present your mini-application to 900 million active Telegram users with TON.

Check the marathon schedule and details here - sign up and don't miss out on this great opportunity!

For guaranteed application review and other inquiries, contact the community manager @kate_shuffle
The Front End Developer/Engineer Handbook 2024

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When to Use Bun Instead of Node.js

#nodejs #bun

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YouTube.js - a full-featured wrapper around the InnerTube API

#library #packages

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2024/06/29 12:08:45
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