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🚨 This Saturday, I'll be reporting live from São Paulo on Brazil’s Independence Day—a day that is more important now than ever, not just for Brazilians, but for the entire world. Because what’s at stake isn’t just a national holiday, but something far greater: our freedom of speech, the most fundamental right next to our personal liberty.

The ban of X in Brazil by De Moraes is not just a slap on the wrist for a social media platform—no, it’s a test run, much like COVID was, to see how far the small elite can censor, oppress, and politically persecute us until we reach our breaking point and finally take action.

It should have happened already—when people from the free world stood with Brazilians to defend free speech. This isn’t about supporting a political side or winning a battle against an opponent. It’s about something much bigger—the survival of the fragile dream of democracy and the freedom that every human being on this planet deserves!

So please, share my live coverage from São Paulo and let the voices of these brave people echo around the globe!

Long live freedom, and may God protect Brazil!
🚨 Diesen Samstag berichte ich live aus São Paulo zum brasilianischen Unabhängigkeitstag – ein Tag, der wichtiger ist als je zuvor. Und nicht nur für die Brasilianer – nein, für die ganze Welt. Denn was auf dem Spiel steht, ist nicht einfach nur ein Verbot einer Social Media Plattform, sondern etwas viel Größeres: die Meinungsfreiheit, unser wertvollstes Gut neben der persönlichen Freiheit.

Das Verbot von X in Brasilien durch De Moraes ist nicht nur eine kleine Lektion für eine Social-Media-Plattform – nein, es ist ein Probelauf, genau wie es COVID war.
Wie weit kann uns die kleine Elite zensieren, unterdrücken und politisch verfolgen, bevor wir genug haben und endlich aktiv werden?

Es hätte schon längst passieren müssen – der Moment, in dem die Menschen der freien Welt Seite an Seite mit den Brasilianern für die Meinungsfreiheit kämpfen. Es geht nicht darum, welche politische Meinung überlegen ist oder den Gegner zu schlagen. Es geht um etwas viel Größeres: das Überleben des fragilen Traums von Demokratie und Freiheit, der jedem Menschen auf diesem Planeten zusteht!

Also bitte teilt meine Berichterstattung live aus São Paulo und lasst die Stimmen dieser mutigen Menschen um die Welt gehen!

Es lebe die Freiheit und Gott schütze Brasilien!
🚨 Neste sábado, estarei reportando ao vivo de São Paulo no Dia da Independência do Brasil – um dia que é mais importante do que nunca, não apenas para os brasileiros, mas para o mundo inteiro. Porque o que está em jogo não é apenas um feriado nacional, mas algo muito maior: a liberdade de expressão, o nosso bem mais precioso além da nossa própria liberdade.

A proibição do X no Brasil por De Moraes não é apenas uma lição para uma plataforma de mídia social – não, é um teste, assim como a COVID foi, para ver até onde a pequena elite pode nos censurar, oprimir e nos perseguir politicamente até chegarmos ao nosso limite e finalmente agirmos.

Isso já deveria ter acontecido – o momento em que as pessoas do mundo livre se posicionaram ao lado dos brasileiros para defender a liberdade de expressão. Não se trata de apoiar um lado político ou de vencer uma batalha contra um oponente. Trata-se de algo muito maior – a sobrevivência do frágil sonho de democracia e da liberdade que todo ser humano neste planeta merece!

Então, por favor, compartilhem minha cobertura ao vivo de São Paulo e deixem que as vozes dessas pessoas corajosas ecoem pelo mundo!

Viva a liberdade e que Deus proteja o Brasil!
I’m excited to announce I’ll be reporting live from tomorrow’s protest on behalf of Mario Nawfal

Tune in live for an up close experience and interviews!
🇧🇷🇧🇷Brazil has awakened, and yesterday’s events made it clear that Justice Minister Alexandre de Moraes has stirred a sleeping giant he cannot control. A breathtaking sea of over one million protesters dressed in the national colors of yellow and green filled the streets – a sight that would stir the soul of any patriot.

People have come together to stand up for their inalienable birthright to free speech. In a time when censorship and suppression dominate the discourse, brave voices rise in defense of true democracy. Figures like Eduardo Bolsonaro, Nikolas Ferrera, Gustavo Gayer , Marcel Van Hattem, Michael Schellenberger, and Allan Dos Santos are the heroes leading this fight. They stand resolutely at the forefront of a movement demanding the restoration and protection of free expression.

Yesterday’s events reveal a population that is not willing to surrender its fundamental rights. Brazil's future is being reshaped in these moments, and the defenders of freedom show no signs of backing down.
🇧🇷🇧🇷 I had the privilege of conducting an insightful and revealing interview with Nikolas Ferreira, where we discussed the current political climate in Brazil. The conversation shed light on how the country is increasingly resembling a dictatorship under the leadership of Lula and De Moraes, rather than the democracy it claims to be.

Nikolas Ferreira, a dedicated politician, is not only standing up for his own right to criticize Lula, but he is also fighting on behalf of all Brazilians. His commitment is driven by a desire to ensure that future generations, including his young daughter, can grow up in a free and prosperous nation.

Media is too big
🚨🇧🇷BREAKING - A meeting of the justice committee has been temporarily halted as the politicians were set to vote on granting pardons to the prisoners from the January 8 events. However, the left-wing and center faction are stalling the process by diverting the discussion toward unrelated policy debates.

The political left in Brazil appears resistant to seeking justice for these inmates, some of whom are facing sentences of up to 17 years for minor offenses.

Nikolas Ferreira in an short update about the current situation.
Media is too big
🇧🇷🚨 The family of Clezao, the man who tragically passed away in prison due to a severe illness, and @Biakicis gave an emotional interview recounting his ordeal.

Clezao was imprisoned for alleged involvement in the January 8th events simply because he had purchased a ticket to Brasília. He wasn't even present in the city when the acts of vandalism occurred.

His health deteriorated to the point where prison doctors themselves advocated for his release under house arrest. Despite this, de Moraes ignored the medical recommendations and the pleas from his family and politicians who fought for his life.

Clezao ultimately died in prison. Now, the left-wing and centrist factions are actively sabotaging the vote on pardoning the prisoners involved in the January 8th incident.
Media is too big
🚨🇧🇷 Reflections on My Experience in Brazil

My time in São Paulo left me with a sense of hope—the fighting spirit for freedom and freedom of speech among the Brazilian people is stronger than ever. The city feels like a beacon of light at the end of a dark tunnel.

However, my experience in Brasília revealed a stark contrast. The unlawful and unconstitutional actions of Justice Alexandre de Moraes are deeply troubling. What is happening under his watch is alarming.

The opposition must intensify its efforts to prevent this figure, masquerading as a judge, from dismantling the last remnants of democracy in Brazil.

It is crucial to recognize that what is unfolding in Brazil is not an isolated event—it is a test case for the world. Should Brazil lose its battle against censorship and tyranny, similar patterns may soon follow in Europe, the UK, and eventually the USA.

Be vigilant to the warning signs of censorship. The fight for freedom is universal.
🚨🇧🇷 A left-wing, pro-communist Brazilian journalist named Marcelo Hailer recently wrote a smear article about me and my documentary work on Brazil’s political situation. Without asking for an interview, he contacted me via Instagram and, while waiting for a response, published a baseless attack.

I’ve reached out to left-wing politicians, Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes, and President Lula to give them the opportunity to share their views on unconstitutional acts in Brazil and de Moraes’ misuse of power. After I contacted de Moraes' office, Marcelo messaged me, but I hadn’t responded as I was flying back to the U.S.

It’s clear my documentary has rattled some on the left, but thank you, Marcelo Hailer, for the free publicity! 😘
🇧🇷🇧🇷Support the Documentary #ForaMoraes – Brazil’s Fight for Freedom

Brazil stands on the frontline of a global battle for free speech and democracy. Under the crushing force of censorship, journalists are forced into exile, and political persecution is becoming the new normal. But the voices of the oppressed cannot be silenced forever.

I am producing #ForaMoraes – Brazil’s Fight for Freedom, a self-funded documentary that tells the raw truth of what is happening in Brazil – unfiltered and real. Through this work, I want to show the world what is at stake: the fight for freedom of speech, not just in Brazil, but for all of us.

But I can't do this alone. With your support, I can complete the crucial interviews with exiled journalists and cover the travel and production costs to ensure this story reaches the world.

This documentary remains fiercely independent, free from profit-driven agendas or gatekeepers.

‼️But I need your help to keep it that way. Stand with me and Brazil in this fight for freedom and truth.🇧🇷🇧🇷

Any contribution makes a difference.

Thank you.
#ForaMoraes #Freedom #FreeBrazil
Vicky_Richter_Journalist🇩🇪🇺🇸🇧🇷 pinned «🇧🇷🇧🇷Support the Documentary #ForaMoraes – Brazil’s Fight for Freedom Brazil stands on the frontline of a global battle for free speech and democracy. Under the crushing force of censorship, journalists are forced into exile, and political…»
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#ForaMoraes – Brazil’s Fight for Freedom
In a country where censorship reigns and voices are silenced, a battle for truth and democracy unfolds. Follow the untold stories of those fighting against oppression, risking everything for the freedom of speech.
This is not just Brazil's fight—it's a fight for freedom everywhere.

The world needs to see what’s happening. Will you listen?

Coming Winter 2024.
#ForaMoraes #FightForFreedom #brazil #FreedomOfSpeech

To support the project:
Media is too big
🚨🇧🇷 If you missed it, catch my interview from last night on @OANN with Ivory Hecker, where I discussed my experiences in Brazil and the ongoing battle for freedom and free speech. Brazil is just a testing ground for the globalist agenda. The rise of the #MindPolice in Europe and the UK, especially with the #DSA, shows this is a global fight for our rights. Don't miss this important conversation!
🚨🇧🇷 Exciting news! My upcoming documentary Fora Moraes – Brazil’s Fight for Freedom has caught the attention of mainstream media in Brazil. Here's a quick summary from Revista Oeste:

German journalist Vicky Richter announced the release of her documentary, which sheds light on oppression and threats to freedom of speech in Brazil, focusing on Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes. Set to premiere in December, the film explores political persecution, illegal arrests, and censorship, calling it a battle for truth and democracy. Vicky highlights the stark contrast between the hope in São Paulo and the alarming actions taking place in Brasília under de Moraes’ watch.

The documentary aims to tell the untold stories of those risking everything for freedom of expression. Stay tuned!
🇧🇷🇧🇷Support Freedom of Speech! #ForaMoraes – Brazils Fight for Freedom

I'm producing a powerful documentary exposing the political persecution happening in Brazil under de Moraes. This fight isn’t just about Brazil—it’s about defending the right to speak freely worldwide!

The voices of millions are being silenced, but together, we can amplify their fight for justice and freedom. If you believe in the power of free speech, consider supporting or donating to help bring this crucial story to the global stage.

🙏 Join the movement—donate today:

#ForaMoraes #Brazil #FightForFreedom #FreeSpeech #Documentary #VoiceForTheVoiceless
The mainstream media and @techpolicypress have relentlessly framed @elonmusk as the ultimate villain, a "threat to democracy" on a global scale.

But here’s the twisted irony: shouldn't they be backing his fight for free speech instead of leading the charge to destroy him? In just September 2024 alone, we’ve seen a media frenzy labeling Musk as a far-right extremist for his support of Trump and his refusal to bow down to governments like Brazil’s, which sought to silence him through legal threats and platform bans. They scream about Musk’s supposed radicalization, claiming he amplifies misinformation, while conveniently ignoring that the real threat is the ever-increasing censorship governments and Big Tech impose.

Musk’s critics are quick to point out his political influence—yes, he’s rich, and yes, he’s a powerful player. But instead of acknowledging that Musk’s real fight is against oppressive governments, political censorship, and the erosion of free speech, media outlets obsess over how he might benefit personally. Meanwhile, tech companies that actually stifle free speech for their own interests—like Meta and Google—are somehow hailed as neutral, responsible actors.

Let’s not forget Musk’s battles in #Brazil, where his platform X was banned by the Supreme Court, forcing him to choose between standing up for free expression or complying with absurd censorship demands. When @X briefly evaded Brazil’s block, the media spun it as yet another example of Musk’s recklessness, conveniently overlooking the reality that people were deprived of their freedom to communicate.

And when Musk pushes back against political correctness and refuses to toe the line with narratives pushed by the woke elite, the media doesn’t even try to hide their bias—they jump straight to labeling him a “far-right” troll. Yet, these same journalists who demonize Musk for exercising free speech are the ones who benefit most from the very freedoms they’re trying to strip away. If only they could see that in trying to take Musk down, they’re fighting against the very principles they claim to uphold. But maybe they know that, and just don’t care. #ElonMusk #FreeSpeech #Censorship #MediaBias
2024/09/27 02:28:38
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